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Hunter Personnel Images

Below are a few pictures of our hunters, record of their existence in our world.

Samael Dorien Dominais

Samael, kneeling with his sword
Samael in his Knight's Uniform

My Thank Yous

Well, I have some major thank yous to give out to a great many people. I feel they should begin here.

First off, Ryan, thanks for helping me with the whole darn site in general, before I figured out HTML, and even now that I know it. I couldn't have done this without you. Furthermore, thank you for the usage of your scanner, man, I really appreciate it, because now we have the start of an image gallery, and a site in general. Mad props!

Second off, another big huge thank you to Xerxes Rah, for both resizing the images in the gallery now, and for converting my bitmaps to jpegs for me when I really needed it. I probably oughta thank you for putting up with me too, man, so thanks again!

And I suppose lastly, I'll just thank everybody who plays this game and puts up with the mild level of insanity that goes on here, neh? Thank you all.