Fusion Earrings: allows any 2 people of any race to fuse for one battle only. Give one earring to the person to put on and u put the other one on the opposite ear and u fuse.-$200
Aries Gloves: does an extra 100 damage onto your attacks-$100
Safe: keeps items from getting stolen-$500
Safe Shield: keeps safe from getting stolen (can not be stolen)-$300
Neckless Of Life: u must say ur gonna use it at the beginning of the battle (when u put it on u can only do 4 attacks that turn) then if u die it will bring u back from the dead only once with half of ur Max PL, when used breaks into millions of pieces (can only own one at a time)-$2,500
Life Pill: u eat this at the beginning of the battle (when u eat it u can only do 4 attacks that turn) then if u die it brings u back from the dead with half of ur Max PL for 2 battles or just twice that fight (u suck if u die twice in the same fight) when used for the second time its effects wear off (can only own one at a time)-$3,500
Thief Clothes: can steal an item from your opponent if you win a real battle the item can be valued up to $700 or you can steal $400 from them.-$1,000
Ultra Thief Clothes: can steal an item from your opponent if you win a battle to the death the item can be valued up to $2,000 or you can steal $1,000 from them-$5,000
Potion: brings back 1,000pl-$100
Super Potion: brings back 3,000pl-$300
Ultra Potion: brings back 5,000pl-$500
Super Ultra Potion: brings back 8,000pl-$800
Survival Pack: 2 senzu beans 1 saiyin potion 1 potion-$500
2 Smoke Bombs: throw and can escape a battle with out getting hurt or dieing-$300
Camping Pack: 2 senzus,1 ultra senzu,2 super potions.-$2,500
Ultra Powerband: adds 1,000 damage to one attack turn then its useless-$300
Chains: when used opponent cant use items for one battle-$350
Wire Snippets: used to cut off chains, can only be used once-$250
Haste Boots: adds an extra attack to your attack turn-$400
Pulse Generator: You get an Upsurge of 2,000pl for that battle-800$
Attack Droid: does 1,000 damage to opponent once used it is destroyed-$500
Defense Droid: takes 1,000 damage off of opponents next attack then gets destroyed-$500
Super Haste Boots: lets u do 8 attacks for one turn-$900
Super Saiyin Boots: lets u do 10 attacks for one turn (must be in a form of super self to use)-1,100$
Contacts: shields ur eyes from solar flare never run out-2,000$
Matter Disrupter: stops opponent from using force field for whole battle lasts 2 battles-2,000$
Ultra Droid: can only be used once a battle lasts for 3 battles does 1500 damage-$800
Majin Core Juice: You get an upsurge of 2,000pl that u get to keep for ever.-$2,000
Poison Needle: does 500d to opponent after every time they attack, quits working after the battle is over-$650
Set of Encyclopedias: gives 500int.(can only buy one a day)-$2,000
Reflective Contacts: reflects solar flare to ur opponent-$5,000
Vaccine: heals u from poison needle-$300
Ring Binder: stops opponent from doing tri-form for one battle, lasts only one battle then gets destroyed-$1,000
Soda Pop: gives back 5,000pl and lets u do 6 attacks for whole battle since it has so much caffine-$700
Tele-lens: U aim better which increases your Damage by 300 D every turn.-$500
Power Gloves: gives you 1 extra turn for rest of battle and can only be used for 2 battles.-800$
Hyperbolic Time Chamber Pass: this is a pass that lets u train the time chamber only good for one time then becomes void can only buy one a week-$3,000
Super Glue: freezes the opponent for 2 turns-$500
Magic Hour Glass: Distorts time allowing you to take three extra turns. Only used once a battle then is gone for ever - $900
Watch: Stops opponent from using time freeze once a battle-$550
Lethal Madness Shot: you inject in your bloodstream, gives u 20,000pl to keep and u get 4 extra arms for that battle so u can do 10 attacks for that battle only if u go in the rejuvi for 5 days or get the lethal madness vaccine.-$20,000
Lethal Madness Vaccine: use this and u keep the 20,000pl and u don't have to go in the rejuvi after using the lethal madness shot-$30,000
Hidden Power Level: you gain 5,000 PL for that battle only.-$1,500
Tranquilizer: puts people 30,000pl and under to sleep for one turn.-$500
Tranquilizer Advanced: puts people 60,000pl and under to sleep for one turn.-$700
Tranquilizer Plus: puts people 60,001pl and over to sleep for one turn.-$1,000
Reflector: It stops your opponent from using Change Now last 2 battles then it blows up (must say ur using it which takes up one move to do)-2000$
Flash Light: it blinds the opponent and all of their attacks miss for their next turn-$500
tail regrowth potion: Regrows a sayians tail over night.-$1,000
Flying Castle:It comes with turbo thrusters and it gets you to a planet in 4 day's and can hold anything on it. It comes equipped with a built in scouter/db radar. You can just fly over a planet with it and see where at least one of the dragonballs are every 3 day's.-$15,000
Fusion Earings:These are the item you need to use to fuse. You can only use them once then you need to buy a knew pair.-$1,000