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Yep, it's an update. And guess what? This isn't the last chapter! For the sake of the many loose ends I have floating around, I decided to just keep going with this until I know how to end it.. Tell me what you think, K?


Anyway, some of you might have noticed that this story is now rated PG- 13... I feel this is slowly floating past PG, but I dion't know if it's really PG-13 yet... Let's call it PG-10. Also, I'm now showing thoughts by doing this: //Here's the thought.// Okay? I lost too many in previous parts by using angle brackets... Darn them...


Disclaimer: I don't own Ed, Edd, and Eddy the show. Although Edward, Tony, Rolf, Tom, Will, Robbie, and a number of other people who show up during the fic ARE of my own creation, and many more of my alteration, I unfortunately don't OWN them... So any sicko who wants to try could, in theory, make this into a movie and charge people to see it with out me getting any credit for it.. But I doubt that'll be happening. I certainly hope not, I have too much respect for you people. Anyways... on to the fic!


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Secret of Edd Part 8 half 2 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


They all now looked in that direction. It was getting louder, but only because they hadn't noticed it before, Edd realized. After all, they had all been talking then. "I-Is that..." Nazz said slowly, backing into Kevin. She jumped and spun around, then relaxed when she saw him. Ed nodded slowly. "That's them... It's gotta be." Rolf's eyes narrowed. "Do we wait for them to find us, or must Rolf lead us away?" "No..." Edd said. He spoke in a soft, yet firm voice, just loudly enough for them to hear him. "Ed... Could you determine what our course of action should be with Rolf's assistance?" He asked this as he continued gazing out. Ed looked confused. "Me? But, I thought you would--" Edd raised his eyebrows and turned to Ed. "I have a feeling you two would have more knowledge on these manners than I... Don't you agree?" Rolf looked Ed over and nodded. "Indeed... Ed, come with Rolf, let us plan our defence..." The two walked over to the little area cleared of rubble that everyone had been in and sat down. The others took this as a signal and dispersed, sitting around and talking in low, worried voices. Marie lingered a minute watching Edd, then went over to May and Lee for a little 'chat'. Edd didn't walk to the others, but over to a small pile of rocks that looked suspiciously like the concrete of a house's foundation. There he curled over and started shaking, his mind going through everything yet again. //Eddy... And Plank... And... Tony...// He shook his head slowly. //...Why...?// The boy shook his head again, then looked up. His face was pale, surprisingly so in the reddish light. //What do we do...?//




Ed and Edd had unusually thoughtful looks on their faces, considering the contempt they usually had for anyone else. The looks weren't completely alien, though; The same expressions had been there just after the first meeting with the Eds of another world. "...A werewolf." Ed finally said. He looked blankly at Edward, then at Edd. "A werewolf? Really" "Uh huh... He is, or he is NOW, anyway..." Edward explained. "It's really not that big a deal... They'd met a vampire before... Oh, and one of those annoying sunlizards. Anyway, we've been standing here for... Way too long. How 'bout we finish explaining on the path, okay?" He gestured to the thin clearing that trailed through the woods, where Marie was sitting and listening. She looked rather bored, as she already knew all this, and since Edward had decided that he, and he alone, would explain, she had nothing to amuse herself with. "But that kid was a werewolf?!? Don't you think he would'a been more like Double D here, not that sweet little suck-up?" Ed asked them, his eyebrow hovering above his head. Edd looked up. "Actually, he probably would have..." He sounded rather uncomfortable. Ed slowly looked over at him. "....." He stared silently, his mouth opening to speak, then closing again. "...Yer kidding." Edward commented after a few seconds. Edd shook his head. "No, I'm, uh, not..." He hesitated as all three stared at him. Marie stood up slowly and walked over, her visible eye getting even wider. Edd gave a reluctant grin. "After all, why else do ya think I'm not such a... a goody-goody like that kid?" "You're a werewolf too!?!?" Ed finally found his voice. He looked at the other two. "You two are too, aren't you?" Edward and Marie gave evil grins, nodding. Ed's eyes popped out a little further. He looked around the group, then shook his head and gave a rather relieved sigh. "I'm surrounded, then... Well, not a big deal, you've never hurt me before, I doubt ya would now." "What's that supposed to mean?" Marie looked annoyed as she asked this. Ed simply shook his head again. "Long story..." He replied, scratching the back of his head. "Part of why my sister's so scared of me, 'n why we," he gestured at Edd, "Can get our way all the time." Edd nodded and looked up at the sky, but didn't say anything. "...Right..." Edward said after a short pause. "Anyway, Can we git goin' already? We're wasting enough time here as it is... I'll finish explaining, but c'mon." He then stood, and the group started up the path again.


He proceeded to tell the story, as well as he knew it, anyway. Marie got tired of being silent, so she 'helped' the story along a few times despite the death glares Edward gave her. They had been going for a few minutes and were near the end of the story when Ed stopped short. "What?" Edward also stopped to look at him, beginning to feel annoyed. "What're we gonna call them?" Ed said slowly. Edd tilted his head. "Who?" "The other Eds... I mean, how will we tell, say, the other Double D and you apart? Him here," He gestured towards Edward, "He at least is called called Edward, but two Double D's, two Eds..." "And two Maries." She commented brightly, grinning. They all looked at her, and she shrugged. "It's not a big deal. You just hit whoever messed up, and they learn ta' keep their mouths shut..." Edd nodded. "That's really about all we can do..." He stepped past Ed. "Let's keep going." He and Edward started to walk ahead. "So, that's why you have one of this type of hat? You switched places...?"




Edd was standing alone, staring at the horizon. It was slowly getting darker as the sun began to set, and as more smoke filled the dusky sky above them. The noise in the distance had died down; Edd had a feeling the zombies were distracted by Tony and Eddy... If they were even still there, and hadn't just left this world. A breeze started up, almost knocking the wide-brimmed hat off his head. He quickly put a hand up to hold it, but continued gazing out. "Double D?" Marie asked softly, coming up to the boy's still figure. He remained poised and sighed, then sowly sat down after a minute. "I don't understand..." He finally said. "Understand what?" She sat beside him, looking confused. He shook his head. "What to do... I... I'm no good at planning like this... I can always think of something to do to keep myself from an uncomfortable position, but there's just so many more of us..." Marie nodded. "Well, we gotta think of something... Otherwise, we just sit down and wait ta get killed..." They sat there silently for a minute, watching the last remnants of clear sky, far, far by the horizon. There the sky was orangish, the sun almost down below the smoke and clouds. The breeze came up again and their hair blew bcak in the air, revealing both of Marie's eyes and Edd's face from the shadow his new hat cast. They silently sat there for a few minutes, thinking. Marie eventually smiled and squeezed Edd's hand, then stood up. He blinked and watched her get up, then walk over to the others. She winked at him, then sat in the 'circle' They were all sitting in a rather irregular circle shape, and they all seemed uneasy, looking around at the horizon. Ed was waving his hands as he tried to tell them something. Edd scratched the back of his head and smiled wryly,then stood. He slowly walked towards them. Ed looked up and nodded, but his usual happy-go-lucky smile wasn't on his face. He glanced back to where he had been watching before, watching Sarah. The younger redhead and Jimmy were huddled together again. Next to them Rolf+ Kevin were looking out to the darker horizon where the shouts had first come from. Marie was opposite them where she had just sat down. She was watching Jonny, who was frowning at the dirt before him, in appearent deep concentration. Kevin looked up as Edd sat. "Ah, here you are, finally.... What's the deal?" Edd shook his head. "They seem to have left, fo now at least... So we have some time before we panic." Kevin didn't answer, and he turned to Ed and Rolf. "Any thoughts?" Ed tapped his chin, or his neck, anyway, thoughtfully. "Well, they'll probably come for us at night, seeing's how most monsters prefer moonlight to sunlight anyway... It'll be dark, we'll need a fire." "To keep a fire lit all night, we shall need much wood." Rolf added. He looked over at Jimmy and Jonny. "I hope you remember your experience from the survival trip, for you shall need it." Jimmy nodded hesitantly, while Jonny's face went dark. //Plank...// He thought, then shook his head. "Don't worry, there's plenty o' wood right over, and it's already dead, too." Marie told them all, pointing to the nearby forest. Some of the trees were only 50-100 feet away. "Me and those two have'ta go get wood all the time, so we'll know what to look for." May nodded slowly. "Yeah, we-we could do that..." She said this hesitantly from where she was hunched over, next to Lee. Edd met Marie's gaze. "You three can handle the wood?" She nodded, and brushed her bangs back. "Sure thing." "Alright..." Edd looked back to Ed and Rolf. "Anything else?" "Indeed... Also, we must find some way of returning home... Soon." Rolf surveyed the landscape uneasily. "This world is not friendly to ordinary humans..." "Guess Double D and Marie don't have anything to worry about, then..." Nazz said brightly, a half smile showing on her face. The werewolves exchanged glances again, then stared at Nazz. They kept the stare up until she looked confused. "What?" "She's not intimidated..." Marie said, now disappointed. Edd shrugged. "What can I say? We've gotten used to unusual things... Unusually quickly." He sighed and looked around the group, then frowned. //Kevin...?//




Kevin froze at Rolf's comment, his entire mind going numb. //Normal humans...?// He breathed in slowly, then visibly flinched at Nazz's comment. //Do I count as normal..? I haven't felt right since I came back here, not once...// He tried to calm himself, and looked up. There, Jonny was watching him with a concerned look on his face. //Kevin? What's wrong//The bald kid's voice asked in his head. //N-Nothing... Just nerves...// He lied, with a sinking feeling that Jonny knew he was lying. Surprising, the boy brightened and nodded, then looked at the others. //That was easy...// Kevin sighed with relief, only to find that Edd was now staring at him. //What now...?// "What?" His voice asked calmly, as his face looked confused. "...Are you alright?" Edd asked after a pause. Kevin froze for a second again, only to find himself nodding. "Yeah... This is just really, y'know, freaky..." "Tell me about it..." Sarah said, staring over at Lee and May. "Guys..." Edd said slowly and softly. They looked up because he had stood again. "Not now, alright? We're going to have a stressful enough night, let's focus, seeing's how as random monsters are going to come along and decide to try and eat us... Got it?" They all nodded reluctantly. "Is that it?" Jimmy asked, slowly standing. Edd nodded. "Jimmy, you and the Jonny boy shall assist Rolf in making a firepit... Nazz, you, Sarah, Kevin, and Rolf shall make weapons, and Ed and Double D, can you find a few vantage points for any guards we post?" Rolf said swiftly, a buisness like tone in his voice. "Certainly, Rolf... Everyone, you know what to do?" They nodded, and Edd aknowledged this, then went away from the group, looking around the rocks. They all dispersed to whatever they had been asked to do. The Kankers went into the trees to find wood, Marie smiling back at Edd before vanishing amongst the oaks.




Ed, Edd, Edward, and Marie were staring up at the gate. "We can probably assume this is it..." Edd commented, looking it over. "It is." Marie said curtly. Ed raised his eyeborw. "But, how do they go to other universes with.... this? It's just a bunch of junk nailed together!" Edward shrugged. "No clue.. And I doubt that do, either. He shook his head, and walked up to the controls at the base. He examined them for a minute, then looked confused, pointing at the screen. There, 8-2-3-0-0-1-6 was displayed. "Hey, do ya'll have any idea what this's about?" Marie shrugged. "The number o' this world, prob'ly... 'Member? He was yapping about how they had numbers they 'expirimented' with... But what are the other one's numbers?" "I'll figure it out... This thing IS rather simple, after all..." Edward, after another minute looking, pressed LOG on the keyboard, and straightened with a satisified smirk on his face. A series of numbers now showed on the screen. Edd stepped up to it and started scrolling down the list. "8-3-2-0-0-1, 8-3-2-0-0-9, 8-3-2... How many did these guys go to anyway?" He wondered, looking back at the others. Ed and Marie peered at the list over Edward's shoulder. "Hey, every other one is that 0-9 one..." Ed realized. Edward nodded. "So, that one's theirs', and this one..." He tapped 832001, "Is you two's, 'cause didn't they go here first?" Ed and Edd both nodded. "And then this 'un," 832017, "Must be ours, since they went to yours, then home, that vampire one, home, ours, home again..." "So, that 8-3-2 one... Wait..." Marie frowned and scratched her head. "Edward, ain't that what that tony guy said before that flash of light? Eight-thirty-two?" Edward's eyes widened, and he nodded very slowly. "Y'er right... He did say that..." He looked down. "So they're in that world, the one with the vampires 'n all... But why would that guy have brought them there?" The others either looked confused or shrugged, then they all looked down at the screen again. "Well, are we gonna try it?" Marie asked. "We might as well." Edd said after a minute. "Okay, then..." Edward fiddled with the controls for a minute, until the screen said: Destination: 8-3-2 He glanced up at them, then pressed enter. All four heads snapped up as the wind gusted suddenly in the direction of the gate. A light filled the very center, then spread slowly out, spining faster and faster. "What the..." Marie whispered, staring as the light seemed to <I>pull</I> the air towards it. Ed and Edd stared wide-eyed as the light finally reached the edges, then rippled and was still. "Is... that it?" Edd asked. Edward's and Edd's hats stopped flapping, and he exhaled. "Yeah... Let's move out." They all exchanged grins, Ed flexing his fists, then went up the steps, and through the light.




Sarah picked up a sharp rock from the ground and held it up. //This'll work...// She thought, then looked out at the trees. "Stupid Eddy... Getting us stuck in this dump..." She imagined Eddy's head on one of the trees, and threw the rock. It hit the imaginary face on the nose, which then looked a little bent suddenly. "And all those times he got us in trouble with our parents...!" Another rock sailed, hitting the same tree, but only clipping the ear of the face. "And... And...!" Yet another rock left her hand, only to sail off into the trees and hit something soft. A grunt came from the area the rock went. Sarah froze, and her eyes widened. She straightened slowly and peered out. "What the..." She whispered, then covered her mouth. "...!" A gray figure walked out slowly, rather lopsided. It leaned over to the left and limped with it's right foot. One of the arms seemed to be completely missing, and it's eyes were blank white. It slowed and fixated on her, then grinned, revealing only two or three brownish teeth remaining, then hissed and sped up. "Ah!!" Sarah stumbled back and turned, running through the debrie she had been standing in. She jumped over a house's foundation, only to clip the edge and fall to her hands&feet. "URGH!!!" The creature roared, about to leap on her, when, "Ugh!" Its pursuit stopped as it stumbled back, just a few feet away from Sarah. She looked up and back timidly, to see a sharp, pointed stick protruding from it's head. It looked vaguely around, fixed on her, and stumbled forward. "No!" She whimpered, crawling back as quickly as she could. Another stick flew over her head and through its shoulder. "Sarah! Get over here!" Edd's voice rang out from behind her. "We'll watch it, so come on!" She turned around and saw them; all of the others, lined up with torches from the fire, and weapons such as the spears someone had thrown. She nodded and started running head down, ignoring the creature's moans from behind her. They all came towards her, Ed and Rolf with cold looks on their faces. Edd, Marie, Kevin, and Nazz looked worried, and Jonny distant as he stared past her. Jimmy, however, looked relieved. "Sarah, are you alright?" He asked, putting the torch down to hug her. "Uh huh... But..." She looked to the side as Ed, Edd, and Rolf walked past, and surrounded her pursuer. The others made a ring around her and Jimmy, looking out at their surroundings. "...This was one of them, I presume?" Edd asked them, watching the body stop moving, then sigh and be still. Rolf nodded. "Yes.. The others will arrive almost immediately, now that we hae killed one of them. Ed looked grim as he knelt down and turned it over. His face paled as he nearly fell back. "Oh, god..." They looked down, and saw the reason for his reaction. Even though it clearly had been rotting for some time, and was covered in dirt, they could recoginze it. "Ed..." Edd whispered, looking at his still-living friend with concern. "This is not a good sign." Rolf decided, then sighed. He reached down and grabbed some dirt, then sprinkled it in the air over the body. Closing his eyes, he murmured something in another language, moving his hand through he air so a fine layer of dust covered the zombie. He then touched his hand to his forhead, and whispered one last word. Edd blinked as the dust glowed faintly, then began to sink to the ground... Or, rather, the body became the ground. "Dust to dust...?" He whispered, as a breeze picked up and dispersed the remains through the air. "Hey, you guys! They're coming again, I think!" Nazz called, and their heads jerked up. Noises came from all directions; scuffling, random sounds that <I>could</I> have speech, but they could make it out. A sudden roar came from the remains of the cul-de-sac, and many creatures climbed over the walls, arms outstretched. "Everyone! Get ready!" Edd exclaimed as the three ran over to the others, then grabbed 'spears', torches, or anything else they could get. "Look out!"




Chaos followed. Jonny couldn't remember much clearly, but it had NOT been fun. The entire time he had been swamped with the others thoughts, seeing what they were eeing, feeling what they did. He backed out of the way dizzly, unable to see clearly. //Oh, no! Ed!// A flash of Ed keeling over as a zombie towered over him. //Sarah!// The redhead ducking and frantically hitting at anything near her, as two or three tried to grab her. //Ah! DANG it!!// Out of Edd's eyes, as he was whacked by someone's torch. //Rolf hitting one so hard it flew back and collapsed against the wall. //Kevin's hands as he backed away, shaking, and collapsed to the ground. //Nazz kicking one in mid air, then doing the splits, leaping in a sideways flip, and kicking two coming at her at once. //Jimmy stopping Sarah, then standing back/to/back with her and protecting themselves. //May and Lee teaming up on them, May whacking them over to Lee, who punched them as hard as she could; knocking most out. //Marie grinning as she tried the strength trick Edward showed them, then sending all of the next ones flying 20, 30 feet into the air with every blow. One coming right at him, only for Ed to knock it down. "Jonny, are you okay?!?" He asked frantically, pulling the boy up. "I-I..." Jonny looked, and felt, dazed. He looked vaguely around, and saw the others all gathered around something. //Or someone...// He realized. Ed shook his head. "Come on, follow me..." Jonny tried to shut out the others' thoughts and focus completely on walking. He stumbled slowly behind Ed, then felt confused. "What's going on...?" Ed glanced back at him. "We're getting out of here. Double D and Marie had an idea, so we're all gonna go to the hospital." "...The hospital...? Why?" Jonny felt confused, and he thought back. What had happened there...? "Remember? That vampire Kevin said something about Eddy and Tony going to the hospital and waking up all the zombies?" Ed waited for Jonny's response. Jonny nodded slowly. "Yeah, I remember..." They caught up to the group just then. "...I hope this is a good idea, you guys..." Nazz said quietly. Kevin gave a sarcastic grin. "Oh, what's to worry about? So we're going to march into an area full of zombies bent on our destruction, and possibly Eddy and the guy responsible for our bein' here and any of this having happened... What's the big deal?" He then smiled and tried to wrap an arm around her shoulder. Nazz glowered at him, the hit him in the face. "Ow!!" He covered his face and cringed. He stood there a minute, then uncovered it, revealing a wide red mark. "What was that for?!?" "You were too close to me.." Nazz said silkily, then walked ahead, around May and Lee. Kevin shook his head. "Whatever..." He looked up. //I'm not putting up with that junk anymore...//


************* ~flashback~ *************


Kevin stared down at his own hands, watching them shake uncontrollably. //What's the matter with me?!? C'mon, get with it, already!// He thought, then closed his eyes as a shiver went all up his body. //Pathetic...//He thought. //I'm so pathetic... This whole time, I've had things happening, and I couldn't do anything about ANY of it... Always had to depend on... Double D... Every time.. With the singing, and the vampire, and now, to save our butts from zombies all over the place... Why him? Why not me?!?// Kevin shook his head and opened his eyes slightly, to see everything practically moving in slow motion. Almost all of the zombies were gone, Ed and Rolf were finishing the last ones off. Lee looked over at him and looked confused. Kevin straightened a little, frowning. //What's she want now?// His mind filled with annoyance, to the point that it confused him on some level. He dismissed the feeling, and haughtilly stood up. "What?" "You okay? Ya look all sick..." Lee looked him over. Kevin crossed his arms over his chest and looked indignant. "I am not sick, I feel better than I have in a while... A long while." This caught the attention of one or two of the others, particularly Edd. He looked up from where he was kneeling next to Marie, and caught Kevin's gaze. His eyes focused on him and he watched him thoughtfully, only for them to widen. "What the..." He whispered, getting up. "Kevin, are you certain that you're alright?" "Yeah! I already said I am, sheesh." Kevin shook his head and looked around. "So, what're we gonna do now?" Marie stretched and stood up, then walked around. She paused, then stared at Kevin. "Hey... What about the hospital?" Everyone who was paying attention looked confused. "Huh?" "What about it?" Kevin said roughly. She pointed at him. "That other you said something about the zombies coming from there, right? Why don't we go deal with the problem from it's source?" May's eyes widened. "What? Go to where all these guys came from and run in there?" Her blue-haired sister nodded. "Sure, why not?" Rolf tapped his chin thoughtfully. "That is very observent of you, Marie... But, would not Eddy and that... Brother of his, would not they be there also?" "They were there... But I'm not so certain that they would have remained there... It wouldn't make much sense to stay, seeing's how the zombies would be after them as well.." Edd said slowly, looking out at he horizon. "But it wouldn't hurt to try, and it's not as though we have anything else to be doing.. Staying here for too long most likely isn't safe." Ed nodded. "No, it isn't. The longer we stay here, the more our scent will linger in this area, and the easier it'll be for someone to find us." "So, we're just gonna charge in there? What if that Tony tries to control us again? Whatever you were doin' didn't have any effect." Lee commented from behind everyone else. Kevin's eyes clouded over. "She's right, you know..." He told Edd. "That last time, you couldn't do anything about it." "...I do apologize for that, Kevin, but there isn't anything I can do about that now." He then straightened and addressed the entire group, many of whom talking amongst themselves. "Look, you guys, this really is the best idea we have. The only way we're going to get home is with Tony's gate, as I can't possibly recreate the controller, or the gate itself, without the proper materials..." He glanced around, then added, "And trust me, this world most likely wouldn't have them." Jimmy nodded. "So, this the only thing we cn do?" "Unless you want to make this your permanent home, I believe it is." Edd replied, then looked beyond them, in the direction of the hospital. //I hope this works...//


************** ~Forward~ **************


Sarah was leaning her head against Jimmy's shoulder as they walked. "This is too wierd..." She said softly. "Mmm..." Jimmy nodded slightly, then smiled. "At least we're together, and not in that cage anymore." "Yeah..." She picked her head up and looked around, then giggled. "What?" She pointed over at Ed. "Figures... After all those times when they said that the Kankers weren't their girlfriends, and look what happens..." "...?" Jimmy followed her gaze, then grinned. Ed and May were walking close as well, talking softly together. At the head of the group, Marie was squeezing Edd's arm, and he was shaking his head mournfully. "Huh, what'd'ya know..." Kevin commented, then gave a dramatic sigh and looked at Nazz. "C'mon, Nazz, y'know you want to hang with me... Might be your last chance." "That's not funny, Kevin." She said coldly, then gave him a pointed gaze as she walked over to Jonny. "Wha...?" He looked horrified as she rubbed Jonny's shoulder, and the two walked ahead. "That's not funny either!" Rolf smiled wickedly now as he looked voer at evin. "Oh, do not fret, Kevin... Lee is still available for one of us." "LEE?!?" Kevin screeched, his eyes really wide. "What the heck is the matter with you guys!?!" The others just started to laugh, and he glared at Lee when she walked over to him suggestively. "No. Way. Never." He said in a monotone voice, folding his arms across his chest. She pouted at him, then shrugged and walked over to Rolf. "Ok, so what about you, huh? A big strong boy like you?" Rolf raised his eyebrow and shook his head. "Rolf is already spoken for, Kanker-sister... Why do you not wait until we find Eddy, and use your siren powers on him again?" "...You're already spoken for? What's that supposed to mean?" Kevin finally said, though he still looked annoyed. Rolf opened his mouth, then scratched the back of his head. "Uh, how would you say..." "...Are you engaged, Rolf?" Jonny asked, turning towards them. "What?!?" The kids all stopped and stared at the foreigner. Rolf nodded. "I believe that is how you say it... Why? Is this a bad thing?" "Well, most people in the United States wait until they're adults to make decisions such as that... But as your customs are different, I can see how that might be the case... Was it a prearranged marrige, from when you were a child?" Edd asked after a moment of thought. Rolf nodded again, beginning to look weary of this line fo questioning. "Yes, but she remains in the old country, as her father can not yet send any of his children to this part of the world." "I see..." Edd then smiled, and glanced over at Nazz. "That's probably why you were the only sane one of us left, that day we all had a crush on Nazz..." Jimmy looked hurt. "What about me?" Edd grinned, then pulled the brim of the hat down. "Well, yes, that's true... You were immune to it, weren't you?" Jimmy nodded, and Edd looked ahead. "Well... We should keep going, it's almost dark..." "Right..." They all nodded, and continued on into the growing twilight.




"...Whoa..." Was all Ed had to say. He stared up at the sky, then turned to Edd. "Are you seein' this?!?" Edd nodded slowly as his eyes widened. "This is... Amazing..." "I think this might be the place." Edward said as he walked down the little staircase, and onto the dirt. He reached down, grabbed a handful, and sniffed it. "Okay, now THIS is a real world... All those truths, out in living daylight, not restricted to the dream shadow-worlds and the darkness under your bed..." He threw it up into the air and gave a happy sigh. Marie smiled as well, looking around. "Y'know... I've been here before..." Edd and Ed looked at them. "When...?" Ed said after a pause. "When she was born... When any of us were truly born... I mean, look around!" Edward spun slowly around, pointing at the horizon. "This world is closer to the center of reality than our world is..." "...It does seem that way, doesn't it?" Edd said as they all considered this. "But... Shouldn't we be going?" Marie looked confused, then nodded. "Oh, yeah... So, where'd ya figure they are?" Edward crossed his arms and looked around at the horizon, holding his ehad high into the air. His nostrls flared and he froze, then cocked his head to the side as he looked to the north. "That way, I think..." The four all looked north. The ski was the darkest there, as the sun was setting in the southwest. In the east the clouds were whitish, probaby conealing the rising moon. //Full, probably...// Edward thought. But to the north, the ski was black. "Figures..." Ed decided. "They'd march right to the heart of the problem..." "How do you know that's where the problem is...?" Marie asked after a minute. "Because." He said simply. They didn't look convinced, and he explained. "Evil lies where it's darkest." Ed then nodded. "Let's get going." Edward smirked, and they all began walking north, in the direction of the hospital.




"This is boring." Eddy's voice said slowly. "Too bad." Tony replied, covering up a yawn. Eddy sounded annoyed. "See?!? You're yawning too! Now can we please DO something? This is a stupid idea, anyway... Those guys won't fall for any more of your tricks." Tony smirked. He was sitting on a lawn chair, which was placed on the roof of the hospital. Eddy was pacing around the area, his pupils slowly reappearing in his eyes. "I know they won't, I don't intend to play with their heads anymore." "Then, what the heck are we doing up here?!?" Eddy was indignant, and he stopped pacing to stare at his older, look-alike brother. The man leaned back and got comfortable. "You don't see enough of the picture, do you?" When Eddy merely started to retort, he raised a hand. "Don't. It's not a big deal. It's just... Tell me. When did Double D first begin to feel oddly, to change?" Eddy looked confused, and hesitantly said, "In Edward's world..." "No, don't you see?" Tony was smiling and shaking his head, and he looked over at his younger brother. "He felt oddly HERE... In THIS world, where all these supernatural things are so much realer... It's becuase you guys came here that my own abilities got to be so... Real, rather than me just influencing people like I used to. Now, I can literally CONTROL them... Get it?" Eddy nodded slowly, but he still didn't look convinced. "But, what does that have to do with us being here?" He looked back out, to the south. "Because, vampires are supernatural in nature too... They need even more of a wake-up call than werewolves do, but once they hear it..." He chuckled softly. "Buh-bye to their human minds..." Eddy's eyes widened. "Hold on, you mean you're gonna..." He trailed off as Tony laughed even louder. //Then, he's goin' after Kevin now... Sweet...// He grinned as well, and walked over to his brother's left shoulder to watch the horizon, and the zombies milling about below them.




"Double D!" Sarah suddenly shireked, jumping back. She pointed at the rubble around them, suddenly moving. "Look out!" Ed ran over and pulled Sarah and Jimmy back as large rocks tumbled off. Loud screetching noises surrounded them, and the group clustered together. "They have returned!" Rolf exclaimed, pulling for a spear. "Let Rolf uphold the family's honor..." He murmured as he brandished it. The others frantically grabbed for a torch or spear as the stones around them were filled with zombies, all coming at them. "Watch yourselves!" Edd commanded just before they hit.




Jimmy managed to grab a weapon and defend himself as the first one launched itself at him. He hit it on the head once or twice, only for it to suddenly fly through the air. Marie grinned at him from where it previously had been standing, then turned to find another. He shook his head. //This is violent! Come on, Jimmy, pretend it's a hockey game... You've surviveed THOSE before!// He nodded to himself, and a ferosity poured through his body as he saw Sarah barely beating one off. "Sarah!" He jumped over May and a zombie, who were struggling for control of another of the spears, and landed in front of the redhead. "Leave my Sarah alone!" He exclaimed angrily, ramming it in the but with the spear. The zombie fell back, and Sarah thrust her torch in it's face. The zombie's face burst into flames, and it collapsed to the ground, and was still. Jimmy and Sarah smiled at each other, then shrieked as several more surrounded them. "Shoot!" They stood back to back, and prepared to defend themselves. ***** Jonny also got a weapon this time, and successfully shut off most of the others' thoughts so he could concentrate. They were everywhere! There were many more than the last time, with more than one attacking most of the kids. "Whoa!" He exclaimed, ducking as a rock flew through the air. //That was close!!// He thought as he looked for it's source.


Nazz, May, and Lee had backed away from the group and were throwing rocks at any zombies that came too close... Missing often enough to be dangerous to their friends. //Those idiots! They almost hit me!// Jonny slammed his stick into a nearby zombie's head and slowly worked his way towards the girls. He was almost there when Kevin suddenly slammed into him. ***** "Ohf!" Kevin grunted as he and Jonny fell to the ground. "That little... Die already!" Kevin rolled off of Jonny and jumped into the air, and onto a zombie. It swayed violently around, trying to buck him off. "I don't think so..." He hissed, then took his stick(a log, really, and large enough to do some damage) and slammed it against it's head as hard as he could. It stumbled forward and he fell off it. It collapsed and left that plane of existance. "Ah!" Nazz shrieked from behind him. Kevin froze, and turned around. //$^@#...// She had been knocked away from the Kankers, with two or three surrounding her with blank expressions in their eyes. "Nazz!" Kevin lurched forward and launched himself at one, knocking it away from her. He and the zombie rolled over several times, with it trying to push him away, and him try to hit it with his log. It grabbed his hand, and pried the log out of his hands, then gave a deathly grin. Like the Ed-zombie, it had only a few, yellow/brown teeth remainning and grayish sking. All in all, it was a hideous sight. "You die..." It said slowly, yet clearly. Kevin shook his head from above it, as they had stopped rolling. "No, you do..." He tightened all of his muscles, then punched as hard as he could with both arms. Both fists met his head, and he grinned. With first one arm, then the other, he gave a barrage of hits on the thing, mercilessly attacking even after it's arms let go and it tried to back away. With one last yell, he punched it square in the head and met it's gaze. "Good bye..." Kevin murmured, feeling faint. He blinked, and saw everything fading from his sight... ***** After some time, he didn't know how much, he came to again. Kevin shook his head to clear it, and looked around. He saw Nazz staring at him in horror. Her face was a whitish-greenish color, and she seemed to be staring beyond him. "You... You..." She whispered, backing slowly away. "Nazz...?" Kevin stepped towards her, feeling confused. "What's wrong?" "Get back...!" She scrambled back a few steps, gazing at him with wide eyes. He looked annoyed and glanced around him, and saw zombies lying around them, appeaarently dead. "Look, I don't know what your problem is, but we gotta make sure there aren't any more of those freaks around here, okay?" He rubbed his forehead. "It was just a few zombies, okay? Not a big deal..." "I wouldn't quite say that, Kevin..." Ed commented suddenly. Kevin glanced up at him in surprise. Behind Nazz, Ed and Rolf were staring at him as well. They both had serious expressions on their faces. Marie and Edd, however, were looking at each other nervously, and Jonny seemed nearly as horrified as Nazz. Sarah and Jimmy hugging each other, and the Kankers gathering up the weapons, giving him side glances from time to time. "What the... What's you guys' problem?" Kevin felt uncomfortable, and he rubbed the back of his neck in confusion.


*********** ~Flashback~ ***********


Ed and Rolf stood back to back, knocking away a number of the zombies. Both were fighting with their hands, as they were almost equal strength-wise to the creatures. "Ed-boy..." Rolf wheezed as he kicked one in the gut Ed glanced over at him, and punched another in the head. "Yeah Rolf?" "...I fear this may be a losing battle." Rolf gasped for breath as two came at him at once. Ed grinned, and tried to pry a weapon from a nearby zombie's hands. It was too strong even for him, and he tried to kick it out instead. "Nah, how'd you get that idea?" He winced as voices around him shrieked, or moaned in the fashion zombies do. "We've got this one... Not a big deal..." Something suddenly grabbed him from behind, taking a hold of his arms. "Oof!" Ed gasped, trying to wrench it's hold off. "Leggo!" "Ed, duck!!" Edd's voice suddenly exclaimed. Ed immediately dropped to the ground, only for the zombie to suddenly let go. He rolled to the side and began to stand. "Thanks, Dou-- What the..." Ed's eyes widened as he saw Kevin holding the zombie in much the same way it had just been holding Ed... But the tables were turned, now the zombie couldn't get away! Rolf finished off his last one, then came to stare as well. "How is Kevin that strong that... He..." Rolf trailed off as Kevin glanced over at them. He smirked, a dusturbing one at that. //His face doesn't look right...// Ed thought, then jumped as Kevin turned and glared down at the zombie, and punched it in the face. Hard. After it collapsed, he looked around for another one, then ran after it. "...What just happened....?" Ed asked after a minute. Rolf shook his head. "...I am... not sure..."


********* ~Forward~ *********


"I wouldn't quite say that, Kevin..." Ed was saying. Kevin glanced up at him in surprise, then looked around at the whole group. "What the... What's you guys' problem?" His face was confused, and he rubbed the back of his neck as he waited. "Our...?!? Our problem? Do you even know what you just DID?!?" Marie exclaimed, staring up at Kevin. Edd's eyebrows furrowed, and he walked up closer to Kevin. "Uh..." Kevin looked blank. "Did I do something wrong? All I did was come over here and get that zombie away from Nazz..." He trailed off as they stared at him. "...Right?" "Let me get this straight.. You have no memory of what just happened?" Edd asked. Kevin now looked annoyed. "What did I do?!" "You killed most of these guys! With your bare hands!" Marie half- yelled. Kevin blinked, and looked at her slowly. "I... what...?" He whispered faintly. He looked down at his hands, then at one of the bodies lying near him. "With my... Oh, god..." He looked up at Nazz again, and started to shake.




Nazz was terrified. There was no other way to put it. Kevin had saved her from being surrounded by those things, only to go nuts and kill most of them... And she had seen ED struggling to fight them, and even Rolf! Kids who she knew could pick up TREES! And here Kevin was, laughing happily as he picked off one after another. Then, after he'd finished, he'd gone back to himself, but she slowly backed away. He went and killed so many of the zombies, and didn't remember! "I... What...?" He was whispering, shaking. He looked up at her, with a look showing that he was even more terrified than she. "With my... Oh, god..."




Kevin stopped shaking, and looked down, his face hidden from view. He stood there for a moment, then a small smirk reappeared on his face. It disappeared as he looked up, and a concerned look replaced it. "So, I... How did I do... that?" He sounded hesitant. Ed scratched the back of his head and walked slowly up to Kevin. "Well, I, uh, I don't know... It doesn't make any sense." Jimmy frowned. "Wha..." (They all turned towards him) "What about just... Adreniline, or something like that?" Several of the kids looked to Edd, he blinked and seemed uncomfortable. "Ah, well... Yes, I suppose that with enough adreniline in his system, that would have been possible... Not to mention that I believe Nazz was particularly endangered before you... Protected her..." He trailed off, trying to feel optimistic about this possibility. Jimmy nodded. "Yeah! Like that!" The kids all began to talk amongst themselves, leaving Kevin standing alone, looking akward. //Uh.... Wow, they really like that idea...// He thought, scratching the back of his head. Jonny was also standing slightly off to the side, looking confused. //Why can't I...// He wondered, concentrating on Kevin. //I can't read his thoughts at all! Or Double D's, or Marie's! I can hear the others, though... That's really wierd...// He felt troubled by this, then shook his head and turned to the others. "Well, I don't really care what it was... Did ya see how fast he took those things down? We're, like, safe if he can keep doing that!" Lee was telling the others enthusiastically, May nodding her approval. "..I... I guess so..." Nazz said slowly, then sighed. "But, that still..." "Oh, c'mon, Nazz, just think of it as his apology to you for being a jerk earlier!" Sarah said brightly, stretching. She looked up. "Hey, it's night now..." She trailed off, looking concerned. Ed shook his head. "We should get going... It's dangerous enough during the day, but night... That's when most of the creatures we'll see are at their worst..." Edd still looked doubtful, but he nodded at Ed's words. "...You're right, we're not accomplishing anything here. So, everyone's here... Er... where's Rolf?" They looked around, only to see Rolf continuing to scatter dust on the zombies. "Why does he keep doing that...?" Marie wondered. "To honor their spirits, maybe? Ask Rolf." Ed glanced around at the horizon, noticing the light behind some of the rubble. "I think the moon's rising..." "...It's been up." Edd said in a distant voice, then turned towards Kevin before Ed could say anything. "Kevin, the verdict is that we're not going to leave you to the vultures or anything, but we have to get moving... Alright, everyone?" The others nodded and retrieved their various weapons from May and Lee, then slowly began making their way north. Kevin went to the back of the bunch, that little smirk becoming visible again as he gazed ahead at the horizon.




In that direction, a shadowy figure stood alone on the remains of a billboard. "Now comes the true end... My brethren shall return..." Kevin's voice echoed softly. "And those two... creatures... Will hopefully be taken care of by those other two humans, the trouble-bringers..." He looked at the moon and grinned, revealing his long fangs. "It'll be a night to remember..."


************** End of Part 8 **************


Well, here we go... The whole deal with Kevin is the major loose end, so I'm gonna focus on that for a bit... I'll probably make it more like one of my old ideas for ending the story...


Anyway, any ideas will definately be considered, but what did you mean by the Red full moon, anyway...? I'm afraid my knowledge of supernatural things isn't all that good... How I got this far with this fic is mind- boggling...


(Oh, and for any of you who read DBZ fics... Is it just me, or did Double D sound too much like Gohan through some of this fic...? I've been reading too many of those, I think's it's starting to affect my writing... Oy...)