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This is just something I came up with to post on, and from there I've been making one for each of the characters... So check it all out.

Order of stuff:

Character names

Peach Creek explanation

Cul-de-sac explanation

Neighborhood explanation

Character descpriptions

The questions and unknowns...

First off, the small cast of characters you have to learn. After all, there are only 12 characters on the show, 13 if you count the piece of wood. :-)

The characters are:









Jonny (+Plank)

May Kanker

Marie Kanker

Lee Kanker

That's all the characters you have to know. Makes it easier, doesn't it? I should think so... Unlike other shows, where characters appear, are important,then vanish forever again, this one keeps the kids there all the time. This is because they are kids, apparently ranging from age 9-14, in the suburbs and without driver's liscenses.

Brief Peach Creek explanation:

As far as the area they live in goes, you know that they live in the suburbs. Appearently they also live near a big city that is vaguely referred to once ina while, but they never reveal the name, location, or direction it is from where they live. However, the cul-de-sac's neighborhood does have a name: Peach Creek. Yep, Peach Creek. Odd name, isn't it? There are about 12 houses on the block, 4 of which have no kids in them, and are therefore rarely seen. But, on to the cul-de-sac itself....

Brief cul-de-sac explanation:

When I started watching the show, I personally didn't know what a cul- de-sac was. I still don't really know, but here's my attempt at a definition:

a dead end street that has the round part at the end so cars can turn around, and so more houses fit in the area.

Pathetic, isn't it? I'll probably find a defination out of a dictionary, but for now that should work.

Brief neighborhood explanation:

The area they spend their time in is reasonably small. There's the cul-de-sac itself, the construction area just up the street where another cul-de-sac is being built, the nearby trailer park, the dump, the creek(peach creek, probably...), and the park. The kids occaisonally venture to other neighborhoods, the candy store, and towards the movie theatere, but only rarely.

Now, on to the characters. Obviously, Ed, Edd, and Eddy are the main characters. That IS the name of the show, after all... :-) Then you have the other kids, who aren't really their friends, because the Eds are outcasts... Anyway, to the explantions!

~~~The three groups~~~

The Eds: Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Three friends with the same name, and seperated from the other kids of their neighborhood. There is one thing other than their name that keeps them together, their love for jawbreakers. With Eddy's plans, Edd's intellect, and Ed's brute strength, the three scam their neighbors to make money and buy their favorite food of all, jawbreakers.

The kids: Sarah, Jimmy, Nazz, Kevin, Rolf, and Jonny/Plank. They usually exclude the Eds for various reasons, but get fooled time and time again by various scams. They tend to have plenty of money on hand, letting the Eds continue to make it from them.

The Kanker sisters: May, Marie, and Lee Kanker. New girls in the area, they live in the nearby trailer park "Park n Flush". They each have a crush on one of the Eds, and they often kidnap the Eds to kiss them. Other times, they spoil the Eds scams and take the mony for themselves.

~~~The individuals~~~

Ed: The town idiot if you will. He's one of the tallest kids in the cul-de- sac, as well as appearently one of the oldest, and he dons a buzz-cut for his hair. He's also the smelliest with NO sense of personal hygiene, and what seems to be a fear of soap and deoderant... He is obsessed with chickens and bad, old scifi movies. Ed's little sister, Sarah, terrorizes him and scares him into doing what she wants all the time. He is friends with Edd and Eddy, and terrified of the Kanker sisters.

Edd: The neighborhood genius, in a way. He's taller than most of the kids and reasonably old, and always wearing his black Adidas hat. Unlike Ed, Edd (Double D) is nearly obsessed with cleanliness and is quite afraid of germs. He is into science and is saving his money for and electron microscope. Another thing that seperates him from Ed is that Double D is an only child, and doesn't deal with a tyrannical sibling. Edd is friends with Ed and Eddy, and also afraid of the Kankers.

Eddy: The 'crime lord' of the area, for his delight in scamming kids. Eddy is far shorter than other kids his age, although he is either 12 or 13 years old, and he only has three hairs on his head. Eddy is different than Ed or Edd in that his obsession revolves around cold, hard cash. Eddy has a mysterious older brother who 'went away', who Eddy looks up to and takes after quite prominently. Eddy is rarely afraid of the Kankers, usually just angry with them for always messing up his plans.

Sarah: The red-headed brat of the neighborhood who always gets her way. Sarah is younger than most of the others, probably 9 to 11 years old. She as a hot temper to rival Eddy's, and a delight in playing girlish games like dressup with her best friend, Jimmy. She is Ed's younger sister, and she uses him to her advantage to get out of trouble and to make him do her dirty work. Although Jimmy is her best friend, she is also close friends with Nazz, and she doesn't trust the Eds.

Jimmy: The 'wimp' and girlish boy of the neighborhood. Jimmy is also younger than most of the kids, and he has a large metal retainer surrounding his head. He enjoys gardening, painting, and other soft activitities, although at heart he wishes he was a buff muscle man. There are no referrences to any relatives of his at anytime, and it is doubtful that he has siblings. Jimmy is best friends with Sarah, and in his mind, girlfriend and boyfriend, although she doesn't feel the same way.

Nazz: The 'siren' and 'chick' of the neighborhood, popular with almost ALL the boys.She seems to be older than most of the kids, although she's only average height, not to mention blond.. :-) She enjoys various sports including tennis, gymanastics, and baseball, as well as the more girlish things as babysitting and wearing lots of make-up. As with Jimmy, there is very little known about her family, siblings, or other. She is goods friends with Sarah and Kevin, but Ed, Edd, Eddy Jonny, and Kevin all have crushes on her.

Kevin: The 'jock' and 'jerk' of the cul-de-sac. Kevin is older than most of the kids, with his characteristic baseball cap that he only takes off once(to give it to Nazz), revealing a small amount of red hair. He's extremely into sports, playing all the time any sport he can, or any competition. Kevin is often seen riding his bike or throwing a football with Rolf. He's a friend of Rolf's and he hangs out with Nazz alot, and he absolutely HATES the Eds. The only information about his family is that his dad works in the jawbreaker factory, so K

Rolf: The mysterious foriegn kid from an un-known country. Rolf is seemingly the oldest kid in the neighborhood at what seems to be 13 or 14 years old. He is also one of the tallest kids, and unusual with his blue hair(representing black?). Although he enjoys sports here and there, he is the oldest kid in a mysterious and never-seen family, so he gets to take care of the whole house and farm. When Rolf is not busy working, he's hanging out with Kevin and the other non-Eds of the neighborhood.

Jonny 2x4: The weird bald kid with a piece of wood for a best friend. Jonny is about as young as Jimmy and Sarah, probably 10 years old. He's almost never seen without Plank, the piece of wood that 'talks' to him and spends all his time with. Despite his oddities, Jonny gets along well with every kid in the cul-de-sac, including the Eds.

May: The dumbest of the Kankers. May is the buck-toothed blond with a crush on Ed, and about as little hygiene as him. She spends all her time with her sisters, for the three are almost never seen apart. As far as their parents go, they all have the same mom, but appearently different dads...

Marie: The slyest of the Kankers. Marie is a blue haired girl with a crush on Double D, probably for his intelligence. She's smarter and a lot bolder than her sisters, and she doesn't mind ordering other people around and hitting them when they don't listen. For some reason, she always has her right eye covered by hair.

Lee: The loudest of the Kankers. Lee is a red head with a crush on little Eddy, an odd pairing for how tall she is. She's more outspoken and demanding, the leader of the Kankers quite often. Both of her eyes are almost always hidden by her curly hair, and yet somehow she sees through it...

Well, that's all I've got so far... But head up to the names, and you can read the individual parts if you'd like.

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