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Grahfgarion Himura Balathzar

  • Name: Grahfgarion Himura Balathzar
  • Age: Appears 21
  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 175 lb.
  • Race: Dhampir
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Skin Tone: Pale Tan
  • Blood Type: Non Applicable
  • Gender: Male
  • Hunter Classification: Hunter of Vampires, Lesser and Greater Dragons
  • Rank: Prized Hunter (Vampire hunter) Prized Hunter (Lesser & Greater Dragon Hunter)
  • Guild: Crimson Dawn, Adamantine Blade, and Dragonsbane
  • Family: Mother Lyra Balathzar (Deceased),Father Count Phoenix Balathzar (Retainer in the service of Lord Vampire of Valorum)
  • Hometown: Tharon, Valorum
  • D.O.B.: Eleventh Cycle, 13th day
  • Religion: Old World
  • Magical Status: Adept