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His look-alike nodded very slowly. "To protect the people of Peach Creek, they must die..."

"What?!?" Marie exclaimed, staring at him. "B-But you can't do that! That's murder!"

Rolf shook his head. "But, why is that necessary? As children, they wouldn't kill anyone in their other form..." He trailed off as his look-alike glared at him and the other kids stared.

"That is what my ancestors would have said, certainly, but they aren't correct... I know it." The other Rolf replied.

Edd looked thoughtful. "Well, can we at least talk to them? I came all this way because I had a question, and he's the only one with the answer..."

Kevin blinked and stared at him. He noticed Jonny nodding at him, and the bald boy leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"Don't worry, he is... I just asked him about it..." Jonny whispered, then straighted as the other Rolf continued talking.

"...I suppose, but not all of you... Two of your companions may come, the other two will have to wait." Rolf said solemnly.

Edd nodded. "Okay, then..." He glanced back as Marie started to say something, and shook his head. "Kevin, Rolf, you two come with me, okay?"

The four all looked startled. "Wh-why not me?" Marie asked, while Rolf looked puzzled, and Jonny simply nodded understandingly.

"Oh, okay... You figure he won't feel threatened by them?" Jonny said quickly.

Edd nodded again, and the other Rolf said, "Well, follow me... I'd rather not risk this much, but because you went through the trouble of coming here..."

He began to walk off, and Edd turned to follow.

"But, Double D..." Kevin said quickly, then fell silent as Edd motioned to be quiet.

"Not now..." He muttered, then jogged to catch up with the other Rolf.

Kevin shrugged, and he and Rolf walked after them.

Marie blinked, then turned towards Jonny. "Okay, what's going on?"

Jonny smiled up at her. "You knew we were talking?" She nodded. "Double D wants us to go into the woods and distract the kids over here by howling..."

She snickered. "Oh, so they'll leave the cage un-guarded? I thought he'd try to save that kid..."

Jonny nodded, and he gestured for her to follow. "Let's get going, I'll tell you when."




Edd was walking next to Rolf, and he started when that Rolf asked him a question.

"Tell me, Ed-boy... How exactly DID you know what was going on here, anyway?" He asked somewhat suspiciously.

Edd rubbed the back of his neck. "You probably already know, but...!" He said quickly as Rolf stopped and spun towards him. "I'm not one anymore, in my world my parents created a... a sort vaccine, that stopped it from affecting people..."

He rose his eyebrow, and glanced at Rolf, who had also stopped. "Is that true?"

Rolf blinked. "W-what? About the E-- Er, Double D recieving a shot? Yes, it is..."

"Hm..." The other Rolf replied, then brightened up. "Well, that is pleasing to hear. I was afraid that I would have to put YOU in that cage as well..." He said as he began walking down the street again.

Kevin looked startled. "You were gonna kill Double D too?!? What the heck is wrong with you?!?"

He shook his head rapidly. "If this, this 'vaccine' works, Rolf may not need to even kill these too... But they aren't as docile as you seem to be, and if the chance presented itself, it would most likely be THEM who killed someone..."

Edd groaned. "All you have to prove that is vague superstitions, a few scared kids, and several missing chickens... No matter what your beliefs are, there is no excuse here to KILL them..."

"Perhaps... If you have anyway of getting that vaccine..." Rolf hinted, and Kevin shook his head.

"No, I don't think we can, unless--" He began.

Edd smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a tupperware container. Inside was a needle. "Kevin, you didn't think I would leave this at home for Mother and Father to see, did you?"

"Whoa!" Kevin said, then smiled. "Oh... I think..." He trailed off as Edd smiled even more and nodded, then stuck it back in his pocket.

Rolf glanced nervously at his look-alike. "So, you will consider Double D's method? There isn't really a need to kill them, trust me..."

The other Rolf nodded. "Certainly, I will. After all, this isn't the old country, things are done differently here."

Edd stretched as they got to Rolf's house, and Rolf led them into the backyard. He rose his eyebrows as they passed the house. That world's Kevin was pacing around a cage irritably, in which Edd recognized Marie and himself.


"Why am I not surprised...?" He muttered, shaking his head. Edd walked over to the cage, followed by that world's Rolf, and his world's Kevin. Kevin stopped after a few steps, and the two Kevins stared at each other.

"Whoa!" That Kevin exclaimed.

"Dang, you look EXACTLY like me!" Kevin said simultaneously.

"Sweet!" They both said, then walked off, discussing what they had managed to do on their bikes, and what troubles they had with the dorks, etc...

Edd glanced after them, then crouched down next to the cage. Edward and Marie were lounging around in it, for, unlike the Kanker's cage, this one wasn't tall enough to stand in. They both looked irritated, though that was quite understandable. Marie was in her trademark clothes, and Edward was wearig the same outfit as before; cowboy hat, dark red T-shirt, and black pants.

Edward smirked, as Edd sat down and looked in. "Well, isn't this a surprise...? I never would've thought that these wimps would let YOU in, considering..."

The Rolf above them frowned. "First, he is not of your... filth, and secondly, he has shown me an idea that may well allow me to spare your lives, without endangering the people of Peach Creek... You would do well to be polite."

Edward glanced at Edd, and Edd shrugged. "Basically, yes... But I had come for some help, and--"

Howling broke out from the woods, and the Rolf and Kevin froze. That Rolf looked around suspiciously. "There are more of them?!?" He exclaimed. "Kevin, come assist me! And do not forget the silver!"

Edd stood watched them leave, with his head tilited as he listened to the howling. He snorted, and The Rolf and Kevin still there blinked. "What's she saying?" Kevin asked in a low voice as the look-alikes left.

He shook his head. "Never mind..." He looked down at Edward and smiled. Both of them looked startled.

"But, isn't that you?!?" Edward was asking Marie. "Wait a... Oh...." He said slowly, looking up at Edd. "So, both you and her are also... Heh..."

Edd turned pinkish and nodded. "Our worlds aren't as different as we thought..." He then crouched down to examine the lock on the cage's door as Kevin and Rolf stood watch.




"Okay, now." Jonny suddenly commented, stopping when they were about 100 feet from Ed's house, out in the woods.

Marie nodded, and after a second of thought, she looked up and began yelling, or to Jonny's ears, howling. "Rolf is an idiot! And really fat, and ugly, and, and slow, and dumb, and I could kick his @$$ anyday, and--" She was yelling as Jonny tapped her shoulder hesitantly.

"Um, that's enough..." He said, gesturing. "We need to get back, the cage they're in is locked, and Double D can't get it open..."

Marie nodded again, and they began running back on a long route, so they wouldn't run into Rolf and Kevin.




"That's not gonna work, Double D..." Kevin finally said, sitting back.

Edd nodded. "I know, but we can't just leave them here and go..."

Marie yawned. "What, ya gonna take us into your world? It sounds boring there..."

Kevin snorted, then blinked as he realized what he did. "Well, no, not really... Boring, please... Double D being a werewolf isn't even half of the odd stuff going on in our world, he's been--"

"Ah ha!" Rolf's voice echoed from by the house. The four glanced at the Rolf next to them, then at the house. That world's Kevin and Rolf were coming their way. "So, the Ed-boy's true nature surfaces at last..." Rolf said, glaring at Edd.

Edd slowly stood up and looked annoyed, giving Rolf a similar glare as he did to the vampire. "Rolf, you don't understand what is going on in our world, so don't be so quick to make accusations--"

"Yeah, right!" Kevin replied from across the yard. "I bet everything you told Rolf was a big lie, so all of you could--could kill us, but I'm not gonna let you!" He held up something that looked suspiciously like a knife, or some other small blade.

Edward gasped. "Oh, @#%#, you wouldn't! This guy's a wimp compared to me, but all ya did to me was stuff me in the cage!"

"Wouldn't I...?" Kevin asked, tapping it in his hand.

"Aw, dang.. Don't let him touch you with that thing, okay?!?" Edward exclaimed frantically to Edd. "It's sliver, that's how he got US in here..."

Their Rolf blinked. "Silver? Oh, dear... Kevin, we mustn't let them near Double D!" Rolf said, stepping forward.

Edd looked confused. "What are you guys babbling about? I'm a little more concerned about the fact that he has a KNIFE, personally!"

Marie shook her head. "No, don't you know anything? It's one of the few true rumors... Touching silver hurts us, and being stabbed with it--"

"Is like taking a stake to a vampire...?" Edd finished, his face turning white. "He... Oh dear..."

The Kevin with the silver stepped towards them, only for the other Kevin to grab him. "What do you think you're doing?" Silver-Kevin asked angrily.

"That's what I should be asking you! HELLO! Are you really gonna KILL someone, just because Rolf told you to?!?" Kevin exclaimed in reply.

Both Rolfs stepped forward as well, and the three werewolves there just watched nervously.

"He wouldn't really, would he...?" Edd asked, but Edward only shrugged.

"Out of my way!" Silver-Kevin exclaimed, shoving past Kevin and stepping towards Edd. Rolf and Kevin grabbed him, only for the other Rolf to hit Kevin.

"A-A little help, here...." Edd stuttered, backing to behind the cage.

Kevin rubbed his jaw and looked up. He saw his look-alike advancing slowly towards Edd, being careful with the sharp silver object in his hand. "#$&^!" Kevin yelled, running over to tackle the other kid.

Silver-Kevin turned and tossed the silver to the side, only to be pummeled by himself. The two Rolfs were currently fighting further away, and the blade several feet from Edd, between him and the Kevins.

He looked down at it nervously, and backed away a little more. With the knowledge that this thing could kill him simply piercing his skin, his recent courage was ebbing away.

Silver-Kevin blocked a punch from Kevin, then rolled over and got quickly to his feet, then kicked Kevin in the groin, hard. The boy curled up, wincing in pain.

"You idiot." S.K. commented. "Why did you try and help them? They're trying to kill us, don't you get it?"

Kevin only groaned, trying to hold back tears from his pain.

Rolf saw him, and paused for a second, only for his look-alike to punch him in the jaw and knock him down.

The other Rolf shook his head. "You two have caused enough noise, the other children of THIS world be here soon, and they will help us exterinate the threat to mankind... Why did you have to defend these liars, anyway...?

"What the...?" Jonny's voice suddenly asked, and the Kevin and Rolf of the world smiled and looked back, only to turn pale.




Marie and Jonny reached the road, and began running down it to the start of the cul-de-sac.

"Oh no, we've got to hurry up...!" Jonny exclaimed.

"What? Why?" Marie replied between breaths.

Jonny's face was pale. "I can't tell... Double D's so scared about something that I can't get anything but 'no, no, no...' out of him..."

She also turned pale. "Oh, shoot, come on!"

The turned the corner into the cul-de-sac, and cut across the road to Rolf's house. In his backyard, they saw Edd hiding behind a cage, Rolf and Rolf fighting, one Kevin lying on the ground, and another walking towards Edd with something shiny in his hand.

"What the...?" Jonny wondered, looking at Marie. She looked as confused as he did.

"Kevin, it is their companions...!" The Rolf who won the fight said slowly, backing away from them.

"What is your problem?" Marie asked, going towards them, Jonny following.

The standing Kevin ran over, and held the shiny thing up. "Th-this is silver, and if either of you comes any closer, I'll kill the werewolf!" He cried, pointing back where Edd had been. He wasn't there.

Marie looked around. "Who? Double D? Sorry, but I don't see him..."

"What?" Kevin and Rolf said, frantically turning around. Marie grinned, and kicked Kevin's hand, knocking the blade into the air and onto Rolf's house.

"I dunno what that little thingie is for, but--" Marie started.

"Vixen! You-You are one of them also! Kevin, we must get away!" Rolf cried, and they both turned towards the street.

Edd stood there with a roll of duct tape in his hands, tapping it in one hand, similar to how Kevin had tapped the silver blade before.

They turned pale, and the other Rolf and Kevin slowly got to their feet, the five forming a circle around the two from that world.




"Why do I get the feeling I've been here before?" Kevin asked mournfully from where he and Rolf were taped to a tree.

"I do not know, Kevin, but we should have other things on our minds, such as escaping..." Rolf replied.

Marie, Jonny, Kevin, and Rolf were all standing by the cage, watching Edd try to pick the lock.

Edward groaned. "This has got to've been the SLOWEST rescue-operation ever..."

Edd looked up at him and glared. "Oh, would you prefer if I let you in here? Eventually the other kids are going to find Kevin and Rolf tied to that tree, and it won't take them long to get that blade off of the roof."

Edward nodded, then sat up, a curious look on his face that mirrored Edd's. "Hey, what about that gate thing? Can't you set it's destination, so it's not in the middle of the cul-de-sac? That way, it could be, like, IN the cage..." He trailed off as Edd stared.

Edd had frozen, then looked down at the controller in his pocket. He pulled it out to look it over, then looked up at Edward. "How on Earth did you know about that...?

The boy grinned and tapped his head. "Hey, don't insult me! Just 'cause I ACT like a punk an' all doesn't mean I'm not as smart as you, I just put it to other uses."

Kevin looked at Edd. "You could have picked where that thing ended up?"

"I could... BUT I would need to input the correct coordinates. If the measurement was even lightly off, it could end up underground, or IN some people... So I just leave the location to default." Edd explained.

Jonny looked thoughtful. "Do you have any better ideas?"

Edd sighed. "Picking the lock isn't working, and I doubt we could pry it off--"

"Sure we could!" The Marie in the cage said, grinning at Edward. "Remember that trick for gym class?"

He blinked and looked up, then nodded. "Oh! You mean... Ohh..." He grinned and nodded. "That'd work, if we were on the outside..."

Edd looked confused. "Um... What are you talking about?"

Edward looked over at him. "Well... How much expirirmenting on your full moon?"

"Don't you mean full moons..?" Kevin asked, looking in. "We had two of them..."

Marie and Edward looked confused. "Huh?"

Edd rubbed his face. "There were two full moons in a row... Thoguh how, I'm not entirely certain..."

"Wierd..." Edward commented, then shrugged. "Anyway, like, what'd ya figure out how to do? Besides talking, that is..." He said with a small nod to Marie.

"Not much... We were, uh, busy... Both times... heh heh..." Ed said, turning pinkish again. "First time we were escaping from the trailer park, the second time we were sneaking into the trailer park, actually... We didn't havve any time to expiriment."

Edward looked disappointed. "Well, then again, you DID only have 2 or three days... So you're doing pretty good." He nodded, then looked at Edd again. "Anyway..."




Kevin glanced over at the tree as Edd and this Edward kid talked. He looked back, then jerked in surprise. Edward was making little, well, growling noises, and Edd was nodding, like he understood. Kevin glanced around. The Maries didn't look confused either, but everyone else did.

"Just... Picture it?" Edd asked, looking confused.

His look-alike groaned from in the cage. "You are so slow... Okay, then, um.. Marie, you get it?"

The one next to Edd nodded. "I think so..."

Rolf looked between them, then at Kevin. "This is taking a long time..."

Kevin nodded and was about to answer when Edd swore and bumped into them. "Hey, watch it, Doub--- Holy..."

They stared as both Maries and Edward got these wierd looks on their faces, then began to pull/push on the cage's door so it would pop out.

"Uh..." Edd began, "I, uh, don't think-- No way..."

Marie fell back, then looked up at them and grinned, the cage door in her hands. "I figured it out!" She exclaimed happily, pushing it off her and getting up.

Everyone but the three who tore it open stared in shock, their mouths wide open.

Edward grinned up at them, then crawled out, and stretched. "Dang, I was getting a crick in my neck..."

Marie followed suit, then stared at Marie. "You look exactly like me, you know that?"

Marie nodded. "It's so wierd... I can't see how Double D got used to it so fast..."

The other Marie nodded, then raised a finger. "One sec.." She walked towards the tree where Kevin and Rolf were taped up.

"Oh boy..." Edward said, snickering. "I'll be back in a minute, too..."

Marie smiled evilly at the two, then kicked Kevin in the 'nards' as hard as she could.

Edward laughed as the boy tried to curl up, but was held up by the paint. "You deserve it, too!" He said, then tapped her on the shoulder. They both walked back to the group, all of whom were staring.

Edd smiled. "I really don't blame you... If you want, go back and kick 'im again.."

The kids stared at him, and he blinked. "What?"

Kevin shook his head. "Never mind... Okay, are we ever leaving? We've wasted enough time here, and we still need a plan..."

Edd nodded. "Besides simply getting the others, I need to find a way to stop Ed and Eddy, and the Kankers, and to find out what the deal with Plank is... AND I think we're going to need to explain everything... Whew." He glanced at his look-alike as he said this, then shrugged.

Marie stretched. "Well, let's head back to your house, and explain ON the way, instead of when we get there..."

Edd nodded and pulled out the controller again. "Then let's be off..."




They walked into the middle of the cul-de-sac, and Edd activated the gate. Marie and Edward stared at it for a few minutes in shock while Edd turned and called, "You two can yell now!", then plugged his ears.

Kevni and Rolf immediately started screaming that the werewolves were escaping,and that they needed help.

Edward stared at Edd. "How did you do that, anyway...? They couldn't even yell, I watched 'em trying..."

Edd gave his little smirk, the one he gave Eddy when he was in a bad mood. "It's one of the things we're going to need to explain..."

The boy nodded, and the seven walked into the gate.




Ed drew back as May looked into the pit. "How'ya doin' down there, hmm?" She asked.

He glared at her and didn't answer, his mind whirling with ideas for escape.

"Oh..." She murmured, then climbed down and looked at him. "Hey, I'm sorry... But you know how those three are, I had to do it!"

Ed looked back at her, a look of contempt crossing his face. "Had to? HAD to? No, you didn't." She began to protest, and he held up a hand. "You know, you could help us. Double D's smart enough, if we got out of here and helped them, we could stop these three! We could! Then you wouldn't have to worry about them..."

May sighed. "You're thinking like that again? Wierd... Eddy's been doing exactly what Lee said from the start... She's right, I AM weaker than her..." The blond looked down, deep in thought.

"May... You shouldn't be thinking about that stuff... You should be trying to get me out of here. If you really cared about me the way you've said you do all summer--"

"Shut up!" She cried, and Ed was cut off. "Just, just shut up... I've decided, I'm gonna help Lee out."

Ed protested silently, opening his mouth in hopes of saying something, but no sound came out. His shoulders drooped as she leaned towards him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Sorry, Ed..." She whispered, then set about brainwashing him again.




Jimmy groaned. They could vaguely hear Ed yelling from under the trailer, but he suddenly fell silent.

"I don't feel too hopeful anymore..." Nazz said slowly, leaning back against the side of the cage.

Sarah nodded in agreement. "The big idiot... He just, he just had to go and get caught... Now what'll we do?!?" She cried out, then collapsed against the bars.

Jimmy looked between the two, hopelessly morbid. He tried to pat Sarah on the shoulder, but she ignored him.

"Well, don't we look well rested?" Eddy's voice said from the door of the trailer.

The three looked over at the door and glared. Lee came out, closely followed by Eddy.

"Oh, don't you worry..." Lee said, smirking. She waved about a piece of paper and smiled maliciously. "Eddy told me that little Ed can copy handwriting, so he'll forge notes from you guys, saying that you're sleeping over at, oh, I don't know, Eddy's house. That way your parents won't have to worry about you..." Lee leaned forward and pinched Sarah's cheek, smirking.

Nazz looked haunted. "Th-they wouldn't believe that I would be sleeping over at Eddy's house, he's a boy! And besides--"

"Oh, give it a rest, Nazz." Eddy said, no longer grinning. "Even you don't believe yourself, why don't don't you shut it nd be over with it? It's not like we've actually done anything to you, anyway."

Jimmy glared, and he thought quickly of all the times Eddy tried to take advantage of him. He glanced around suspiciously, then focused his eyes on the piece of paper in Lee's hands.

Lee held it by her side. "Y'know, I was gonna interogate you kids, but I don't think you'd know what I need to find out, anyway... Aw well. See ya." She and Eddy gave little waves, then went over to the edge of the trailer to watch Ed and May.

Sarah looked down mournfully. "I don't believe it... I know Ed can imitate my handwriting, and they're probably brainwashing him right now..." She sniffed and wiped her eyes. "It's just not fair..."

Jimmy smiled and held up a piece of paper. "I think that'll take them a little longer than they thought..."

Nazz and Sarah stared at him. "H-how...? Wasn't Lee holding that?" Nazz stammered, looking confused.

He nodded. "She isn't anymore... I took it while she was standing here. I thought we could write a note and get, I don't know, a squirel(sp!!!) to carry it to the others..."

The two girls looked hopefully at each other. "You think?" Nazz asked.

Sarah nodded, then looked confused. "Um, how are we going to get animals to come over here...?"

Jimmy had pulled out a crayon and started to write on the paper. He looked up. "Remember our song?"

The other two nodded. "We'll start singing?"

"Yep!" He said happily, then looked it over thoughfully. "That looks ok..." He murmured, rolling it up. "Okay, let's try this!"



(Just picture a song from Snow White, or Cinderella, and it will all make sense...)



The seven walked along, Edward and Marie listening intently to Edd.

"Dang... Imagine if YOUR sisters were able to do that..." Edward said to Marie.

She shuddered. "That would royally suck..."

Edd shook his head, then glanced at Jonny. He looked deep in thought about something. "Jonny?"

He started, then looked up at Edd. "Wha...?"

Edd shook his head. "You didn't look too well, that's all."

Jonny looked uncomfortable. "Well, um.. I think I'm getting better at, you know..."

Kevin blinked. "What do you mean?"

The boy looked even more uncomfortable. "Well, it's not only Double D's thoughts that I'm clearly hearing... It's all of yours..."

Edward stopped and stared at him. "You can hear what I'm thinking? But that's not... Well, then again..." He trailed off, looking at Edd, who was smiling at him. "Heh, guess I'm not the one to talk about what's possible and what isn't.."

The Marie following Edd smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that would have to be Ed."

Edd nodded as well. "True... If Ed decides to come back, that is..."

They trailed off, then Edd continued explaining; about what really happened in 8-3-2, what they discovered about Edd's parents, (Edward wasn't surprised, and he fingered the edge of his hat nervously), about Edd and Marie's escape that night, and their discovery about Jonny's new ability, their breaking up the meeting, and Sarah, Jimmy, and Nazz getting kidnapped.

Edward was deep in thought, and the other Marie looked concerned.

"Well." Edward murmured, then he glanced up. They were on the edge of the cul-de-sac. "Oh, we're here?"

Edd nodded. "Almost... I live on the other side of the street."

They walked across, and Marie whispered something in Edward's ear. He blinked and looked at her, then at Edd and Marie.

"What?" Marie said irrtitably. "You two have been walking along this whole time, constantly looking at me... What's the deal?"

Edward smiled. "WE-ell... Didn't you say that they appearently went through all this trouble to get you, from they way they were acting?"

Kevin nodded. "Yeah, Double D's become a popular guy lately..."

"Please." Edd said, glancing at Kevin, then he nodded at Edward. "Yes, they did... Why?"

Edward smirked. "What if they THOUGHT they had you...?"

Everyone's eyes widened, and they compared Edd and Edward.

"You would pretend to be me...?" Edd asked, looking intregued.(sp!)

His look-alike nodded, still smirking.




Kevin, Rolf, and Jonny were hanging out in Edd's backyard, lying around on lounge chairs. The sun was beginning to set, and they looked bored. Again.

"Will this plan work, Kevin?" Rolf wondered.

Jonny shrugged. "They seemed to think it would... Although Edward isn't very happy about wearing Double D's hat... He complained that there's too much stuff in it, and he won't wear it 'til it's clean..."

Kevin blinked and stared at him. "That kid, complaining about something not being clean...? But he lives in a trailer park!"

Rolf and Jonny nodded, and Jonny added, "Well, he IS Double d in a way... He had the same childhood, so I guess it makes sense... Kinda..."

"I feel like an idiot..." A kid was saying from the door. "This is so stupid!"

The three turned and looked. Double D and Edward were coming out, both scowling at the hats on their heads.

"See?" Jonny asked him. "Don't they look alike?"

"How on Earth do you keep this thing from falling off?" The boy they would have assumed was Edward asked, accept his voice was slightly higher than the other's.

Kevin blinked, and all three stared. "They DID switch hats...!" Kevin exclaimed, then looked thoughtful "What does his... their... hair look like, anyway?"

"You pull it down, low enough on your face that it doesn't come off... How else? It's not like I'd resort to wearing a... a sock! I mean, c'mon!" He flipped the loose end of Edd's hat behind his head, then shook it and groaned.

Both Maries came out as well, both laughing.

"Oh, SURE... Go ahead and laugh at me!" Edd, or really Edward, complained bitterly. "And since 'I' am supposed t'be a wimp, I can't hit you or anything!"

"Well, it's not MY fault Mother and Father did a better job raising me..." Edward, really Edd, commented. The hat began to slip off his head, and he immediately grabbed it and pulled it over his face. "Maybe it'll stay on now..." He said with a slightly muffled voice.

Kevin grinned and got up, going to meet them halfway. "Well, at least I can still tell the difference between you two... But don't you have another hat?" He asked Edd.

He shook his head, still clasping the brim of the cowboy hat. "If I did, I would have worn it that time, rather than pantyhose..." His face turned red, and he pulled the hat further over his face.

"...Pantyhose...?" Edward said, hiding a smile. He snorted, then burst out laughing.

Rolf nodded. "Indeed, he did that... Although I believe Eddy tied your hat to your fan, did he not? Someone went in and got it after a while..."

"Yeah, and it was tied pretty tight." Kevin told him, nodding. He sighed and looked at the two again, and shook his head. "Are you sure you two can imitate the other? I mean..."

Edward smiled sweetly under Edd's hat. "Oh, don't worry, Kevin, I'm SURE we can do a good job and pull this off..." He said in a high-pitched, squeaky voice.

Edd looked disgusted as Edward said this, and he glared irritably. "Ha, ha, very funny. If that's all you can do, we might as well give up now, it's rather pointless if they don't think that you're me..."

Jonny looked quizzically at the two. "At least he looks almost exactly like you... And think about it, Double D... If it was you going, wouldn't you be mad at them?" Edd nodded. "Well, you two act really similar when you're mad... They might not see the difference."

The two looked at each other, almost like looking in a mirror. "Really...?" They both asked, and then started.

"Don't do that!" Edward exclaimed.

"I didn't! That was you!" Edd replied quickly.

The other kids all stared at them for a few minutes, and they noticed the silence. "Um..." Edd murmured, turning red.

"Dang..." Kevin muttered, scratching the back of his neck. He paused as he felt the two bumps, and then shook his head. "And you guys thought you'd have a problem pretending to be each other...?"

"Eh..." Edward muttered, looking away.

"ANY-way..." Edd said loudly, his face turning normal. "Shouldn't we be going?"

Kevin looked around for a minute. "Aren't you gonna wear that cloak thing again? You never know..."

"Oh!" Edd nodded and ran into the shed. He came out with it draped over his arm. "Good point... I forgot about that..."

"Why do you need that thing?" Edward asked curiously.

"It's an invisibility cloak... I'll need it so that I don't change..." Edd replied, handing one to Marie. She shook her head.

"Not me, her!" Marie complained, giving it to the girl to her right.

She accepted it and glared at Edd. "What was that for?"

Edd gaped. "I, uh, Dear me, I'm sorry... I honestly can't tell which of you is which, you usually act the same..."

Edward looked confused. "You mean you can't simply, well, not change?" He asked, starting to walk towards the street.

Edd blinked, then jogged to catch up. His other hand went to the hat to hold it steady. "It's possible to not change?"

The other kids followed them across the street, and towards Ed's house.

His look-alike nodded. "Yeah, you just ignore the moon... Like, say 'No, not now...' if you still feel it..."

Kevin blinked. "'No, not now'...? C'mon, that's, well, lame."

Edd made a face. "Yes, it is... But I think I know what you're saying." He glanced at Marie, who also nodded.

"Well, I had to figure that one out... Otherwise there would've been a big problem at this one party..." Edward commented, scratching the back of his head. "Get it?"

"Mom hmm." "Yeah..."

They walked into the woods past Ed's house towards the gate, where they stopped for a few minutes to go over their plan.

"Everyone got it?" Edd asked, looking around. They all nodded.

Kevin smiled.

Jonny raised his eyebrows as he listened to everyone's thoughts. He decided, and then stretched. "Are we going?"

Edd nodded. "In a few minutes... Um, Edward... Can you come here?"

The two walked to the side and talked for a few minutes while the others watched.

"Do you think this'll work?" Marie asked Rolf.

He shrugged. "The Ed-boys and Kanker-girls certainly won't be expecting two of Double D... But I can't help but worry about that phone call."

She looked at him, then nodded grimly. "Yeah, I guess you're right... At least we don't have to really worry about my sisters anymore..."

Kevin came over and stretched. "But what about that other guy that Eddy called Tony? IS there a guy named Tony in the trailer park?"

She nodded. "There is... But I don't think that was him. I sure hope not, he's a cool guy..."

Edd nodded, and the two came back. "Alright, then... We all know the plan, and with any luck Ed and Eddy won't recognize you. All of you guys..." He looked around and waited for their attention, then spoke, "Let me repeat myself... Under no circumstances are any of you--"

"Or you!" Marie exclaimed quickly.

"--Or me. Under no circumstances are any of the kids currently standing in this clearing to do what anyone in the trailer park, Kanker or other, says, or at least NOT simply because they said so... Got it?" Edd finished.

Jonny thought that through, and then nodded. "I think that'll work, Double D..."

"Then what are we waiting around for?" Edward asked, adjusting the black hat on his head. "Let's get going, I'm getting an urge to beat the snot out of that Eddy..."

Edd chuckled. "No, I want THAT privilege... Then again... Maybe I'll just help Marie with her sisters, considering all that they've been trying to put us through." He said quickly as the other kids stared at him again.

Kevin shook his head. "You're WAY too good at that, Double D..."

He just smiled, and then glanced at Edward. "Okay, get going."

The boy, who looked just like Edd used to, nodded, and set off through the woods, followed by Marie.

Edd sat down on one of the benches and yawned, then stretched out. "Make yourselves comfortable, we're not going for about ten minutes..."




Jimmy had finally got the squirrel to take the note to Double D when Ed came into site. "Go! Quickly!" It nodded and took off into the woods.

Ed turned towards it, but it was already out of sight. He shrugged and continued his march around the cage.

"Well, I really hope this works, Jimmy..." Nazz said softly, patting Sarah's shoulder. "If it doesn't..."

Sarah swallowed hard, watching Ed walk by. His eyes were blank white, and he simply walked around the trailer, sending any people away. "At least he didn't stop the squirrel... It might be able to find Double D, then we could get out of here..."

"Oh, E-Ed..." May called. "Come here, please!"

He blinked, and then ran around the trailer so they couldn't see him.

The three watched him go, and then shuddered. "Ed is really creeping me out... Did you see his eyes? Like a--"

"--Zombie..." All three chorused, and sighed.

"This is pretty boring, now..." Jimmy said, looking around. It was getting dark now, though the sun had gone behind the trees nearly an hour before.

They started as Lee suddenly opened the door. "How're you three doing, hmm? Look, here's some food to tide ya over..." She walked over and tossed in a bag of food, then walked back to the door, where Eddy was waiting.

"Oh, they look fine, Lee..." He chimed. "Now, what about that kissing session?"

Sarah and Nazz looked repulsed, and Jimmy shuddered. "Yuck..." Sarah decided firmly, looking towards the woods.

"Oh, shut up, Sarah." Eddy said, then pulled Lee in and closed the trailer door.

Jimmy looked down at the food and pulled it out. "A half-eaten bag of chips...? Why couldn't they give us something yummy to eat?"

Sarah shrugged and reached in for some, then gave some to Nazz.

Sarah and Jimmy ate a few, then looked at each other sadly. "This really stinks..." She commented, then reached forward to give him a hug.

Nazz looked wistfully at the door, then sighed and leaned against the edge of the cage again. She nibbled on a few chips, and then sighed. "Where are you, Kevin...?" She murmured, and then gasped as Sarah and Jimmy suddenly collapsed. "P-Poisoned?" She exclaimed, feeling for a pulse. "They're still alive... They're asleep!" She looked at the bag, and then held her head as she swooned, and fell unconscious.

Eddy snickered and opened the door, looking in the cage.

"What idiots..."




Edward wiped some sweat off his forehead and kept running.

"We're getting pretty close..." Marie commented from a little ahead of him. "Let's slow down, so they don't see us early..."

He nodded and they slowed down to a walk, going only a minute before coming to the edge of the creek. "That was pretty fast... Good thing they had that path..." He commented, then blinked as he saw the log.

Marie came next to him and looked at it. "That's an awfully perfect place to have a bridge..." She commented, looking up at him.

"Tell me about it..." Edward reached forward and rocked it slightly, then pushed harder. The log stayed firmly in place. "That's convenient... Let's go."

The two walked carefully across, then snuck behind on of the trailers.

"Think it's in the same spot?" Marie whispered, looking around the corner.

He nodded. "They knew where it was when they came to our world, didn't they? It's gotta be right there..." He sighed and leaned back. "How much you like being used for bait?"

Marie glared at him, then sat back. "Not much, trust me..."

Edward nodded his agreement, and then changed his position. "Well, let's wait for the signal..."




Jonny nodded to Edd. "There's no sign of them yet."

Edd smiled, then walked to the edge of the clearing. "Then let's get going." He pulled the cloak around him, and then set off on the path.

Marie grinned and did the same, then ran off after him.

Rolf, Kevin, and Jonny looked at each other.

"This is it..." Rolf commented quietly.

Jonny shrugged. "If Double D's plan works..."

Kevin stretched, and then smiled at them. "Don't tell me you're doubting our little leader, not now..."

The other two groaned, and they started to walk after Edd and Marie.

Kevin watched them go, and looked up at the stars. Double D had commented that it was the full moon again, but Kevin had shrugged it off... He cringed as he felt a pain in the back of his neck, then rotated his head, and followed the others.


Edd stopped as a squirrel jumped on him. "Hello, what's this?" The others stopped around him as he reached down to take the paper it was offering him. As soon as he took it, the squirrel jumped off him and ran up one of the trees.

"What is it?" Marie asked, leaning on his shoulder to see.

"A note... From Jimmy!" Edd exclaimed as he unrolled it, and winced at Jimmy's poor spelling. "How on Earth did he manage... Hmm..."

"What's it say?" Kevin asked as he came up to them.

Edd showed it to them:

To DoubleD...

i dont know if youll get this but me and Nazz and Sarah were kidnapped by the Cankers...

Don't come after us, they only took us so they cood get you too come here...

Ed and Eddy were both branewashed, and i dont think we can get out...



They all read it over, and then started muttering. "Dang it... You were right, after all..." Kevin told Edd after a minute.

Jonny shook his head. "Something's wrong..."

"Huh?" They all looked at him as the boy stood there for a minute, then shook his head again.

"What's wrong?" Edd asked, rolling up the note and carefully sticking it under the large hat.

Jonny looked up at him. "At the trailer park... I think it's them, they're... I don't know, it's like there's two of them each..."

The others all looked at each other in confusion, and Edd shrugged. "Well, we still need to help them... So, let's GO, before anything serious actually happens..."

After a minute, he patted Jonny's back, then started walking again, unconsciously putting a hand up to the hat. Marie shrugged, and then followed him, and the other three immediately followed.




Edward scanned the trees across the creek, then narrowed his eyes as he saw movement. "That them?" He whispered, elbowing Marie's shoulder.

She looked, then nodded. "Looks like it..."

He smirked, then glanced around the edge of the trailer again. "Ok, let's go..."




Edd watched the two go into the trailer park nervously. He thought, looking up.

Jonny commented from behind him. <I feel so bad for Kevin, I think he and Nazz had had a fight before they got kidnapped...>

He nodded, adjusting the hat again, then looking out again. There was some yelling in the distance. "Okay, guys, let's go!"




Edward snuck up to the trailer closest to the Kankers' and looked around. Lee and May were sitting on comfortable-looking chairs, being waited on by Ed and Eddy.

"That's sickening…" Marie whispered in his ear, shuddering.

He shrugged. "But… Isn't that what we usually do…? Makes ya wonder about it…" He had an odd expression on his face, and he trailed off.

Marie nodded, then softly punched his shoulder. "Well, aren't we here for a reason?"

He grinned and adjusted the sock hat, then stepped out from behind the trailer and walked in open sight. "Well, hi, Ed. Eddy." He said, nodding to the two of them.

The four jumped and stared at him. "What the…?!? Where'd you come from?!?" Lee exclaimed, sitting up quickly.

Edward grinned. "Where do you think? And what do you mean by kidnapping some of my friends? I'm not very happy about that, you see…"

Marie came out, grinning as well. The four shrank back, until May shook her head. "Ed, don't let those two touch me, understand?"

Ed nodded quickly, and then began to walk towards them.

"You too, Eddy!" Lee said, the two girls standing up and watching their 'bodyguards' advance on the intruders.

Edward and Marie smirked at each other, and then swiftly ran to knock the two over.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourselves into!" Edward yelled in a higher voice than his own as he kicked Ed's feet, knocking him down.




Edd ran across the bridge and abruptly turned left, grabbing Marie's arm. "Marie, we can't go the same way as the others, we'd be seen…"

She nodded. "So we're going around the back?"

"Exactly." He watched the others run by, then gestured for her to follow. "Come on!"

The two ran around the back, hugging the edge of the trailer park. They stopped suddenly as they saw the cage. "There…" Edd murmured, and he snuck out into the open to the cage.

A familiar voice asked, and Edd turned towards the trailer. Plank was sitting on the steps, staring at Edd.

"Shoot…" Edd hissed, glancing around the area.




Kevin stopped short as he saw the fight before them. Ed and 'Edd' were wrestling on the ground, Edward actually managing to HURT Ed. Eddy and Marie were circling each other to the side, and the Kankers were watching all of this with a smile.

"Rolf, let's take them down…" Kevin whispered, pointing at Lee and May. Rolf nodded and the two snuck around to behind the Kankers.

Jonny looked around, then noticed something… Edd's thoughts.

Edd was thinking.

"Oh no…" Jonny whispered, running to behind the trailer.




Edward grinned as he knocked Ed down one last time, the boy suddenly not resisting. He then straightened and looked over to Eddy and Marie. The two were circling each other, and although neither one looked hurt, Edward had a feeling that the fight would end in a stalemate.

"Hey, Marie… Lemme finish that kid, you're taking too long." He told her.

Marie shrugged and backed up just as Eddy lunged, so he ran into Edward instead.

"$^@%!" Edward exclaimed, rolling Eddy off him. "Ya could'a warned me!"

"Sorry…" She replied, backing up further. She watched as he glanced to the east… The full moon was in sight. He smiled, and ducked to avoid a punch from Eddy, then let his 'canine' instincts go.




Kevin hit May, and she lost her concentration on Ed. "Ow!" She yelled, turning towards him. "Stop hitting me!"

He hit her again.




Ed slowly stirred after May stopped controlling him. He sat up and blinked, his pupils reappearing. "Wha…?" He muttered, and then shook his head as he saw Eddy and 'Edd' fighting. Except something was wrong… Ed stared, and then saw that 'Edd' had fur… Actually, he looked like the werewolves of Ed's B-movies!

"D-Double D?" Ed said slowly, getting to his feet. He looked around, and then realized what was happening. "Oh, no! Double D, DON'T!!!" He yelled as Edward lunged at Eddy, claws outstretched.