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Ebon Magic

Vampires and Dhampires Only

Ebon Magic is a spin off of a powerful form of Vampiric Magic that was lost long ago, yet it is no thing to be taken lightly. In it's own right, Ebon Magic is considered to be one of the most powerful forms of magic availible, nearing the scale of Aura magic, yet still not surpassing it.

It is passed on through noble-born (Vampiric) parents to noble-born (Vampiric or Dhampiric) children whom are Adepts. Non-Adepts cannot learn Ebon Magic, nor do the magics come instinctively.

It is speculated that there are more powerful levels than Soul Siphon, but these rumors have yet to be substantiated.

In addition, the spells are delivered through use of the vampiric language. This language must be spoken fluently; mispronunciation could lead to terrible consequences...

Spells Listing

Lv. I
Silver Thorns of Entrapment

Similar to the Demon Hunter’s Binding spell this demon ward ensnares its pray in a thatch of enchanted silver thorns which ensnare a demon and prevent him from moving.
"Hell's garden, come forth and ensnare!"

"Ereu hantai ei seikahn semash!"

Lv. II Needles of Intoxicating Hate

This spell summons forth a black burning orb in front of the caster, and then sends ten to fifteen, three foot long needles at the opponent injecting a deadly elixir into their veins.
"Deadly quills of intoxication, answer me!"(The fiery orb appears)
"Burn with an elixer of hate!"(sends the needles at the target)

"Dak-shii sahibes u'u kibarish!"
"Shi-barii kou tamei bei-tah!"

Lv. III Ebon's Vampiric Touch

This close quarters spell allows its caster to take the magic energy of another and cast any low level spell in their inventory.
"Shadowy hand of cursed theft, lay before me the riches of my foe!"
"Sono kidei mo ikubei nahiiko eihien ga noruu bei iru!"

Lv. IV Innoruck's Spear

The caster of this spell summons seven spears made of black demon bones, which fall from the skies and pierce the ground around the enemy and then freezes them for about two to five minutes.
“Lord Innoruck, champion of Valen, send forth your mighty spear to aid me!”
"Se-hishkan Innoruck, Valen garuu-shai, yatta shei qatta shiidou sein!"

Lvl V Cry of Woeful Silence

A black mist rises from the casters body and takes the shape of a banshee; it then rips towards the caster’s target whaling a horde-ear-piercing-shriek as it settles upon the enemy and silences them from casting spells for one minute
“Maiden of deathly silence come forth grant a calm stillness to this battlefield!”
"Kahn-sehkai za-haben peruu mau vattashii sebah tesh kin berahn nah!"

Lvl VI Ebon’s Vengeance

A whirlwind inferno of violet fire surrounds the caster and guards from most any attack until a target is chosen. One then stretches their hand out palm open and finishes the chant and commands the violent storm of hell fire to incinerate the caster's enemies.
“Mighty hell fire of old come forward and consume!” (Summons flame)

“Ebon fire ignite!” (Sends it at target)

"Zah-zuruu sahkamorei taru teimatta!"
"Sh-eshka kaifa!"

Lvl VII Soul Siphon

This ancient spell siphons ones own soul to another’s body in order to heal or damage the other's soul/life force.... at the cost of bringing oneself to near death.

To heal:

“Master Valen, lord of the kindred spirit grant me power!”
“Spirit do me honor and grant peace to this wounded man!”

"Jeva Valen, se-hishkan debo hibi kai suuleish!"
Edoh damashii cho kai dash jah mahnei!"

To destroy:

“Master Valen, lord of the kindred spirit grant me power!”
“Spirit of hate smite my foe before me!”

"Jeva Valen, se-hishkan debo hibi kai suuleish!"
"Edoh hoku'tai sash-kata-eh!"

A huge thank you goes out to Antius Focht, player of Grahfgarion Himura Balthazaar, for the creation of Ebon Magic, and for allowing me it's usage.

Thank you, buddy, this is some great stuff, and I couldn't have done it without you.