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Well, to start off...



I'm reorganizing this site--it was terrible before. Now it probably rates a "poor" or "fair". Whoo hoo.

As it is, the fic is... beginning to be re-written. A clarification of my previous comments... There were HTML errors which deleted the majority of the thought or telepathic conversations in the story. Those are being slowly fixed...

In addition, I plan for the plot to be altered... The first few chapters will likely stay nearly identical to as they are. The later in the story, the more variance. Plus I'll be putting up artwork... Illustrations that I'll be making when I've got other homework that I should be doing, but aren't. Like that portfolio... or the color wheels...

Muses for a few moments, then shakes head.

This is the trouble with writing stuff in college. It's actually easier to do so than in high school--although I've got more work to be keeping up with, I'm also more in charge of my hour-to-hour activity than I did out in the hill-town school district set-up where I wasn't driving. I'm not driving now, either, but I can walk to nearly everywhere I need to go.

Most of that had nothing to do with TSoE... I'll relabel this a blog.

TSoE-wise... Progress is going to be made. I've found a willing Beta--YAY!--and the story will be getting fixed up. And posted here, at FF.Net, MR in Ezboard... and maybe even Deviant Art. Maybe.

Plus, I'll be amusing myself with a few side stories... Ones of AUs--How did universe 8-3-2 come to be, anyway? What would happen if my Eds were to meet the 'real' Eds? What's going on in Tasha's time?

So... Look forward to those.


Hmm... This, if you can't tell by the story's sheer length, is my favorite thing I've yet written... Not that there are many stories I've written, but...

Anyway, I plan to put comment in here about the story, any question about the plot that I might get, and things I feel a sudden need to clarify...

(1.) First of all, though it's not until the 5th chapter that this problem is really appearent, it seems that the first time that I ever put this story on the web, at FF.net, I had it set so the site thought I was doing html... so anything written in between the angular brackets was deleted.

Those had originally been the symbols for showing thoughts, or mental conversations, so now all of the enormous part between Edd and Marie is gone.

Unfortunately, this was when I had a thing for not writing the story down, simply typing it, sending it, and deleting it from my-already-limited-memory of the comptuter... Long story short, I don't remember what their conversation was about. I'm in the process of rewriting it, but as I tend to be lazy about these things... (This story IS over 2 years old...) It won't be done until I feel compelled to do it, which probably won't happen until someone bothers me about it. Oh, well. :)