The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a world was balanced upon the razor's edge of survival and annihilation. A blow was struck, the "Last Battle" fought, and the Shadow withdrew from the land, the dark forces retreated to lick their wounds. The victorious armies danced . . . and wept, for this newfound peace had cost them dearly. . . . Yet the battle was won, and prosperity would return, for the iron fist of war was turned back, and peace became the norm . . . or so they thought.
Fifty years after what most called Tarmon Gai'don, the Shadow once again crept forth, sending it's dread legions—the Dark One's own—to bring forth what once was before . . . Shai'tan into the world of men and ogier. Beyond those fifty long years have passed but twelve—a dozen years, and a dozen times a dozen battles, as it is, as it always has been, and as it always will be, time immeasurable; world without end.
A speck of dust, a grain of sand; a pebble beneath the
shoe. A person, a thread spun out among the Lace of Ages, driven by the Wheel of Time,
powered by the True Source unto Infinity. 'Fore Shadow's blade slay Serpent and Wheel
alike, must Heroes ride to destiny's end, lest dark sword fall and Pattern rip, should
Heroes turn their backs. Immortal life; immortal soul. Surge of power; surge of life, a
Legacy left behind. Fates untold be Luck's domain—aye! Now Chaos reigns; no fear of
death holds thy heart. Dovienya; it's time to roll the dice!
Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyari: no fear of death holds my heart.
The Legacy of Chaos© is a Wheel of Time™ (WoT) Role Playing Game (RPG) in which you can utilise your creative aspect to invent a character within a "future" Randland environment. Here, each character interacts with a multitude of other characters, often creating quite entertaining stories. Of course, as with most things in this day and age, there are certain guidelines which must be followed. These guidelines are listed on the rules page. We'd love to have you join with us, and assuming that you join, soon after you do so you will receive an email from me, Gabby. Go ahead and begin RPing after you receive that e-mail. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to send me an e-mail. Note: All credit for the creation of the site belongs to the original owners. I just moved it so I could manage the pages that I could not.
The Legacy of Chaos is copyright © 2001 D. Russell. All rights reserved. The Wheel of Time is copyright © Robert Jordan and published by Tor Books. Stories and biographies are the property of their respective writers and we assume no responsibility for their content.