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Ed. A simple name, for a simple guy. Of course, Ed is a more complex person at times, but that seems to be as random as what comes out of his mouth....



Also known as:






Order of stuff:

1. Ed's appearance

2. Ed's room

3. Ed's personality

4. Ed's obsessions

5. Ed's severe strength, and other abilities of his...

6. Ed's allergies.... 0_0

7. His relationship with Sarah

8. His "girlfriend"

9. Vague family references

Ed's looks...

"Do I look like 20 bucks or what?"-Eddy "Or what is a good question..." -Edd

As I said before, Ed is tall. He has yellowish skin and a buzz-cut. Although it usually looks black, his hair is actually red (or orange) if you comb it out. He usually wears a green jacket with a red-and-white striped t-shirt underneath, as well as baggy light blue pants and black shoes. His eyes have a tendency of looking in different directions at once, and he usually has a large grin on his face. The reason Eddy calls him Monobrow is obvious... Ed has one eyebrow, that doesn't seems to be attached to his head...

Ed is already into puberty. Not only is he tall, but also he has a lot of pimples on his back... That he played connect the dots with, making a boat shape... ^_^

Ed's room: "Ed, HOW CAN YOU LIVE THIS WAY?!?" -Edd (It's not exactly clean...)

Ed's room is a disaster area, where every known germ and filth to crawl this planet is in there somewhere. He has old sandwiches that are blue and covered with mushrooms, seagulls under his bed, a secret sponge collection in his wall (yes, Ed collects sponges. Don't ask why...)

Despite Ed's lack of hygiene, he actually does have a bathroom down in his basement where his room is located. However, his only use for the bath seems to be for storing gravy in.....

Some sticky substance or another, causing travel to be difficult at best, always covers Ed’s floor.

Posters of random 80’s B-movies, or BAD movies cover his walls. More accurately, bad sci-fi movies. You know, like those old Godzilla movies? That probably cost $50 to make? Yeah, those. Ed's obsessed with those movies too. The titles range from things like:

"I was a cotton swab in Madam Earwax's museum, the mini series"


"Barf, protector of the Bunion people."

Need I say more? His overactive imagination sees threats involving musters, zombies, and phantoms all over in real life, and it tends to cause he and the other Eds problems all the time... But back to his room.

Ed has one window in his room. One little tiny thing that people use for getting in and out of his house when they don't feel like going up the stairs. After all, Ed's room IS in the basement. However, take out the window and the stairs and the only escape route left is the drain. ^_^

In fact, the boys once had to sneak into Ed's room through that drain because Ed was grounded. Because he was grounded, his parents took out the stairs. LITERALLY! There were no stairs left there! Disturbing, isn't it?

Ed's personality: "I wish I had four stomachs..." -Ed Need I say more?

Ed's personality is a little... wacky... Sometimes Ed is an extremely thick guy who doesn't understand a thing happening around him, running into a wall or pole repeatedly for minutes on end; sometimes he joins in plots to make fun of Edd with Eddy, understanding every part and not messing it up; and sometimes he uses whatever methods are necessary to get his way, including cry, yell, or physically force someone to do something.

He seems to have multiple personalities in this respect, and he's been getting smarter as the show goes on. Ed also has a talent for imitating Eddy.... Even better than Eddy himself, sometimes....

Along with Ed's over quirks, he has a habit of spouting off whatever words that come to mind, completely randomly...

"Gravy!" Is a favorite of his, along with "Buttered toast"

His more... interesting quotes range from:

"Sheepskin seat covers"

"I wish, I wish, I was a fish"

"I say the cheese is always twice the fencepost."

As well as his more profound and intellectual moments...

"Spending an extended time in female company can be mentally disorienting AND physically confusing."

"I have caused discomfort 'cause I'm Eddy!" -Ed, imitating Eddy.

And let's not forget one of his most important and widespread favorite things of all:


What can you say? The guy is obsessed with various things, including his crazy desire to own a chicken. He apparently has kidnapped several in various ways, including stuffing them in his green jacket, carrying them behind his back, and even holding one in his mouth... Ick!

Ed's obsessions: "My fantasy come true! I AM BUTTERED TOAST!" -Ed

If that intro didn't warn you, I don't know what will.... Ed has very... unusual interests, to say the least. They range from his firm belief in the reality of B-movies, to chickens, to gravy/buttered toast, to jawbreakers... Like I said, unusual interests.


"It's the phantom of the earwax!"

Comic books:

"Jib, meet my friends, Eddy and Double D." -Ed, with absolutely no one next to him.

"Evil Tim has summoned you!"

As a result of these movies and comics, Ed has become very gullible regarding the supernatural. Whatever you do, never pretend to be a monster near him. He'll believe that you really are one, then he'll try to destroy you with any available weapon, including smashing a tree over your head... ^_^ (That probably hurt Edd and Jimmy...)

Ed's strength: "Lots of hurt, hold the onions!" -Ed, about to drop a HOUSE on Eddy...

Yes, Ed is strong. VERY strong, for how skinny his arms are. Of course, his abilities fluctuate, but he is nonetheless, the strongest kid around...


Ed picks up a tree to crush 'the monster'...

He picks up a house to hurt Eddy, so Eddy will get attention...

He eats a cement block, and a sink...

He is suspended by only one tooth, and he isn't in pain...

Is that enough? I should think so... And nearly inhuman strength isn't Ed's only ability. He also can:

Forge handwriting perfectly, so that even Edd thought it was his mom's writing.

Swim like a dolphin or seal, jumping out of the water and all.

Crawl around on his head by moving his eyebrow...

Ed's allergies: "I think I'm allergic to eels, guys..." -Ed

Um, heh heh... Ed seems to have three allergies; rabbits, dandelions, and eels. The rabbits and eels, anyway, dandelions just make him sneeze.


When Ed is exposed to rabbits too long, he sneezes several times, gets itchy and blotchy, then starts to bloat until he's so full of hot air, he floats...

With dandelions, he just has a sneezing fit for a little while.

Eels, on the other hand, have a very unusual effect... After Rolf stuffed their pants with eels (ICK!!!) Ed felt funny for a while, then mutated into a very large fish. VERY large. The only thing that still looked like him was the clothes and his one eyebrow.

Ed's relationship with Sarah: "Don't tell mom, deprived-sibling!" -Ed

Yes, Ed and Sarah are brother and sister. And Sarah seems to be the angel of the family, always tattling on Ed, whether he did something or not. So Ed is now terrified of this 'demon child' he is forced to live with, absolutely terrified.

Of course, she doesn't always tell on him, provided Ed will do her a few favors... Like baby-sit Jimmy, do all her chores, or even 'jump into a lake with a brick tied to his foot while waiting for naked pictures of him to develop so Sarah can show them to all the kids of the cul-de-sac..." But, Ed DID have socks on, so it wasn't a big deal, right? ^_^

Ed's 'girlfriend':

"And no lovey-dovey stuff!" -Ed "Lovey-dovey!" The Kankers "Ed, you dolt!" -Eddy

No, Ed doesn't REALLY have a girlfriend, although May would protest otherwise... Ed is actually the least fazed when the Kankers show their faces, compared to Edd and Eddy, anyway...

When May tries to kiss him, or play 'footsies', or whatever, Ed either looks nervous, or just grins and laughs, off in his own little world... So, no, Ed doesn't seem to be in love with her, but as long as she doesn't try anything, he hardly notices her.... Poor May!

Family references: "Sarah will tell Mom, and Mom will tell Dad, and he'll say 'not now, I just got home from work!'" -Ed

Sadly, with this show you learn near nothing about the kids' families... But there is more actual evidence about Ed's family than any of the other kids. The most obvious is Sarah, his sister. She's the first sibling shown on the show, and probably the last.

However.... We know something about his parents that we don't know about anyone other adults on the show: What his mom looks like.

In one recent episode, you are shown a dream-version shot of Ed's mom. Blond hair, taller than Ed, even, reasonably high voice when humming, and wearing a dress at home. It being Ed's dream, his mom ended up having Jonny's face, but in that scene, you learn more about Ed than you do in any other part of the show. What his mom looks like, what his name is, and for kids who don't know, that Sarah is his sister. Quite amazing, in my opinion...

It is often suggested that Ed's mom stays home all the time, (thus allowing Sarah to tell on him easily) but what about Ed's dad? All we really know is that he's the adult who works in that family. It is, however, my opinion that he works at a construction company. When I get around to the 'theories' chapter of this thing, I'll explain my reasoning behind this.

Okay, that wraps it up for Ed. So, now on to Edd.