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Society and Geographical Information

"You have come to me as a stranger, and you leave me as family. Brother to brother, heart
and soul united, we stand for the Mission. You are there for me, and I am there for you."

-Excerpt from the Eternal Guild of the Silver Way’s oath

Human Society

Being 10,184 AC, mankind has recovered much of what was lost after the Catachysm. Humans
live in large cities or towns, though are usually in submission to the vampire lord of the
region. They are usually unable to fight (unless they originate in the Citadel; more about
that later), and usually bow to the will of their vampire.

Humans generally view hunters with a mild sense of fear; the War of the Fall of the Light caused
that. Hunters are outcasts to humans, outcasts that must be feared, but who sometimes can be
used to help improve society. To humans, hunters are strange, mystical people; the bearers
of holy swords and strange magics, who live by some strange sort of code that no one in their
right mind can understand.

Hunter Society

Hunters are men and women who have devoted their lives to ridding the world of darkness. These
brave men and women have left human society to join a new one, the Hunter society. Hunters
have changed quite a bit over the millennias since their “birth”. In the beginning, they
were a sort of rebel scourge to vampires, but have since become some of the most
influential people in the world.

They are a quasi-militaristic society; every hunter has a rank and is allotted privileges
due to it. They have their own laws and punishments, and claim immunity from normal forms
of justice. Hunters have their own language, which they speak as well as the language they
originally grew up with. An orphan found and raised by hunters will first learn the hunter
language, then another.

Hunters follow a strict code of honor and conduct, one that commands everything from
the way they fight down to what one must do if one breaks the code. Every hunter values
honor over life.

Vampire Society

Vampires are the noblemen of this time, the ruling class. They generally act superior and
condescending towards humans, and despise all forms of hunters. Vampires are likely to
punish their subjects if a hunter is hired, and will more often than not try to execute a
hunter to make an example for their subjects, to enforce the ideal that there is no hope.

They, for the most part, live for pleasure and power, and are incapable of love. However,
there are sometimes “flukes”, rare kind vampires that mainly live in Shuurai.


Years are currently measured AC, After Catachysm. The years before are PC, Pre Catachysm.
A year is divided into twelve cycles, each consisting of thirty to thirty one days.

First cycle (January)

Second (February)

Third (March)

Fourth (April)

Fifth (May)

And so forth. You get the point.


The world’s continents have been reformed over the centuries, and exist in a very different
fashion than before. However, this listing will note each continent, describe what
exactly goes on there, and describe the countries they would have entailed, had
this been our own time.

The Neo Continents

Toroah (Almost all of Europe, Russia, Korea)

The center for human society in the world. This is where human government is conducted, and where
the human capitol, the Citadel, is located.

Shuurai (Italy, India, and most China and Japan)

Commonly called the Hunter’s Kingdom, as this continent is the center of hunter society, and there
are no vampire lords here other than those rare ones who are actually kind. This is the
land where hunters govern, and there Illumina, center of two of the world’s three
religions, is the capitol.

Saracen (Nearly all of the Middle East)

A land renowned for it’s exotic trade stock, and it’s exotic peoples. This continent is rather
dry and consists mainly of deserts; thus a hunter must be prepared to travel with a lot
of water there. There are vampire lords there, who often have a fanatical following.

Valorum (Formerly North and South America)

A land renowned for it’s trade routes and ample resources after the Catachysm. Unfortunately,
vampires rule rather prominently in this land’s government. Out of all its trades however,
no trade thrives more prominently than the trade of human and inhuman slaves.
Tharon is the capitol.

Magawi (formerly Australia)

almost uninhabited, but renowned for it’s natural resources. Vampires and the like tend to avoid
this place, as it is very sunny. Cidnai is the capitol.

N’Dohro (formerly Africa)

Much the same as Magawi, but there are no vampires here. However, that doesn’t stop other creatures
from ruling here. The indigenous people are usually very receptive to hunters.
Zima is the capitol.

The Blasted Lands (Formerly the ice regions of the world, the tundra, and the like)

These lands have never quite recovered from the effects of the Catachysm; though the radiation
levels are acceptable to travel through, no one cares to tally long here, for it’s unbelievably
cold. A few pockets of civilization are found scattered through here, but very few that have
met these ones have lived to tell the tale.


At the moment, I'm only listing the two most major cities of our world.

The Citadel

The center for human government, the highly militaristic, technologically advanced Citadel
is the only place in the world where hunters are forbidden to enter. Hunters must
remain at least seventeen miles away from the city’s limits, unless they have some sort
of official business there. Run by the Order of Humanity, the human world’s government.


Center of two major world religions, Illumina is also called the Hunter’s City. Based where
the former Vatican City was, Illumina is where the Hunter Council meets, and where all demon
hunters herald from. Run by the Elder’s Council and Lord Master Demon Hunter Lazarion
Taranes, it is renowned as one of the Wonders of the World, as Illumina is an amazingly
beautiful city and a center for the arts.

Hunter Mainframe

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