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Help Wanted..................

This is where u make the money so that u can buy those items u want so bad.Each job pays different and if u have any other job ideas e-mail me.


A trainer is someone who trains other people for int or pl. 400 dollars = 100int or 1,000pl.Max of 1,200 dollars.
Max 2:Taken by: Goku & Buu


A Scientist is some one who makes items for money each item they make the get 300 dollars. The item must be approved by goku.
Max 4:Taken by:Pikkon, Brolli, Master Roshi

Body Gaurd

A body gaurd is a person who takes a fight for his employer.His employer must pay him before the battle. You get as much money as the employer wants must be above 500 dollars.
Max infinite:Taken by:

Job Maker

A Job maker makes new jobs for the job page and gets 400 dollars a job, but the job must be approved by goku or buu.
Max 2"Taken by: Trunks, Super 13

Bounty Hunter

A Bounty Hunter takes a job from a employer and gets 1,500 dollars for killin who his employer wants, but nothing for losing.
Max 5:Taken by:Adult Gohan


A Negotiator is hired to persuade the overloards of any planet to come together and expand there reign over the universe, or to make buisness deals; example: Someone gets enough money and ask's Goku or Buu to open a buisiness, they open that buisiness and make money but want to expand there profit by putting a buisness on every planet besides Capital City, they hire a Negotiator to speak with that planets overloard and convince him/her to say yes, if they say no the Negotiator doesn't get paid. You pay the Negotiator 1,000 dollars if he succeeds.
Max 3:Taken by:Vegetunks


A pilot flies the space pod but the ship needs to be able to hold at least one space for him. He nocks off 2 days of travel time and gets payed $100dollars a week and costs $500 for him to fly u places. So in total he gets $600 if someone employs him. He only gets $500 after they are done flying to where they want.
Max 3:Taken by:

e-mail me for a job(click on the pic):