Part 2

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"AHH! I HATE YOU!" Edd winced as Eddy screamed, and looked out the window towards Eddy's house. There, Eddy slammed his door behind him, yelling at someone in the house.

Edd shook his head and closed the window. "Eddy's temper and voice can be so annoying at times..." he muttered, going to his desk and taking out the immunization he put in there the day before. "Now, what are you?" he asked it, then chuckled. Edd squirted three drops, one onto each of the dishes on his desk, and brought all of his lab stuff to his garage.

Once there, he set up a small lab and did experiments to the separate dishes. As he looked at the glowing green liquid, black semi-liquid, and clear liquid in the dishes, he grew puzzled.

"None of the chemicals are even familiar to me. How could this be a tetanus booster?" Edd mused, then gasped as he bumped the table. The different liquids splashed into each other and flowed over the table. A white foam grew from the wood the small amount of liquid touched.

"Oh dear! Messy, messy, messy... and just what is this stuff?" Edd complained as he cleaned it up. "I just don't understand..." He then carefully gathered a sample of the infected wood, then stuck everything into carefully sterilized bags. Edd then walked up to his room and put everything away. Just after he finished he heard Eddy scream again, but from below Edd's window this time.

"Ow...," Edd muttered, racing to the window. "Eddy, keep it down out there!" he exclaimed as Ed and Eddy walked in the house, with their filthy shoes on. Edd ran down the stairs to find mud all over the kitchen floor, Ed crying, and Eddy looking furious. "Eddy! You guys tracked mud all over the house, and, um, what's wrong?" He asked softly, looking nervous.

"WHAT'S WRONG?!? What's wrong? What isn't wrong?! I'm leaving, Double D! And I might never be able to come back!" Eddy yelled.

"Leaving? Are you running away?" Edd asked as he walked to the dinner table.

Eddy collapsed on a chair. "I'm leaving... my parents are making me leave in one week. THIS SUCKS!"

"You're moving? Away from Peach Creek? FOREVER?" Edd exclaimed, looking positively terrified.

"How do I know? All I know is my parents told me I'm leaving because I have 'attitude' problems, and that I have to pack my stuff, and, and,.... I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!" Eddy cried, and Ed hugged him. Instead of pulling away, Eddy hugged Ed back and started sobbing. Edd walked over and joined the hug, and they all stood there for several minutes, crying and standing together.

Edd wiped the tears from his eyes and sat on the table. "Well, what will we do now? We only have one week, and we should enjoy as many jawbreakers as we can. Unless..." he paused and looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully.

Ed stared at him, then Eddy. "Uh, why don't we go to the planet of the mutant sausages, where we could enlist the help of the gravy people to make your parents--" Ed said.

"Shut up, Ed." Eddy interrupted. "Another world?" Edd remarked rather dreamily, and Eddy glanced at him, startled at how spaced out Double D sounded. "Ed, where did you get an idea like that? It'd be quite interesting if we could really travel to another world."

"It's in my comic book. See?" Ed held up a comic book, similar to the Invisible Man one. "It's another one of Evil Tim's adventures."

"Isn't that the one where he does a curse, the curse you cast on us, that brought all of those birds to attack us?" Eddy asked.

"Indeed. Normally, I would have said such things degrade the mind, but considering some of the things I've seen Ed do, I'm not so sure...but it might be possible to enter an alternate universe." Edd commented.

"Like what? Pick up a house?" Eddy asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"Eddy, you really must stop doing that." Edd looked down at Eddy. "I was referring to when Ed literally made you fly, and when he cut a hole into another dimension, and how he managed to convince your mind into floating when 'Jim' picked you up. He defies the laws of physics on a regular basis. Perhaps things like his "mutant sausages" really do exist. It's enough to boggle the mind...."

"That sounds stupid. Why don't we just dupe the kids into giving us money as a farewell gift to me?" Eddy suggested.

"Actually, Edd, think a minute. I can't believe I said that, but think." Edd said, smirking slightly. "If it were possible to enter another world, where the other Eds didn't scam the kids, then they'd be less suspicious of us, and it would be easier to make jawbreaker money."

"Yeah! We could have all the jawbreakers we want!" Eddy stood on his tiptoes and grabbed Edd's shoulder. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"First we would need a machine to get us from universe to universe. Ed, may I see your comic book? We could try their design." Edd said, getting down from the table and reaching his hand out.

"Here ya go, Double D." Ed commented as he handed the comic over.

"All right. Hm...." Edd looked the pictures over. "Yes, uh huh, uh huh, okay!" He pulled out a notebook and wrote some stuff down really quickly. "Here's a list of the parts we'd need to build it. I'll find a suitable location in the woods."

"The woods?" Eddy asked incredulously. "Why in the woods?"

"So none of the other kids in the cul-de-sac see it. Let's go." Edd replied.

"Okay dokey then." Ed replied, with a large, clueless grin.

The sun was setting, and Edd put his hammer down. He wiped his forehead with a clean handkerchief and grinned, looking up. The machine was a round gate set in a base area of wood. There was a small staircase in front made of chair and crate pieces nailed solidly together. The gate itself was made of various medal parts, including parts of a blender.

"Viola! It's finished!" He exclaimed!" He exclaimed.

"Huh?" Eddy asked, poking his head out from underneath it.

"It's done, Eddy. Sadly, it's getting late and we'll have to try it out tomorrow." Edd replied.

"Darn it.... then we'll only have, um--"

"Six days, Eddy."

"I knew that!"

"I am a lump!" Ed yelled from above their heads.

"Ed! Get down from there this instant! You'll hurt yourself for sure!"

"Ally-ooop!" Ed exclaimed as he swung down. Eddy looked up sadly, then turned towards the cul-de-sac. From where they were in the woods, he could barely see the lights from the houses. "Come on, guys."

"Buttered toast."

"Shut up, Ed" Eddy muttered.

Eddy collapsed against the trunk of the tree and looked up angrily. Above his head, Ed was swinging from branch to branch. "When's Sockhead gonna finish?" He exclaimed loudly, kicking the tree.

Kevin rode by on his bike, and stopped near Eddy. "What are you doing?" he asked in a rather snide tone.

"None of your beeswax, Kevin!" Eddy yelled.

"The munchkin people are coming Eddy! They're gonna munch Double D's brain and send him up to the mother ship, where they'll-"

Ed stopped abruptly as Eddy threw a large rock into Ed's mouth. Ed choked, then chewed and swallowed the rock vacantly, then realized what he had done. "OH NO! I ate the first scout ship! Now they'll destroy Earth for sure!" Ed yelled in terror.

"Give it a rest, dork!" Kevin yelled, then sped off on his bike.

"Let's go see what's taking Double D so long, okay?" Eddy said, getting up and walking towards the door they had been sitting in front of, Edd's.

Edd rolled over in his sleep and murmured something. He was having a nightmare, with a round light that spun around, then stopped and became a mouth that ate everything around Edd. Edd cowered under it as it flew over him, then turned around. Where the cul-de-sac had been were ruins, and no sign of the kids. The forest still stood, but the trees were brown and dead, with smoke coming from the trailer park.

"Oh my... the apocolypse..." Edd whispered, walking slowly towards the cul-de-sac. He jumped as something snapped under his foot, Eddy's school picture. The wind sound like howling and screaming, and he heard a voice behind him. Edd twirled in fright, and heard the voices saying his name. "Double D... Double D..."

They sounded ghostly. "Double D... DOUBLE D...." They got louder and louder. "DOUBLE D! Hello? Wake up already!"

Edd rolled over again. " Sockhead! Wake up! Ed, would you get him up already?"

"Get outta bed, mister, or no Crunchy Puffs for you!" Ed exclaimed, picking Edd up by the leg and shaking him vigorously.

Edd opened his eyes as Ed shook him "Sto-stop shaki-ing me-e E-ed, I-i'm awa-ake!" Edd exclaimed frantically, grabbing at Ed's hands.

Okay, Ed. You heard him." Eddy said, and walked over to the bed. "Hi , Sleeping Beauty, sleep long enough? It's about 9:30."

"WHAT?? I slept in? Again?!?" Edd exclaimed, getting off of his bed. He looked warily down at Ed and Eddy's feet. "Eddy, YOU'VE CONTAMINATED MY ROOM! AGAIN!" Messy, messy, messy...."

Eddy caught him. "Come on! You can clean your room later! We only have six days to use your machine anyway...."

"Huh? Oh my! I forgot, I'm sorry..." Edd exclaimed. he thought, then asked "Are Mother and Father here?"

"Your parents? They left 2 hours ago. Ya know, they're weirder than you are, and that says something. Why do they have such a creepy car anyway?"

" Creepy? Because Father is with the government, I suppose..."

"Really? That's cool... um, are you done, Ed?" Eddy asked slowly.

Ed was standing by the desk, hitting himself on the head repeatedly with the bone. With his other hand he searched through the drawers.

"Ed! Leave the bone and my desk alone, alright?" Edd exclaimed, as he finished ironing the blankets. "My bed is made, Eddy, but what about my chores?"

"There aren't any extra sticky notes, so let's go already."

"All right, come on Ed."


{note: Ed and Eddy just walked in, glanced around, and walked up the stairs. There actually was one sticky note on his desk that read as follows:

Dear Edward,

Apologies for the incorrect instructions.

You are to administer your vaccine today


Because Edd went with the boys, he never saw the note. }

"Well, Eddy, we'll need a destination." Edd said, looking up at the structure.

"Um, how do you do it?" Eddy asked, following Edd's gaze.

"I type a number in here, and it should open a gate to the world that basically exists on that plane. Plus, I made a pocket activator for if the gate should close behind us." Edd said, holding up what looked suspiciously like a remote control.

"How about 7-3-2-0-0-1?" Ed asked, looking at the control panel in front of him.

"Well, yes, I suppose that would work. According to this, our world's number is…" He looked at the screen, "7-3-2-0-0-9, so that one will be close to our own."

Eddy looked bored. "What's it matter what number you pick? Let's just go to one!"

"The closer it is to our own world, the more similar it would be. If we went to one too far away, life might not exist there, and we would die instantly. Understand?" Edd commented, slowly typing the numbers, then paused. "Wait. Isn't that today's date? 7-3-2001? As in August 3rd?"

"Who cares?" Eddy asked, typing the rest of the numbers in. "I want to go already!" He pressed enter, and a bright light filled the clearing.

Edd saw Eddy press enter, then a bright light shine from the center of the gate. It started spinning and spreading out until it filled the entire gate. The boys stepped back as the light dimmed down into a light silverish color, rippled, and stopped spinning. Edd and Eddy grinned at each other nervously, and Eddy walked forward. Edd pulled out the notebook and frantically jotted things down.

This is absolutely astonishing!Edd wrote.I wouldn't have thought is possible, but the gate has actually worked! Once I would have deemed it merely a figment of Ed's imagination, but there it is before me! The gateway is filled with a bright, spinning light, and with Ed and Eddy's sillouettes before me, it looks remarkably like the full moon. Eddy's putting his hand in, and it's vanishing as he does! Now he's withdrawn it, but his hand is still intact... He and Ed are walking forward, and I must follow them, for I won't let my friends, or science, down!
With that, Edd walked into the gate. Behind him, an unnoticed figure walked out from behind a tree. "Did you see that, Plank?" Jonny exclaimed in his excitement. "A hole into an alternate universe! Let's go follow them!" Jonny and Plank walked up the stars and into the light.

Edd staggered forward through the liquidish stuff into the light of the noon sun. he thought, taking notes. Eddy looked around. "What? We didn't even go anywhere--OW! Ed, watch it!" He exclaimed as he was bumped from behind. He turned around, ready to yell, when he gasped and fell back. "Ja-Jonny? What are you doing here?!?"

"Huh?" Edd stammered, whirling around. "How did you get here?"

"Plank said I should follow you guys, since you're up to something. Is this really a different world?" He asked, peering around at the trees.

"No--" Eddy started.

"Yes, it is." Edd interrupted. "See how the sun is overhead? It was early in the day, and the sun was rising, in our world."

"Wow, do you see that, Plank?"

"................" Plank 'said'.

"So? The sun's above us....what, isn't about 10:00? How's the stupid sun above us right now?" Eddy asked.

"I already explained, Eddy. This is an alternate universe. Let's explore the cul-de-sac and see what the differences are." Edd said, taking more notes and stepping down the staircase.

The four, or five if you counted Plank, set out towards the cul-de-sac as the sun set behind them. There was some yelling going on head of them, then some screaming.

"Hey, what's going on?" Edd asked as they ran towards Ed's house.

"I don't know-- my goodness!" Edd exclaimed. They stood behind the house, peeking around the corner. All of them stared at the source of the screaming. There another Ed stood, laughing wickedly and holding Eddy by his feet. The Eddy was shrieking while Jonny and Kevin begged Ed to let him go.

"Oh my.." murmured Edd.

"Is that Kevin? Asking Ed to let me go? Whoa!" Eddy exclaimed.

"Look Plank! Isn't that wierd? He's friends with Eddy and Kevin, and I don't see you anywhere.." Jonny commented, then tiptoed into the bushes. The others followed quietly and carefully.



"Yes, that is hard to imagine. I wonder what events would have caused two rivals to befriend one another --is that the others?"

"There's Sarah, and Nazz..."

"Umm...." Eddy snickered. "Is that Double D," he snickered again, "with SARAH?" Eddy snorted as he tried to not laugh.

"Yes... and Jimmy with Nazz. Odd, isn't it?"

"WHAT?!?" Eddy exploded, pushing Edd down to get a better view.



Nazz, Jimmy, Edd, and Sarah walked over, carrying jawbreakers. Ed stared at them, then held out his hand. Sarah gave him a jawbreaker, and he said, "Alright, squirt, I won't beat you up... today." She smiled nervously and quietly said something about leaving friends alone, and he dropped Eddy. Eddy, Kevin, and Jonny scurried away immediately.

"What's going on?" Eddy whispered, glancing at Edd.

"Well, it would appear that this 'Ed', for whatever reason is the bully and terror of the cul-de-sac instead of Kevin. After all, he is incredably strong, and if he was smarter and spoiled...."

"This is wierd...." Jonny muttered.

Ed laughed, and started shaking the hedge.

"Ed! Stop it!" Eddy whispered frantically, looking towards the street.

There, Ed stared at the head curiously, then grinned and beckoned to Edd. They walked towards the bush, with the other kids following.

"Oh dear!" Edd squeaked, ducking further into the bush.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Ed said in a cruel tone, reaching in and grabbing Eddy. "Didn't get enough earlier? Where are your little friends? If you don't tell, I'll beat all three of you up, regardless of what I said earlier."

"No way!" Eddy exclaimed, squirming in his grasp. The other kids gasped and Ed grinned.

"All right then, are they hiding in here too? Let's see..." He grabbed Jonny, who dropped Plank in his fright. "Hold him, okay?" He told Edd, thrusting Jonny towards him. The boy easily grabbed Jonny and held him, no matter how much Jonny hit him.

"And where's that last kid, here we-- AH!" Ed reached in, only to grab Edd.

The other Edd screamed and let go of Jonny, who dashed for the bushes and sat on the grass.

"U-um, h-hello..." Edd stammered, shaking. He glanced over at the hedge behind him when the other kids gasped again.

Ed poked his head out and looked at Ed, then Edd. "Who's that good-lookin' fella?" he asked Edd, grinning idiotically.

The other Ed dropped Eddy and stared. "No way.. he looks just like me..."

"Hiya!" Ed exclaimed.

"U-uh, Eddy, I hadn't planned on us being seen with our counterparts...this could seriously alter this world's timeline.." Edd said nervously, looking at the astonished crowd befor him.

"Oh, who cares, Sockhead. They already saw you and Lumpy, didn't they?" Eddy asked as he walked towards the other kids and stared at them.

They backed away nervously. Sarah glanced back and forth between the Eds while Edd and Edd stared at each other.

"Who are you?" the boy asked.

"I'm--- you, from another universe." Edd said softly.

"If you guys are from another universe.. why are you here? And where's Kevin?" Jimmy asked. "You two and him are friends, so-"

"WHAT?!?" Eddy yelled in shock.

Edd chuckled. "You, friends with Kevin. That still seems rather unexpected, doesn't it?"

"You aren't friends with him?" Nazz asked, looking confused.

"Are you kidding? I hate the guy! No, I'm friends with Lumpy and Sockhead here, not Kevin." Eddy exclaimed.

"Yeah, cause we're the Eds!" Ed said.

"Indeed. 'Ed, Edd. and Eddy', as Eddy likes to call us, or the 'Ed boys' according to Rolf. Where is he, anyway?" Edd asked.

"Hmm.... so in your world, you're friends with me?" Ed asked Eddy. "That's very good taste. Maybe I won't beat you up. In fact, hmmm..."

"Yes, but our Ed seems.." Edd looked at Ed, who was eating part of the bush. Edd turned greenish, then turned back to the other Ed. ".. less intellectualy endowed than you. He's, well,"

"An idiot." Eddy commented.

"Eddy! Any way, he's Ed, and I'm more of a scientist-"

"A nerd..." Eddy put in.

"Will you stop interupting?" Edd asked irritably.

"Make me, Double D." Eddy retorted in a sing-song voice.

"No. But if you're that knowledgable about the citizens of Peach Creek, you describe it without distorting reality too much." Edd replied.

"Okay then..." Eddy looked angrily at Edd, then continued. "What we have is Monobrow here, who's an idiot, Sockhead, who's a nerd, me, who's a handsome and attractive young man--"

"Oh, brother..." Edd muttered, looking up. "And slightly egotistical..."

"Huh? Whatever... and Kevin, who's a jerk, Sarah, who's a brat, Jimmy, who's a wimp, Nazz, who's a chick.."

Nazz blushed and the other Edd snickered.

"Rolf, who's a wierd farm guy, Jonny, who talks to stuff-"

"Plank isn't stuff!" Jonny exclaimed angrily. "Right Plank? PLANK?" he looked around frantically. "Where's Plank?"

"Who's Plank?" Ed asked, looking completely confused.

"Oh dear, Eddy... help me look..." Edd exclaimed as he searched throught the hedges quickly.

"Plank is a plank of wood with a face painted on it that Jonny talks to, then acts like he's being answered. The guy's wierd like that..." Eddy explained as Edd and Jonny searched around.

"PLANK! There you are!" Jonny exclaimed, picking Plank up.

The other kids stared. "That is wierd..." Jimmy said.

The kids around him nodded, and Ed grinned.

"Why didn't you say something? I didn't realize you were stuck!" Jonny asked, looking Plank in the 'face'.

"........................." Plank replied.

"That's rather amusing, actually..." Ed commented. "Thanks. I've never seen anything quite like that... Tell ya what. As a reward for being friends with such a good lookin' guy and showing me something rather funny, I'll give each of you five bucks. That okay?"

Eddy stared in shock, and Edd looked surprised. //Five dollars each?!? But we didn't even do anything...// Edd thought.

Ed pulled four $5 bills out of his pocket, and gave one to each Ed and one to Jonny. Jonny finished talking to Plank and looked puzzled.

"Hey, what about Plank? He should get some money too!"

Ed and Edd burst out laughing. "Jeez! This is a good idea you have, kid! Does 'Plank' get allowence, as well as you?"

"Of course he does! Why wouldn't he?" Jonny demanded.

Edd slowly stopped laughing. "This kid gets twice as much money just because he talks to a piece of wood! Maybe I should have an imaginary friend, and Mother'll give me twice as much too!"

"Okay, here's some for 'Plank' too.." Ed said, snickering. Jonny took it and started talking to Plank again.

"Well, we should be getting home, Eddy. I think it's nearly lunch time, and I should be doing my chores soon." Edd commented.

"But it's 2 o'clock, how could it be lunch time...?" Sarah asked.

"Different times, who cares? We should be going so we can gloat to Kevin when we get some jawbreakers!" Eddy exclaimed.

"I want to hear more about your world, come back someday.." Ed said, then turned to Edd. "Where'd those dweebs get to?"

"No clue. Let's go look!"

"Okay... see you guys later!" With that, Ed and Edd walked off. The other kids said various farewells and left.

"All right, let's be off." Edd commented, then turned towards Ed's house.

"Jonny, I trust you won't be following us any more, correct?" Edd asked as they walked through the trees.

"Probably not, those guys were too rude. What's that Plank?" He asked. The others glanced at him. "Okay... Plank says to be careful. You never know what could happen in another world, and, -- whoa!"

"Ow!" Eddy exclaimed as Jonny fell on him, then Ed on him.

"Are you all right?"Edd exclaimed.


"Well, it's actually a good thing you fell. This is the clearing the gate is in." Edd commented, pulling out the controller.

Eddy got up. "um, it's not here, Doub- hey!" Edd pressed a button, and the gate appeared before them.

"Let's go home." He simply said, then walked into the gate.

Eddy ran after him, then Ed.

Jonny watched them run into the gate. He then paused and listened to Plank. "Really? You think they'll unlock supernatural forces? How?" "A world of impossiblities? What's that mean, Plank?" "Oh, fine. Explain later. That's not very polite, you know." "That's okay, Plank. I'll race ya home!" With that, Jonny ran into the gate.

The Eds ran down the street. You next see them in front of the candy store with three very large bags of jawbreakers. "

"I can't believe this! 10 jawbreakers each, and we each still have $4.50 each! We'll be eating jawbreakers for weeks! Oh, wait... you guys will, anyway..." Eddy said rather dismally.

"Leggo my Eggo!" Ed exclaimed from under the three bags.

The cul-de-sac came into view, and Eddy sighed.

"I suppose we'll be meeting here tommorow?" Edd asked.

"Yeah, yeah..." Eddy muttered, still looking a bit gloomy until Ed put the bags down and a jawbreaker rolled out. "Watch it, Ed!" He exclaimed, and grabbed it.

"Double D, did the munchkin people get you earlier?" Ed asked absently.

"Huh?" Edd looked confused.

"Never mind.... you don't want to know." Eddy commented.

"Alright then.. I'll see you guys later!" Edd walked across the street to his house and walked inside. He gathered sticky notes, did chores, and ate lunch. By 3:49 he finished, and went to his room to expirement on the shot some more.

As he grabbed it, he put paper on top of his desk, covering the note. "Why can't I figure out what you are?" He asked himself, getting a jawbreaker to eat while thinking. He went down to the garage and made another lab, where he did different tests on it. By the end of the day, he was no closer to an answer, as well as tired.

"Oh, I give up. I'll simply ask mother some time this week when I have a chance..."

The End of Part 2

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