The Secret of Edd, Part 3

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Edd yawned, stretched, and looked around. It was 5:24, and he had already woken up three times.

"I'll never get back to sleep... I might as well start cleaning my room now."

With that, he got out up and proceeded to make his bed and disinfect his room again. He then took a shower and got dressed. It was now 5:58.

Edd stared at the clock. "It's only...." he groaned. "This is going to be a long wait until they wake up, if I know Eddy. What can I do until then?" He sat down and grimaced, then curled up as his stomach lurched. A car started in the garage, and then drove off. //Mother and Father are leaving so soon? I suppose that makes sense... with the hospital closing, she'd need a new job.//

After sitting against the wall for several minutes he walked downstairs and sat on a chair. There, he pulled out a jawbreaker and sucked on it. He looked down at his hand and rubbed it absently where the sliver was, then glanced. at the clock.

Edd had been thinking about where they should go for fifteen minutes when he froze, hearing noises outside.

The back door slammed open and two pairs of footsteps walked around downstairs. They went up the stairs and into Edd's room, where the light was off. He looked up as the two silhouettes approached. The light suddenly turned on.

"Hiya, Double D!" Ed exclaimed as he walked in.

"See ya didn't sleep late today, huh Sockhead?" Eddy asked, grinning.

"Very funny Eddy. What are you two doing awake so early today?" Edd asked, standing up slowly. //Ow, my head still hurts too... I'm not going to have a good day, I can tell...// He thought.

Eddy nodded as he pulled out a jawbreaker. "What'd ya think? We got FIFTEEN BUCKS in that other one! Of course we're going again!"

"We should try another world, the world of the Bunion people awaits us, after all..." Ed said slowly and solemnly.

Edd stared. "What on Earth are 'Bunion people' anyway?" he asked.

"The Bunion people are-"

"Ed, no one really cares." Eddy said, then pulled out a jawbreaker.

"Indeed. You should get out more, and away from those brain-numbing comics and movies, Ed. Who knows what they've done to you already..." Edd commented.

"Oh, yeah. Like you're one to talk about getting out and socializing, Double D..." Eddy exclaimed as he walked past him. "Are we going, or not? Those jawbreakers won't buy themselves!" With that, he stuck the jawbreaker in his mouth and smiled.

"Don't leave me behind, guys!" Ed yelled as he ran after them.

Jonny stopped running around to watch them walk by. "Are you guys going... exploring... again?" He asked hesitantly, glancing around.

Eddy nodded, glancing nervously at Kevin and the others.

Kevin held the football he and Rolf had been passing in order to watch them. Rolf eyed them irritably, but didn't say anything.

"What are you up to?" Kevin asked suspiciously.

"Nothing that will affect you, Kevin, do you don't have to worry about it." Edd commented, and walked by towards the wood behind Ed's house.

Eddy stuck his tongue out, only for his jawbreaker to fall on the ground.

Kevin started snickering, and Rolf grinned. "Poor Ed-boy lost his jawbreaker, no?" Rolf asked as he started laughing.

"Nah, it's not a big deal..." Eddy said as he pulled out another jawbreaker. "Smell ya later, guys!" He followed Edd towards the woods, and pulled Ed's arm. "Come on, Lumpy!"

Kevin and Rolf stared. "Where'd he get those jawbreakers? DID THEY BREAK INTO MY GARAGE AGAIN?!?" Kevin exclaimed, running to his garage to check it out. Rolf followed him, being particularly thoughtful.


"Well, what number should we use today?" Edd asked Eddy curiously.

"Um, well, it started, with 8-3-, um, -2..." Eddy said looking up.

"8-3-2! Got it, Eddy!" Ed exclaimed as he typed the numbers in.

"Wait Ed! That's not even close to our number, DON'T PRESS ENTER!" Edd yelled frantically.

Ed pressed enter.

The gate opened far quicker than it did before, causing a huge gust sucking them towards it. Edd grabbed a tree so he wouldn't slide forward.

"E-eddy-y! We-e shouldn't be go-oing in the-ere!" Edd haltingly yelled as the wind swirled around and made him lose his hold on the tree.

"Who cares?! Let's just check it out!" Eddy yelled back as he walked towards the gate, beckoning for Ed and Edd to follow. Ed got up from where he was sitting and walked forward with no difficulty.

//Why do I put up with this?// Edd thought as he carefully approached the gate. //I have a bad feeling about this; I don't want to go into this light...//

Ed waited until Edd passed him, then followed Edd and Eddy, and all three walked into the light.


//Don't go into the light!// Plank yelled to Edd telepathically from where he and Jonny were. Either Edd didn't hear him, or ignored him, for he still walked forward, into the gate.

Jonny looked down at Plank with a concerned expression on his face. "Plank? Why didn't you answer me?"


"They went? What do you mean by that, buddy?" Jonny asked.


"You're scared? What could happen... Or did they go in that world you were talking about yesterday?"


"You think so? But you don't know? This is really confusing, Plank...."


"That's okay, I'm not mad. But tell me if something else comes up, K?"

They went back to playing, but much of Plank's mind was on the Eds, and what they were doing....


Edd gasped and held his head. //Ow, that was different.... More like noise, or thunder in my head, than that liquidy feeling from yesterday... I wonder why?// He cringed. //Oh, my head hurts even worse now...//

Eddy caught him when he staggered through. "You okay?"

"Well, I believe I have a severe migraine, but other than that I'm fine." Edd picked his head up slowly. "Where?--- my goodness--"

Edd stood up straight and stared at the view before him. It reminded him of his dream. The forest was gone, the sky gray and overcast, except where you could occasionally see the full moon in a dark, blood-red sky. There were small shapes flying far overhead, not birds, or planes, but something he had never seen before, or so he thought... But suddenly he wasn't so sure.

Shaking his head, he turned towards the cul-de-sac, or where it had been. There were ruins there, and the dump was huge, spewing out the smoke responsible for the gray sky.

Ed walked by towards the ruins, and Edd and Eddy ran down the stairs after him.

"Whoa, this looks like the planet of the blue people from 'I was a small alien blue person', the mini series, where robots had sent their space vampires to take over the world, use people as slaves, and take others to change them into minions of evil." Ed said, looking skyward.

"Considering the circumstances, I don't think I'd be surprised...." Edd whispered.

"NESTOR!!!!" Ed suddenly yelled, and ran forward. There, the rooster was flying around in search of food.

"Is that the stupid chicken again?" Eddy complained.

"How is that rooster flying? Their bone and muscle structure isn't strong enough to support their weight..."

"Why are we standing here, talking about a chicken?"

"Nestor! You can fly!" Ed exclaimed, hugging the bird.

Edd looked blank. "I don't know.... Wasn't Nestor the name of one of Ed's seagulls that he held captive in his room?"

Eddy stared at him. "You remember things like that?"

Ed walked over with the bird still in his arms. "Guys, this is Nestor the second. Nestor, these are my friends, Double D and Eddy. Guys, say 'Hi, Nestor'."

"Um, hi, Nestor..." Edd said, and then continued looking around them.

"Eddy, say 'Hi, Nestor." Ed said patiently.

"Ed, we have better things to do than talk to-"

"SAY HI TO NESTOR!!!!!!!!!" Ed yelled.

"Hi, Nestor.... cualquirer..." Eddy muttered as he shook his head, then glanced over at Edd.

"Eddy, you know Spanish? Then, ¿Dónde estamos?" Edd asked, looking delighted.

"Huh?" Eddy said. "I just know that cualquirer is whatever. My brother told me that knowing other languages is a good way to attract the ladies."

"Oh." Edd said, looking slightly depressed.

"Yeah. Anyway, it doesn't look like we'll make much money here, huh?"

"I don't think so, because-"

"GUYS! DUCK!" Ed yelled, dropping the chicken and pulling them to the ground. An extremely large bat flew inches over their heads and turned into a familiar human, or more accurately, vampire.

"KEVIN?!?!?" They exclaimed simultaneously.

He grinned, revealing two fangs. "Well, what do you know? The dorks are alive. I guess I'll have to do something about that, won't I?"

Their eyes widened as he licked his lips thoughtfully, then tensed up. He lunged towards them, and the Eds scattered.

Ed's brain went through everything he knew about vampires, while Edd pulled the controller out of his pocket.

"Eddy, LOOK OUT!" He screamed as Kevin flew at Eddy. He ducked and rolled out of the way, and Kevin flew over him again.

Edd pushed a button and the gate reappeared a short distance off, about 50 feet. "Get in!" He yelled to the others. They got to their feet and started moving as quick as they could. Ed and Eddy booked and Edd came close behind. //42 feet, 35, 28, Too far! Too far!// He thought frantically as he tried to keep up. Kevin was just behind him, and the others were through. Time seemed to slow as he ran forward.

//Just.....12.......feet......left......// Went through his mind idly as his feet reached to their full potential. He could feel the pressure of Kevin approaching behind him somehow, and could hear everything around him. Howling, explosions, everything he ever had nightmares of, and the realization that if he fell, it was over. The others couldn't get through the gate unless they pressed enter again, so no one could help him now. All of that went through his mind in a millisecond, and then time started again and he took the final leap.

He jumped through the gate and pressed a button as he fell through. The gate vanished behind him, and Kevin stopped. He looked disappointed, then shrugged.

"Oh well... I'll find other prey. Heh heh heh heh heh....." He spread his arms, which changed to wings, and flew towards the moon with the wind howling below him. It may not have even been the wind, but he didn't care. There was a graveyard to the north, where the hospital had been, where zombies tended to gather. They usually had living guests with them, and of all the people around, they were the worst at guarding their prey. //Looks like a good meal tonight// he thought, and flew that way.


Ed was pouting. "If we just had a wibble whacker, a few stakes, and a cotten swab dipped in garlic juice, we could have destroyed the vampire and brought Nestor with us, as well as explored more."

Eddy stared at him. "Ed, are you an idiot? Actually, don't answer that. But going back there would be plain stupid!" He looked at Edd. "What's wrong?"

Edd's skin was a bit greenish, and he looked extremely nervous. "I-I don't feel well, I-I think that e-experience fri-frightened me t-too much..."

"Yeah, that was really freaky." Edd commented, and then gave Edd a good look again. //Makes sense, Sockhead does scare easily. I'm surprised he didn't faint!//

Ed started jumping up and down. "Let's go somewhere else! Let's go somewhere else!"

Edd was writing more notes in his notebook, and he looked at Ed. "All right," He said, slowly getting to his feet. His face was less green, but he was pale now. "But I must insist that I choose the world this time."

"Why can't I?" Ed complained, looking puzzled.

"I can't say that I'll trust your judgment for this again, Ed."

"Oh." Ed said thoughtfully. "What's a judgment? Is it a terrible disease? That puts you under the control of--"

"Let's just go before Ed starts spouting again..." Eddy muttered, then pointed to the control panel. "Come on, Double D."

"Certainly. Let's see, 8-3-2-0, then, I'll do, -1-7." He pressed these numbers, then pressed Enter, and the light filled the gate slowly.

Edd and Eddy walked forward, only for Ed to run in first.

"ED!" Eddy yelled, grinning and chasing after him.

"But, I wanted to go in first!" Edd exclaimed, chasing after them.


Jonny walked into the clearing just in time to see them run in. "So, Plank, was that the world you were talking about?"

//No, they already went in. Can't you feel the difference in the air? Something about that world changed ours...//

Jonny looked puzzled. "How could it change our world? And why?"

//I don't know, but that was the world of impossibilities. I think it's gonna cause trouble for everyone if they don't know beforehand...//

"That's terrible! What do you think we should do?"

//Get everyone else together and tell them.//

"Okay, let's go!"

Plank smiled. //Well, that for the Eds. How can I get through to them? They don't seem to hear me, but maybe when they come back.... // He thought to himself, but didn't said anything to Jonny.


Lee kicked May in the back. "Get up! You have to help clean up too!"

"Yeah! You can't always be that lazy!" Marie yelled from outside.

May stretched and slowly got up from the couch. "Well, what is there for me to do?"

"Start by bringing these clothes outside to Marie." Lee commanded, dropping a huge pile of wet clothes on May.

"Oh! Fine..." She muttered, and walked to the door. "Open the door, Marie!"

The door opened and May went out. "Here's the clothes."

"Fine, take these ones to Lee." Marie said. She put the wet clothes on the ground and gave May a large stack of dry clothes. She then started hanging the clothes on the clothesline.

"What! Come on...." She complained, and then went inside. There, Lee was balancing about 20 plates in her hands, trying to get around the table.

"Stupid table! Get out of the way!" Lee exclaimed, getting ready to kick it to the side.

The table moved out of the way before she touched it.

Lee and May stared. "Table, come back." Lee said slowly. It slid across the floor towards her. "...Dishes, float in the air." The dishes levitated out of her hands and above the table.

"Um, clothes go on the table..." May said hesitantly. They also floated out of her hands, only to fold themselves and land on the table.

The two slowly looked at each other.

"Whoa..." Lee whispered.

"This is so neat. Think Marie would do what we say too?"

MARIE!" Lee screamed. "GET IN HERE!"

Marie slowly walked in, as if against her will. "Wha-why am I moving?"

"Jump up and down four times." May commanded.

Marie stared. //Of all the stupid, what? I'M JUMPING?!?// She thought frantically as her body started jumping. //Stop doing that!//

The other two started giggling crazily.

"What's going on?!?" Marie exclaimed when she stopped jumping.

"Everything is doing what we say..." Lee said.

"Does that mean we could make our boyfriends KISS US?" May asked in her excitement. "And hug us, and give us flowers?"

Lee gave a wicked smile. "And do whatever we want to get revenge on people. Not Marie though, cause sisters need to stick together."

"Yeah, we can make Double D do whatever you want. Just be nice to me, and I'll do that." May said.

A voice came from outside the trailer. "Um, May? Marie? Lee? Are you in there? I need to talk to you..." Jonny said cautiously.

May and Lee started grinning evilly, and Marie smiled nervously.

"Our first victim..."


Eddy stared around in shock, and Edd rubbed his head. His headache was receding, but he still didn't feel well. He looked up and gazed dumbly at the site before them. Somehow, they were standing in the middle of the cul-de-sac.

Only two people were in site, Eddy and Rolf. Rolf was chasing Eddy, who had some money in his hands. Eddy ran into his house, and Rolf stopped running, out of breath.

He muttered under his breath, "Why must Eddy persist in stealing from me?" He sighed and turned around.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy stood there, nervously looking at him.

Rolf stared at Eddy, turned towards the house, and whirled around again in utter confusion. "How is Ed-boy here when he is in his home?" He demanded frantically.

"Please, stay calm, we're from another world, we're not just figments of your imagination..." Edd said quickly.

"Another-- world?" Rolf said slowly, giving Edd a strange look.

"Yeah, another world. What's the big deal?" Eddy asked.

"I--see... " Rolf murmured, then looked at them again. "Well then, come to Rolf's and tell me about this other world, and I will tell you about here."

They walked across the street to Rolf's house and went inside. All four sat around the table and started to talk.

"Where we're from, I don't actually steal stuff, so don't worry about that." Eddy proclaimed quickly.

"Yeah, and chickens don't fly there..." Ed pouted.

Rolf looked at Ed with a puzzled look on his face. "Chickens do not fly here either, Ed-boy." he said slowly.

"Then, this world is normal? We already entered one where there were vampires, and it wasn't at all pleasant...."

"Actually--" Rolf started.

Squealing and sudden clucking started outside. They quickly ran to the door to look at the backyard.

Wilfred and a chicken (Gertrude) were backing towards the house, with a large lizard in front of them. It was about the size of a crocodile, but it was completely orange, and there was smoke coming out of its mouth.

Ed gasped. "It is a fire-breathing sun lizard from the salamander zoo! There, the strange creatures devour their young and build nests out of pine trees."

"Is that real?" Eddy asked, staring from the window he was at.

"I believe it is. Ed, how do we get it away from here before it mistakes us for its young and devours us?" Edd asked, looking slightly frantic.

"Um, we need a fish, some hot dogs, and a large can to lure it away. To trap it, we'll need an atomic ray blast cage, and--"

"Getting it away from Wilfred will have to do, Ed-boy." Rolf commented. "All of the things we will need are here in Rolf's kitchen."

Edd and Rolf went to get the stuff while Eddy grew more and more irritated as Ed told him about the sun-lizards' bathing habits.

"They emit a poisonous acid which they spread through water, then they hold the water in their mouths and--"

"Ed, no one really cares!" Eddy finally half-shrieked, pulling at his hairs.

Edd and Rolf came back with the stuff. Ed took them and stuffed the fish and hot dogs into the can. He then proceeded to open a window and throw the can out so far it landed near the creek somewhere.

"Um, Ed, now what are we supposed to do?" Edd whispered frantically. "We don't have a lure any-- oh...."

The lizard got up and slowly walked towards the street, then by Eddy's house, and to the creek.

"Wow...." Eddy managed to say.

"That--worked? Ed was right about that? That would imply that the information in his comics and movies have some basis of truth... what a startling thought..." Edd commented.

Ed grinned. "Alarm code four-four-niner has been terminated, Sir!" he exclaimed, saluting.

Rolf looked relieved. "Well, now we can continue the telling of tales, no?"

"Certainly, Rolf." Edd answered. They all walked back to the table to explain everything.

Eddy leaned back in his chair. "So, Rolfy-boy, who's first? Us, or you?"

"I will tell of this cul-de-sac first, and you may tell of your own afterwards." Rolf said, pulling out some food, similar to what their Rolf had served them in the past. "Fish stick?" He held out a fishsitck, which was literally that; A fish with a stick through it.

Edd turned green, and Eddy looked nervous. "Uh, no thanks, not hungry..." He said, looking at Edd.

Ed grinned curelessly. "I'll have a fish stick, Rolf!"

Edd and Eddy stared at Ed in shock as he accepted a fish stick and proceeded to eat it. "Mmmm, yum..." He said between bites.

Rolf smiled, and then turned to the others. "Well, where should Rolf begin?" He asked.

"Why not start with everyone who lives in the cul-de-sac, and what they're like?" Edd proposed.

"Ah ha.. Hm, well, there is Rolf, Nazz-girl, Kevin, Jonny and Plank, Jimmy, Sarah, and the Ed-boys." Rolf said. "The Ed-boys are always trying to buy jawbreakers," The others nodded, "Kevin excels in various athletic fields, Evil-child Sarah is a terror to the neighborhood, and Jimmy is always with her."

Eddy looked annoyed. "That's just like our cul-de-sac, Double D!"

"Who is this 'Double D'?" Rolf asked. The Eds looked startled.

Edd said "I'm Double D, Rolf."

Eddy was confused. "Yeah, he's Double D. Does he have another nick-name or something here?"

"No boys in the neighborhood have nicknames like 'Double D'." Rolf commented slowly.

"Isn't there another me around here?" Edd asked nervously, rubbing his hat in confusion.

Rolf looked at him. "Not in the cul-de-sac."

"Then, who's the third Ed?" Eddy exclaimed.

"There are not three Ed-boys, only two." Rolf said.

"Only two Eds? Come on, isn't there anyone who looks like Double D here?" Eddy asked, now looking completely puzzled.

"Well, there is that Edward who does not live here, but somewhere near here, but he is no Ed-boy. No one really knows him, as he is a friend of the Kanker sisters." Rolf said thoughtfully.

"WHAT?!?" Eddy exploded.

Ed stared. "No way..."

"I have trouble believing I would have become friends with the Kanker sisters, but not with Ed and Eddy..." Edd said, somewhat angrily.

"Well, that is who he spends his leasure time with..." Rolf said slowly.

Eddy stared at Edd. "Wierd, but we'll just check it out later.... So, what were you saying, Rolf?"

"Well, we are having troubles with creatures of legends, such as that lizard. They have been appearing everywhere..." Rolf started.

"That's--odd...." Edd murmured. He turned to Eddy and suggested, "Eddy, do you suppose it has anything to do with the other world we went to today?"

"I dunno... How long have these things been showing up for?" He asked Rolf.

Rolf looked up, then back at them. "About three or four months."

Edd and Eddy stared at him, thinking.

Ed grinned. "Could you pass the gravy, Rolf?" He was holding a squid instead of wearing it on his head, and the plate before him was covered in food.

"Certainly." Rolf said, giving Ed the gravy.

Ed poured some on the squid, then dumped the rest on the plate. He then proceeded to shove it in his mouth whole.

"Ugh..." Edd muttered, his face turning green again. He covered his mouth and glanced at the roof.

Eddy smirked. "How is it, Ed?"

"Rhitz hwelly guld!" Ed exclaimed, food bits spewing from his mouth.

Eddy stared. "Huh?"

Ed swallowed. "It's really good, Eddy. Rolf, can I have another?"

"Of course, Ed-boy." Rolf said, passing him another squid.

"Yummy!" Ed continued to eat the food for an extended time while the others went back to talking.

"I'm sorry Rolf, but I'll have to pass on any exotic cuisine... If I eat any, I'll be ill for sure." Edd said when Rolf offered him a cucumber-ball.

"So will I." Edd said as Rolf turned towards him. "Traveling between worlds seems to make normal people feel sick."

All three glanced at Ed, eating away, and Rolf sighed. He looked disappointed, and leaned back in his chair. "If we are at the telling of tales again, speak to Rolf, and tell me how you got here."

Eddy started talking, and explained how his parents told him he was leaving, and how they built the gate. He then described the worlds they went to, and what had happened in them. By the time he finished, it was getting dark out.

Rolf gazed thoughtfully at him, then looked out the window. It was getting dark out, and lights were turning on in the houses around them. He turned back to the Eds.

"Well, we have shared our stories, and the day is ending. Will you be going back to your world now?"

Eddy pondered it, and Edd spoke up. "Actually, Rolf, I was hoping we could stay here for the night, then explore the cul-de-sac tomorrow morning."

Eddy nodded, thinking about what Rolf had told them.

"Well, there is no room in the house of Rolf, so you would have to sleep in the shed. Is that a problem?" He asked softly, looking worried.

"Not at all, we've done that before." Edd said.

"Yeah, but Lumpy snores really loudly, we won't be able to sleep..." Eddy said.

"That is no problem, Rolf's food help to cause quiet sleeping." They turned to Rolf, who had fallen asleep in the chair. His dish was empty, and his snoring was barely audible.

"Well, that worked... which was it, anyway? I'll need a recipe..." Eddy asked as they stared at the sleeping Ed.

"The squid. It is getting late now, and Rolf should be doing his chores. So, goodnight, Ed-boys." Rolf said kindly as he got up and started cleaning.

"Oh, let me help you with that, Rolf." Edd said, quickly standing.

"No thank you, please go to the shed and sleep." Rolf said as he carried the plates into another room.

"Come on, Double D..." Eddy said as he tapped Ed's shoulder. "Hello? Ed...? Wake up already..."

Ed snorted, then opened his eyes. "Huh?"

"Come on into the shed, we have stuff to plan already." Eddy complained, then walked out the backdoor.


"Well, what did you need to discuss with us, Eddy?" Edd asked as he leaned back on the stack of hay.

"I don't think we're gonna make any money here, so after we check out the trailer park, we'll head home." Eddy replied.

Ed started to pet the cow. "Good girl..." He crooned.

The others stared at him. "Anyway,..." Edd commented, "We have to go back right after exploring, unless you want us to get in trouble. If we wake up at this world's version of 6:00 am, then go to the trailer park and spend 30 minutes there, then go straight to our homes, it'll be about 5:00 pm!"

"Wow... then we'd better wake up early. I'll get in even more trouble if I'm late to dinner and my parents don't know where I am..." Eddy muttered.

"That's right, Eddy. Anything else that you wanted to say?" Edd asked.

"No, I'm done." Eddy said, then arranged some of the straw into a pile he could lay on and be comfortable.

Edd nodded, then he and Ed walked to the door. Ed snuck over to the chicken coops and stared inside at the birds, while Edd stayed in the doorway and looked out. Some stars were visible, but clouds were blocking many of them.

He leaned against the doorway and sat down, gazing skyward.

The moon came out from behind the clouds, a bright, full moon. Edd stared at it. It shone with a strange blusish light, then went behind another cloud, and Edd sighed.

He rubbed his head, for his headache was returning, then froze. He slowly turned his hand down and stared at it.

It was darker than usual, far darker, and something was covering it. Edd softly touched it, then gasped as he touched hair.

"Huh?!?" He exclaimed, jumping to his feet, staring at his hand in terror. "Ah!" He shrieked, shaking all over.


Someone yelled in a strangled voice, and Eddy opened an eye, looking up. In the doorway, Edd was standing and shaking, staring at his hand.

Eddy stood up. "Double D, what's wrong?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"M-my ha-hand..., i-i-it's no-not right....." Edd stammered, shaking more and backing into the shed, gazing at his hand the whole time.

"Huh? Your hand?" He put his own hand and grabbed Edd's. When he felt it, he let go as if he had been shocked. "Wh-what the heck? What's going on?!?" He exclaimed, staring at Edd.

"I-I d-d-don't know...." Edd whispered, and looked at Eddy. His expression was terror, and he glanced at his hand, then back at Eddy.

Ed came in. "What's the yelling about, guys?" He walked next to Eddy and looked back and forth between them, puzzled.

The moon came out again, and the light shone in on them. Edd held his hand up, then curled up as his stomach lurched again.


Pain washed through his body as he clasped his hand, pain like he had never felt before. He could almost feel his DNA change as his body seemed to shift around him. He opened his eye slightly, and stared at what had been his hand before...


Ed and Eddy stared as Edd collapsed, and seemed to mutate in the light.

"The light of the full moon..." Ed murmured, staring at his friend in shock. "Eddy, I think Double D is a--"


The pain subsided, and Edd could move again. He opened his eyes to a gray scene before him, as if he were color-blind. He moved his head, only for his hat to fall off his head. There was no sign of his clothes, and he looked down at his body. He saw the body of a dog, or--


"--a werewolf..." Ed asked Eddy.


//WHAT?!? I-I... How did I...//Edd thought frantically, then looked up. There, Ed and Eddy were standing, staring at him.

"Double D?" Eddy asked softly.

Edd nodded slightly, then stared at him.

"You're really, I mean, you're you?" He asked.


Eddy was startled. The wolf nodded at him, regarding him with an odd look. He could just picture Double D looking at him that way. In fact... Double D often gave him that look, when he was nervous, or scared out of his wits.

Images spun in Eddy's mind. He saw Edd looking at him from the doorway, shaking and holding his hand. He saw himself grabbing Double D's hand, only to jump back in fright. The last thing was Edd staring at Eddy with that frantic look, then down at his own hand. Then everything went black, and he remembered no more.


End of Part 3


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