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Hunter Magic

Hunters have long been regarded as a mystic class of people, and for very good reasons.
First displayed during the War of the Fall of the Light, hunters have the ability to channel their
own spiritual energy into devastating attacks that mimic the elements and cause other various,
somewhat miraculous effects. It's due to magic, in fact, that the people of Toroah hate and
somewhat fear hunters. Not all hunters can perform magic, however. Only certain people have
the gift of being able to channel spirit energy. There are two kinds of magic-users in the hunter
classes. Each have their own benefits and drawbacks, though both are born with the gift.


An Adept is a hunter, born with the gift, who can simply DO magic. They don't have
to study, the words simply come to them, and they can unleash spells at a higher level than
any of their compatriots can ever possibly hope to achieve. Adepts are quite powerful and quite


An Adept, unlike a Scholar, doesn't know how much energy to devote to a particular
spell, and often end up casting too much energy into it. Thus, they drain themselves quickly. In addition,
due to this massive power that dwells within their bodies, and their lack of knowledge on it's application,
Adepts are often either frail or of poor health, and few live very long. Most end up dying on the battle field,
enduring an agonizing death after draining all their spirit energy. They're also prone to backlash.***


Unlike the Adepts, these hunters have the gift, but not the knowledge. These hunters must study
long and hard the ancient tomes and ways of magic, before they're able to perform a single spell. Thus,
their skills are more important to them, and often they either dislike or are jealous of the Adepts. However,
at the same time, they can always be assured of what they're doing, and rarely drain themselves to dangerous


A Scholar, though capable of high-level magics, can still never achieve the magic on the
same scale as an Adept. They soon find their own limitations, where the Adepts have next to none. In addition,
they must study their spells. Prone to backfire.

The majority of hunters are Scholars, with a few Adepts thrown around here and there. The Lord Masters, it is
said, are all Adepts, and almost every Knight of every class is one as well.


Hunter spells revolve around the elements, primarily: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, but also feature the additional
elements: Light, Shadow, Lightning (only Werewolf Hunters know it) Healing, Sealing (the Spirit Hunter Specialty),
and Exorcism (Hallmark of the Demon Hunters). The Knights also have a special element, which is known only
to them and the Lord Masters, but only used by the Knights, called Aura.
Listed below are the basic level spells for each element, accompanied by their chant.






Lightning (Werewolf Hunters Only)



(Note: Shadow spells were a little plus that Riekin learned from a vampire a while back. The magic is
EXTREMELY unpredictable and has a tendency of backfiring**.)

Sealing (Spirit Hunters)

Spirit Hunter magic often requires preparation before hand, and a great deal of symbology.

Exorcism (Demon Hunters)

Aura (Knights, Lord Masters only)

Aura is a powerful magic that is known by the Lord Masters, and taught to their Knights in secret. Supposedly, the
Knights and Lord Masters are all masters of the spells, but rarely use them for fear of their destructive power. There
are no levels, and only a few spells are known. It is said, however, that the Elder's Blades also know Aura, but this
is unfounded. Some of them WERE once Knights, however...


Others will come in time...