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3/24?:Zano and Levi and etc. Are having trouble being active,stink!I am going to be adding to the game,It seems slightly BORING!Yes,I know I'll be swamped once we get more players,but oh well...If you have any Ideas,tell Celine @ Lost Horse Falls!!
3/4:ZANOs Back,and so R many of his other chars!!!There will be a party later celebrating so many returns!
Wolves:The Season is coming!!See the Wolf TT post "All Read"!
2/16:No Zano Yet..WOLF TT is Up!!As well as several others!
2/15:Yes the Rumors are true, ZANO's Trying to Come Back!!FOR THE Zillionth time Celine is Alpha mare now,thankies!!The remaining TT's that are not up yet will be added as soon as possible!All horses waiting on Jioning board are welcome at Lost Horse Falls For shelter,or until their tt's are up! Thanxs!!! Weather:Small storm about the island's exterior,High tides,keep small foals from the beaches...