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His mind whirled in shock. //K-kidnapped…?// He thought vaguely, staring at the ground before him.

"Double D?" Marie asked softly, looking at him sadly.

Edd continued staring down, a dismayed expression on his face. //The Kankers and Ed kidnapped some of my friends? …Friends? When did I start to think of them as friends?//  He wondered. //Sometime in the last few days… But they are my friends now, aren’t they? …I can’t let this happen…// He sighed and looked slowly up. //We have to do something…//


Kevin watched Edd nervously. He had gone into almost a trance, ignoring Marie and staring at something for a few minutes, and then simply looked up again.

"Do you know where they are?" Edd finally said.

Kevin blinked. "Um, no... Those guys basically vanished, but Jonny's sure that it was the Kankers who took him. After all, the guy was in the park, and--"

"I see..." Edd said. He looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Why would they kidnap those three?" He asked himself. "I don't get it..."

Marie looked annoyed. "Double D, we have to get them back..."

Kevin felt nervous and began sweating.

Edd was nodding. "I know... We'll need a plan this time, some way so that they don't know we're there, and some way to keep them from telling you guys to do what they want... The invisibility cloaks won't work, Ed and Eddy have the goggles... what could we use?" He murmured, then turned to the others. "I'll go to my house and try to come up with something."

"Okay, then..." Marie said. "Let's get going, we'll only have so much time."

Ed and Marie ran towards the gate and went through it, leaving Kevin where they had been standing.

"Um..." Kevin said, scratching his head. "What did I miss...? They were only here for a little while, unless... Oh man..." He muttered. "They were going to make out, weren't they? Well, shoot. I ruined yet another relationship..." He complained, then stretched and began walking towards the gate.

Something suddenly flew by his head and he jumped back. "What the heck?"

Kevin spun around and searched the area frantically when he saw a bat, hovering in the air nearby.

"Oh, @^$#..." He muttered, stepping back slightly and looking around. He was standing near a cliff, with the bat between him and the gate, and his back facing the drop.

The bat sank several feet and suddenly changed into a 'human'. It was him.

"Well, hello... Who, may I ask, are you?" The vampire Kevin asked softly.


Edd and Marie walked quickly through the trees towards the cul-de-sac.

"This kinda sucks..." Marie commented.

Edd nodded but didn't answer.

She glanced at him. "You okay?"

His shoulders sagged and he glanced at her irritably. "Oh, certainly, Marie, never been better..."

"Oh, fine..." Marie replied, and they continued silently for several minutes, then she spoke up again. "It's not like it's my fault he came through just then..."

"I know that... It's just rather frustrating, and I'd really rather not talk about it..." Edd replied curtly.

She rolled her eyes. "And why not?"

Edd stopped walking and stared at her. "Why not? Because I feel very uncomfortable about all of this!"

Marie stopped as well, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him. "And ya think I don't?!? Let me tell you, Double D, I feel far worse than you do about all of this, far worse!"

"How do you know that?!?" Edd exclaimed.

"Because I've been through this before!" She yelled in reply, and they both froze. She looked down, and he took a long, slow breath.

"...You have been through this before." He said softly, turning away and towards the sky. He fell silent for a minute; putting the pieces together, then spoke in a soft, cruel tone. "Been through what? Having a boyfriend? Or this uncomfortable silence that you and I are experiencing thanks to Kevin's inability to see what was happening? Either way, it's evident that I'm not the first boy you've been close to, despite what you said and acted like... So, tell me, O experienced one, what number am I in the list of Marie's conquests?"

Marie’s eyes watered, and she scwoled. "Don't get that way..." She said softly, looking at him and grabbing his arm. “Please?” He tugged it away from her and continued staring away. "Look, you're my second boyfriend, alright? The first boy I ever liked, he... He wasn't like you..."

Edd remained silent, but his shoulders sagged slightly and he listened to her intently.

Marie collapsed on a nearby log. "His mom and dad didn't get along well. You know how it can be, for people who live in homes like that... Well, his dad beat her and all when he was angry, and Steve, my boyfriend, he got weird and mean when he was in a bad mood too... only, he beat me up..."

Edd's shoulders sagged even farther and he turned towards her slowly. Her eyes were watering, but she stared out stoicly. He walked over and sat beside her. "And I was nothing like him..." He murmured.

Marie started and looked up at him, then nodded and stared down at the ground. "Yeah... Lee and May each liked one of you guys, and I simply watched you and felt amazed... A guy who didn't treat people like his inferiors... If anything, you tried really hard to make them seem superior... After knowing Steve, you just seemed like so much better... So much nicer..."

He nodded. "I see now..." Edd said, and then looked up. "That explains a bit..."

She nodded. "I wouldn't have told you this, if we hadn't..."

"I know..." Edd replied, standing and stretching. "Any way, we should get going, Kevin might already be there."

Marie blinked. "No, he'll get there after us, 'cause he didn't come out this way..."

"What?" Edd asked. "He... didn't go this way?" She nodded. "But this is the only path we usually use... Unless..."

Their faces mirrored the other's shock. "He's still in there..." Marie whispered. They both blinked.

"Shoot! We've got to help him, now!" Edd exclaimed, setting off for the gate. Marie ran after him as quickly as she could.


Kevin stepped back once. "I-I'm Kevin..."

The vampire stepped closer to him. "This is impossible..." The boy declared, glancing all over Kevin. "They can't have cloned me, so how can you look so much like me? Unless..." He glanced at Kevin again, then smiled, revealing two fangs. "You're not from this world, are you?"

Kevin shook his head quickly. "N-no, I'm not..."

The vampire nodded his head. "Then the dorks who ran through here the other day were from another world...? Amazing."

Kevin began sweating. "As, uh,  amazing as this must be for you, I really need to get going..."

The other Kevin frowned. "Go? So soon? I don't think so. Besides, you don't look right..."

Kevin blinked and the two carefully looked at the other. Kevin grimaced and the vampire stared at his face, especially his mouth. "Of course! You're human!"

"U-uh, yeah... Why shouldn't I be human?" Kevin asked, taking another step back, then glancing at the edge of the cliff. It was only two feet away from his foot.

The vampire smiled, reached forward and grabbed Kevin. "You're not going anywhere yet, little boy..."

"Get your hand off me!" Kevin exclaimed, trying to wrench it off. However, the other was far too strong and easily held Kevin in his grasp.

Kevin's eyes widened and he gasped. Shrinking back as the vampire slowly grinned at him.

"You'll be staying here, trust me..." He said softly, revealing his fangs.

Kevin felt his legs weaken below him.


Edd and Marie ran back through the gate and looked around frantically.

"Kevin!" Edd yelled as soon as he got through.

“Jock-kid! Get your butt over here!" Marie called, then gasped and grabbed Edd's arm. "Look..." She whispered.

The vampire dropped Kevin and wiped his face, then turned slowly towards them. "More food? Today has been far too easy..."

Marie glared. "Oh, you just try it!" She growled angrily, stomping to them.

Edd followed her irritably. "What are you doing?" He demanded, glaring at this other Kevin.

He blinked, and then grinned. "Do you think some insignificant humans can hurt me?"

Edd sneered. //I bet we can...// He opened his mouth. "Why do you assume we're human?" He growled, not in any human language, but the one ‘Marie’ and Edward had spoken to him in. No humans could have understood him, but Marie realized what he had done.

Kevin's eyes widened. "Werewolves...?" He shook his head. "Both of you are of that filth, aren't you?"

Marie spit at him. "Look who's talking!"

"Now leave here, or else..." Edd snarled, rolling his hand into a fist.

The vampire looked between the two. //So violent, so quickly… I hate werewolves, so annoying…// He smiled. "Fine, have it your way." He said, saluting. "I believe you'll find all is not well, however..."

"Huh?" Marie asked, glancing at Edd. He looked as puzzled she did. "What does he mean by--"

"Later, dorks!" Kevin exclaimed, jumping into the air. He transformed into a bat, and then flew off.

Edd glanced after him, then shook his head and ran towards the other Kevin, still lying in the dirt. "Kevin!"

Marie crouched next to him and looked up at Edd. "Is he..."

Edd gave a slight smile. "He's alive, I think he just fainted..."

"I don't blame 'im..." Marie said. "He probably though he was about to die." She pulled him into a sitting position. "Wake up, Kevin..."

"Hmm..." Edd said, examining the boy's face. "He looks rather pale... Although that is to be expected, he did have quite the scare..." He looked up at Marie, and then noticed her own white face. "What?"

She pointed at Kevin's neck. "I think I know why that vampire left so easily."

//Oh, no…// Edd felt the color drain from his head as he stepped beside her. Sure enough, there were two small puncture marks on the back of Kevin's neck.

The two looked nervously at each other as Kevin stirred in Marie's arms. "You don't suppose that he's a--"

"--Vampire..." They chorused, then pulled away as Kevin opened his eyes slowly, and looked around blankly.

"What...?" Kevin murmured, then jerked in surprise. "That guy, he's...!" He spun around angrily, only to see Edd and Marie. "Where'd he go?"

"I scared him off." Marie said, grinning.

Edd glanced at her. He looked at Kevin. "So, how do you feel? You were unconscious for several minutes..."

Kevin's face reddened slightly, although it was still paler than normal. "You mean I fainted?"

Edd nodded. "I can't say that either of us blame you, though..."

Kevin buried his face in his hands. "Man, now everyone will think I'm a coward... This stinks..." He ripped his hat off and threw it to the ground, then began sulking.

Marie shook her head. "I doubt it, they'll be amazed that you survived an encounter with a vampire and lived." She commented, and then noticed Edd frantically shaking his head.

Kevin looked up, startled. "Yeah, how did I? You guys had left when he came here..."

Edd looked up. "Um... I-I don't really--"

"You don't know?" Kevin whispered, looking down at his hat. He stared at it, and slowly reached a hand towards the base of his hairline, then rubbed the back of his neck. For a moment he didn’t move at all, but the pupils of his eyes widened to an almost unnatural point.

Edd closed his eyes. "We scared him off, but we didn't realize you hadn't come out for several minutes, and--"

"That son-of-a-@#%#$ bit me..." Kevin whispered. "He bit me, and I'm still alive... Does that mean I'm a vampire?!?" He hissed looking frantically at them.

Marie shrugged. "You'd have to ask Ed for that one... But you don't have fangs, so I'm guessing not..."

Edd opened his eyes and slowly looked at Kevin. "I don't know either..."

Kevin stared down at the ground in shock. "Dang it..." He whispered.

The three sat in silence for several minutes, then Marie looked annoyed. "Okay, then... I don't know about you two, but we do kinda have OTHER problems, involving kidnapping, and my sisters..." She reminded them.

Kevin nodded. "I'll... figure this out later... We need to help Sarah, Jimmy and Nazz right now..."

Edd slowly nodded his head. "Good idea."

Marie leaned back and stretched, then stood up. "Well, then, let's get going. No point sitting around here anymore."

The boys glanced at each other, and then stood up. The three then slowly walked back towards the gate.


Sarah and Jimmy were holding each other nervously as Ed shut the door of the cage.

"Sorry, Sarah..." Ed commented.

Sarah reached her hands out and made strangling motions, but her voice didn't seem to be working.

"Huh?" Ed asked, and then looked over at May. "Um... May... Uh, can you let them talk again? I think Sarah is trying to say something..."

Eddy walked by and grinned at Sarah. "Oh, look who's stuck now, Sarah..." He said, then began laughing. "Don't bother, Ed. Lee said she doesn't want to hear them screaming..."

Ed blinked. "Oh..." He followed Eddy towards the creek. "But what if they don't scream?"

"Ed, do you really want to talk to them that badly? Why?"

"'Cause she's my sister, Eddy. What if she's scared or something...?" Ed asked, pouting.

Eddy rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I don't really care, Ed. Just quit bugging me about that already."

Ed grinned and nodded. "Yep!"

"Then go talk to May, Ed..." Eddy replied, shaking his head.

Ed saluted. "Okey-dokey Smokey!" Then ran off.

Eddy groaned and sat down next to the creek. "Why Ed? Double D would have been better company... but I guess that makes sense. He's too stiff, he'd just get in the way..." He murmured, taking his shoes off and dipping them in the water.


May smiled. "Oh, and no yelling. We can't have you kiddies rescued, okay?"

The three glared at her. "Oh, fine. Like we care!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Thatta girl!" May commented, then turned to Ed. "If you're gonna interrogate them, do it now."

"Why?" Ed asked.

She groaned. "So Eddy and Lee don't get what they want..."

"Oh...?" Ed said softly.

May whispered something in his ear, then winked at him and walked back into the trailer.

Ed looked puzzled as he watched her leave, then shrugged and walked over to the cage.

Jimmy whimpered. "Don't hurt me!"

Nazz sheltered Sarah and Jimmy with her arms. "What's gotten into you, Ed? Why did you kidnap us?"

Ed blinked, and then asked, "Kidnap you? I didn't want to, but May said to... And we didn't want to make those three mad, so..."

"What three?" Nazz wondered.

"Eddy, Lee, and Plank." Ed explained.

The three looked startled. "Plank?!?"

"I thought only Jonny and Double D could talk to him..." Jimmy commented.

"No, he's been talking to everyone. I dunno why, but he's helping Lee and Eddy more than us..." Ed said, and then looked down in thought.

Nazz looked confused and walked to the edge of the cage. "Ed, aren't you and Eddy together here?"

Ed glanced up at her and shook his head. "Uh-uh. Eddy's helping them, and being kinda mean to me..."

"Then why are you still here?" She persisted.

"Eddy's my best friend! But, um..." Ed paused nervously. "Is it really Double D who's with you? ‘Cause Eddy says he isn't, but Plank said he was, and I don't really know what's going on..."

Sarah looked annoyed. "Well, duh, of course it’s Double D… He’s not here, is he? How stupid do you get, Ed? Eddy always uses you like this, so what do you do? Follow him instead of Double D. Honestly..."

Ed's eyes watered. "But--But what Eddy said made sense, and..." He groaned, and collapsed next to the cage.

Jimmy cocked his head to the side. "I kinda feel sorry for him, Sarah..."

She shook her head. "Whatever..."

Ed blinked, and looked at her abruptly. "Uh, Sarah..." The three looked at him. "Do you know everything Double D knows about what's going on?"

"Ye-" Jimmy started.

"--What do you care?" Sarah interrupted.

"Well, um..." Ed said slowly, getting to his feet. "Um, Lee and Eddy wanted us to kidnap Sarah, they hadn't planned on Jimmy or Nazz..."

They fell silent. "What do you mean, Ed?" Nazz finally asked.

"Uh... I think Eddy wanted to get revenge for some reason, and I d-don't think I can do anything about it..."

Sarah's eyes widened. "Revenge? For what?"

Nazz looked at her. "It's Eddy, remember? Who knows?"

The door of the trailer creaked open and they all turned towards it hastily.

Lee poked her head out. "Hey, how's it going out here, Ed?"

Ed blinked, then straightened and saluted. "A-okay, Sir! Er... Ma'am!"

She made a face. "Better be..."

"Um... Buttered toast?" Ed exclaimed, his hand still to his forehead.

Lee shook her head. "No wonder Eddy gets so annoyed.... Never mind, Ed."

"Okay..." Ed said slowly. "Um... Where is Eddy?"

Lee looked around, and then shrugged. "I don't know. Go find him, okay? Lunch is almost ready."

"Yup!" Ed said, watching her walk back in. He then turned to the others. "Sorry, I gotta go find Eddy..."

Nazz nodded. "Ed, please find out what's going on. For Sarah."

Ed smiled seriously. "I know, I'll see if Eddy will talk to me about it..."

Sarah stood up. "Thanks, Ed."

"You're welcome, Sarah. Sorry I can't do anything else, but..." Ed trailed off softly, then rubbed his head. "I gotta go..."

The three nodded, then settled down into the cage as Ed walked off.

"Now what?" Jimmy asked nervously. "I don't like having to rely on Ed to save us... It doesn't make sense..."

Sarah groaned. "Tell me about it..."

Nazz shrugged. "Well, Double D will probably try to come get us, right?"

Jimmy nodded. "I sure hope so... I don't want to be stuck here with the Kankers, Eddy, and Plank..."


Rolf wiped some sweat off his forehead. "The task is complete, and Rolf is allowed to enjoy some leisure time at last..." He said, standing.

His entire garden was now weed-free; thanks to the hour he had spent toiling in the dirt and harsh sun.

"Now then... Where is everyone?" Rolf wondered, walking out into the street. There was no sign of any of the kids. "Strange... Why would they have left Rolf?"


Jonny opened the door in the fence and walked across Kevin's lawn. "Where could he be...?" He wondered, looking around nervously.

A butterfly flew by him and gently landed on a flower just before him.

"Oh, neat..." Jonny said, leaning forward to look at it.

It twirled around, then flew up in the air and hovered around his head. He blinked and reached out a hand, only for it to perch on his finger.

"Oh..." He whispered, staring at it. The butterfly fluttered its wings, and then took off. Jonny smiled and watched it set off for the park.

"That was cool..." He commented to himself, then he saw Rolf. He was standing on the sidewalk with a perplexed expression on his face.

"Rolf! There you are!" He exclaimed, running over to the taller boy.

Rolf looked at him and smiled. "Ah, where have you been, Jonny? Everyone seems to have vanished from the neighborhood, and--"

"Rolf, we have a problem!" Jonny said quickly. "We have to find Kevin immediately!"

Rolf's smile vanished and he frowned. "Why, what has happened?"

"The Kankers kidnapped Jimmy, Sarah, and Nazz!" Jonny explained.

"What?!?" Rolf said faintly. "This is an emergency! Where are the others, and who is left?"

"You, me, Kevin, Double D, and Marie..." Jonny told him. "Kevin went to get those two, and we're supposed to meet him in the park."

Rolf nodded. "Then we must hurry, or something else might happen."

The two walked down the street to the park and waited.


"So, where are they supposed to meet us?" Edd asked as they entered the park. "I don't see them..."

"Somewhere around the swings." Kevin said, and then pointed. "See, they're here..."

"There you are!" Jonny said, running over.

Marie looked at the Kevin and Edd. "Okay, then, so what's the plan?"

Edd made a face. "Do you think we already have one?"

She grinned. "Good point..."

Rolf walked over and looked calmly at Kevin. He thought to himself.

"Well, let's figure this out." Marie said, pacing around them. "We can't just barge in cause they'll pull the same trick they did to Ed and Eddy. Being invisible won't work, and we need to not be able to hear them, so we don't do whatever they say."

Kevin frowned. "I don't think us not hearing them will do any good, Marie. That's probably NOT how--"

"That is it..." Edd said slowly. "I wonder if..." He paused and looked thoughtful, nodding to himself.

"What?" Jonny asked.

Edd blinked, then looked up at them and grinned. "Come to my house, I have an idea that just might work! I have to test it, but if this works... We won't have to be worried about the Kankers anymore! If anything," He chuckled, "I'LL be the biggest worry on your minds!" He ran off towards his house.

The other four stared after him. "What was that about?" Marie finally asked.

The boys shrugged. "Who knows?" Jonny replied.

Marie rubbed the back of her head. "Well, I hope he's right, whatever it is..." She shrugged to herself, then gestured. "Well, come on. Let's not wait around any longer..."

Jonny nodded and walked towards the entrance after her.

Rolf and Kevin looked at each other and Rolf raised his eyebrow. "Kevin, are you alright?"

Kevin looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Rolf frowned and stood facing towards him. "I'm concerned... Your face is all pale. Rolf knows there must be some reason, what is it?"

"Oh, that..." Kevin said, looking slightly relieved. "I'm just stressed out, Rolf."

Rolf nodded wisely. "So it would seem. Rolf feels the same way, and yet... I am becoming hopeful that Double D will be able to stop the Kankers, so we can figure how to stop all of this, and cure them..."

"Cure who?" Kevin asked curiously.

"Why, Double D and Marie, of course. Werewolves are not natural things, but as they are friends…" Rolf explained.

Kevin made a face. "Sorry, Rolf, but I don't think that's part of their plan... They seem to like all of this."

Rolf shook his head. "I don't understand that thinking..."

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Neither do I..." He said, then began walking along the road. "Hey, why should we say we were late?"

"Because we fell in a ditch?" Rolf suggested.

Kevin looked over at Rolf. "Was that supposed to be funny?"

Rolf blinked. "No, it wasn't. That's why."

"Huh?" Kevin wondered, and then tripped. He fell face first into the trench along the edge of the road that was filled with dirty water and mud.

"What the heck?!?" He exploded, standing and dripping all over. "Why didn't you warn me?"

Rolf looked confused. "But, I did..."


Edd, Marie, and Jonny were lounging around in Edd's room.

"Where did those two go?" Marie demanded.

Jonny looked up nervously from Edd's bed. "You don't think that the Kankers got them, do you?"

Edd shook his head and opened his mouth, just as the door opened. Rolf came in looking amused, and Kevin followed.

Edd gaped at him. "Kevin, you're covered in mud..." He said slowly.

"Oh, really, Double D? Like I hadn't noticed..." Kevin growled, looking for somewhere to sit. Jonny covered the bed, and Marie remained in the chair.

"And you walked in my house, dripping all kinds of mud and filthy water all over my house behind you..." Edd continued in a monotone voice.

Kevin looked confused, and slightly embarrassed. "Um, well, not all over the house..."

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG THIS IS WILL TAKE ME TO CLEAN?!?" Edd exploded. "I won't have any time to test my theory! It'll be... 4:30 by the time I finish disinfecting the whole floor!"

The other four kids stared at him in shock. "Um... I'm sure we could help..." Jonny suggested nervously.

Edd blinked. "Oh. G-good idea..." He murmured.

Marie shook her head and leaned back on two legs of the chair. "It's not that big a deal, sheesh..."

Edd rubbed the back of his head and grinned sheepishly. "Heh, heh. Well... Um, Marie, you shouldn't do that, you'll--" She crashed to the floor, "Fall over..."

Jonny and Kevin began snickering. "Did that hurt your noggin, Marie?" Rolf asked slyly.

Marie sat up and glared at the boys as the four of them started laughing.

"Heh, heh... I... I think... that we're rather... giddy... from all the stress..." Edd said between bursts of giggles.

Rolf snorted. "That we are..."

"Hee, hee..." Jonny finished chuckling and wiped one eye. "Wow... That was weird..."

Edd nodded. "We really ought to get serious, these are serious matters that we're attending to."

"Right. Absolutely. Serious time, serious thinking… We are serious." Kevin agreed. "So, what was your plan, anyway?"

Edd took a deep breath. "Well. I was thinking, about what Jonny said... The possibility that I had truly told you and Jimmy to stop singing...?"

Jonny looked surprised. "You mean that I was right? Then..."

Edd slowly nodded. "Exactly. If I made them do that, if somehow I did the something May and Lee were doing..." The other three looked startled, "After all, I don't have a very commanded attitude." Edd explained.

"So you wouldn't normally have been telling us what to do..." Kevin realized.

"That's right. And then it occurred to me, that if I'm doing the same thing that they're doing, then we can find a way so that you don't do what I say..." Edd explained optimistically.

Marie grinned. "And it should work with my sisters too!"

"Sweet!" Kevin exclaimed. "Then we won't have to worry about them!"

Rolf looked serious. "First we need to find if Double D is really doing that..."

The others fell silent. "True..." Edd murmured. "And if I am, would it even be a good thing...?"

Kevin and Marie looked at each other nervously. "Oh, great..."

Jonny glanced out the window as a familiar sound began outside. He groaned and collapsed onto the bed. "It's raining out..."

They all looked.

"Lovely... Just lovely..." Kevin muttered.

Edd shrugged. "It's not like we were going out just yet anyway..."

Lightning flashed, and thunder soon followed.

Marie nodded. "I know I'm not going anywhere." She stretched, then looked at Edd. "So, how are we going to test this?"

Edd looked back at her. "Well..."


Lee turned towards Eddy. He was talking on the phone rather excitedly. "What?!? You... You got out? ... You're coming here? ....... Yeah... Yeah.... But, I'm not... I'm not home, I'm at my girlfriend's house!"

Lee snorted and Eddy looked quickly at her.

"Uh... Hang on a sec..." He said to the phone, and then covered the mouthpiece. "What is it?"

"Girlfriend?" Lee asked, grinning.

Eddy glanced up. "That's how he'd think of it, anyway..."

She nodded wisely. "I'm sure your mysterious friend would..."

"Huh?" Eddy wondered. "Friend? He's not a friend of mine..."

Lee tilted her head in confusion. "Then who are you talking to?"

"My big bro... He says he's gonna come see how I'm doing, help me out with what's going on, that kind of thing..."

"'With what's going on...?' Eddy, did you tell him about--" Lee exclaimed.

"Oh, no! Of course not!" He said quickly. "He just knows when something's happening, that's all..."

"Uh huh..." Lee said, looking annoyed. "Well, you go back to talking to him." He turned back to the phone and she straightened quickly. "Wait, is he gonna come here?"

Eddy nodded. "Yeah, my parents would just get mad if he turned up here..."

"Alright..." Lee commented. "If he causes any problems, it's yer fault..."

Eddy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah..." He uncovered the mouthpiece. "Sorry about that, where were we?"

Lee sighed and left the room. "Honestly..." She muttered, and then looked in the kitchen. There was garbage, dirty plates, and pieces of food all over the floor. The fridge was open, making the air cold, and it was completely empty.

She lifted her bangs and stared at the mess. "ED!!!!" She screamed.


Ed lifted his head out of the creek and looked around nervously.

May blinked. "Do you think she found the mess?" She wondered.

Ed looked nervously at her. "Uh huh..."

"ED!!! GET YOUR FAT @$@ OVER HERE!!! AND CLEAN THIS UP!!!" Lee's voice screamed from the trailer park.

Ed looked piteously at May. "She said a bad word... Does that mean she's mad?"

May nodded seriously. "Don't say anything that will make her angrier, trust me..."

"Okay, I trust you." Ed said.

She blinked. "Oh, no, don't!"

His expression grew harsh. "Then why should I do what you say?"

May looked and and groaned. "Ed, just go back to normal..."

Ed grinned. "Okey dokey!" She got out of the water, then looked around. "Where was I going again?"

She slapped her forehead. "To the kitchen, before Lee kills you... Really, Ed, smarten up, would you…?"

"Oh yeah!" Ed exclaimed, and then set off for the trailer.

May stared after him. "Ed is so clueless sometimes... And then other times…"


Ed ran along towards the trailer, laughing. "I'm coming, Lee!"

He fell in the clothesbasket.

Eddy walked over and looked down at him. "Ed, what are you doing?"

"I'm stuck, Eddy!" Ed declared.

Eddy stared at him. "You're lying in a clothes basket, Ed. How the heck are you stuck?"

Ed blinked and looked up at him. "I dunno... Am I stuck? Oh no! I cannot get out! Help me, Eddy!"

Eddy groaned and kicked the basket over. "Get going, Ed. Lee looked pretty angry in there..."

Ed wriggled around under the basket. "But I'm trapped, Eddy! The basket is holding me hostage, and--" Eddy lifted the basket, "--You saved me!"

Eddy glared at Ed. "No one cares, Ed. Go already!"

Ed looked sadly at him. "Oh, fine, Eddy..." His eyes began watering. "But remember me, after Lee kills me, and go to my funeral, okay?"

Eddy's eyes began to water. "Don't talk like that, Ed... That's not gonna happen, she's not gonna be that mad... Oh, fine! Lee!" He called.

She poked her head out from the door. "When is Ed going to come in here?!?"

Eddy and Ed ran over. "Lee, don't be too harsh, Ed just gets hungry like that!" Eddy said, wiping a tear from one eye.

Lee looked at him, and then at Ed. Ed was pouting at her, with a watery-eyed expression. "Please...?"

She shook her head. "Oh, fine... Just get in here and clean this up, okay?"

Ed grinned. "Yup, I'm on it!" He exclaimed as he ran in. He stopped and looked at a box on the table. There was a picture of a toaster on the front.

"A toaster...? You got a toaster to make me buttered toast!" Ed yelled, jumping around. "Cool!!!"

Lee and Eddy made faces. "Ed, clean up already..." Lee muttered.

Ed stopped. "Okay, then will you make me some buttered toast? And don't forget the gravy!"

The two stared at him, then walked out. "He is impossible..." Lee said irritably.

Eddy nodded. "I know what you mean..."


"You're gonna try and tell US what to do?!?" Kevin exclaimed.

Edd held his hands in front of him. "Well, it's the only thing I can think of! If you have a better idea, by all means--"

Marie nodded sadly. "I think that's really the only way we could tell..."

Kevin looked between the two of them and groaned. "I don't want to be a puppet, with Double D controlling my every move..."

Rolf and Jonny nodded. "I do not wish to experience that either..." Rolf commented.

Edd looked nervously around the room. "Then what do we do?"

Jonny looked thoughtful. "Um... Why don't we draw straws to find out who does that?"

They all stared at him. "Good idea..." Kevin said, then grinned. "I get first draw!"

Marie groaned. "Just like a boy, to try and have his pick so he doesn't get it..."

Kevin glared at her. "What did you say?"

She leaned forward, grinning. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Kevin." she said, pinching his cheek.

Edd shook his head and pulled some white straws and scissors out of his desk. "Shall it be short one does it?"

They nodded. "Are they all the same color?" Jonny wondered.

Edd simply sat and began cutting them carefully. "Clear white, yes..." He cut all but one to be the same length, and then cut one shorter. He mixed them around in his hand where the others couldn't see him, then held his fist towards them, four straws sticking out. "I guess you guys draw…"

The four looked at each other, then they each reached forward to take one.