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Game House Rules

  1. The game setting is based in the Forgotten Realms on the continent of Faerûn, and everyone starts off as a level 0 beginning character. What this means is that when you create your character to begin your new career in adventuring, you will be starting out as an average Commoner level 0; you will have to gain the experience, and earn your level 1, before choosing the class you want to play. Your character will just be entering the beginning stages of their adulthood for whatever race you choose, with that being said, when it comes to the life of an adventurer, and all that it entails within the lifestyle, you are just a very inexperienced novice.

  2. As a beginning average Commoner, there isn't anything special, or unique about you. You haven't had any sort of formal, or elite training as of yet. You are just as common as the rest of the common folk that inhabit the lands. You have not been accepted to, nor are you part of any formal group, or guild. You haven't killed anyone, gained any sort of reputation, or notoriety, participated in any adventures, fought any battles, etc., you have done nothing of any significance, therefore, this is the reason why you have chosen to become an adventurer, with the hopes and desires to become something much more than what you are in your mundane existence. In order for you to accomplish any of these things, you will actually have to out in the time and work to earn all of it.

  3. There will be no rolling for your ability scores during the creation of your character. All of your abilities will be set to the base average score of 10, because you are young and just entering adulthood by your respective race's standards, inexperienced, and lack any true formal education, or training pertaining to any particular class. You are an average Commoner, lacking any significant class skills, or class proficiencies. The only benefits that you receive are those given by your racial traits, racial feats (if applicable), and racial abilities, as well as what you gain from your initial background. Though you will be starting off with some disadvantages, you will be starting off with the generous amount of 20 HP, therefore, you are a bit more durable and resilient during the challenging times. It is said that surviving through adversity helps to build a stronger character.

  4. Upon character creation, some of the backgrounds will be limited and restricted to you until a later time. As your character gains experience and levels, more background choices will become available for them to add to their individual history. The sum of a character's experiences, odd jobs, and career, help to shape and determine who that character is, and could potentially become. Additional backgrounds can be chosen at every odd character level gained. The background choices that are available upon character creation are (do consult with DM before choosing your beginning background):
    • Acolyte
    • Charlatan
    • Cloistered Scholar
    • Criminal
    • Far Traveler
    • Hermit
    • Outlander
    • Sage
    • Urchin
    • Uthgardt Tribe Member (Barbarian)

  5. Keep in mind that when you are creating your character, and choosing things such as your race, height, weight, and etc., you will also choose your character's date of birth (yes, as time goes on your character will age), a region where your character comes from (with either the country, and city), and your character's lifestyle expenses (the table can be found in Chapter 5 of the PHB). All of these choices help to build the origin and foundation of your character. In the drop down box below is a quick list of the different regions which a character hails from. It will be up to you to research the different countries, cities, and towns that are within these regions in order to choose what is suitable for your character.
      Character Regions:

  6. Once your character has survived, endured hardships, grown, and earned the experience to reach level 1, and go into a class, there will be ability score prerequisites in order to choose that class.
    Class Ability Score Minimum
      Barbarian Strength 13
      Bard Charisma 13
      Cleric Wisdom 13
      Druid Wisdom 13
      Fighter Strength 13 or Dexterity 13
      Monk Dexterity 13 and Wisdom 13
      Paladin Strength 13 and Charisma 13
      Ranger Dexterity 13 and Wisdom 13
      Rogue Dexterity 13
      Sorcerer Charisma 13
      Warlock Charisma 13
      Wizard Intelligence 13