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With a TI83+, there is a 'draw' program.

Having way too much time on my hands, I amuse myself by making pictures on it..

From there I used paint to save them onto an actual computer, and then put them on my site.. And here they are.

A picture of the main character of Final Fantasy 7, Cloud Strife.

And another, after I added color to him.

A picture of Edd, as from 'Ed, Edd, and Eddy', based on the story 'The Secret of Edd'.

And with color added.

Another Ed, Edd, and Eddy character=> Ed. I don't really like the way the top of his head came out, but the rest seemed pretty good, considering I didn't do it on the calc at all... You really should see the picture I based it off of. Oy.

A character of my own design, which I eventually plan to have in a story... Being very slowly written.

And Acikis again, with the beginnings of color being added... Each one takes over an hour, so it'll be a while before I add more.