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One day as I was in the lab splicing DNA and what not. I wasted some hormones on some genetically engineered New Breed Eggs I had been experimenting on, soon after I noticed changes in them after the accident. So I contained them. You can inject these into your bloodstream and they will change your attack value according on the monster. But they are very expensive. They are $15,000.
-Scientific Diary Of Professor Gohan

Sword Stalker

This skilled fencer has destroyed, killed, and terrified with his blade, until one day Mirai Trunks heard of him and met him at his next location. The Sword Stalker saw Mirai Trunks and laughed at him for being so small, so the arrogant killer (Sword Stalker) lunged at the experienced swords-man (Trunks) and was slashed down the middle and blasted. I saw the oppurtunity and gathered a DNA sample.

Attack Power=2,000 D

Gaia The Dark Knight

This dark knight has fought along side the Sword Stalker, and various other evil beings. As he was traveling with Sword Stalker one day they got orders from there leader to take over a near by town. They failed because of Gaia. After the failed attack Sword Stalker told there master about there failed mission and why it turned out that way. Sword Stalker was ordered to kill Gaia, but Gaia was trained but barely fended off Sword Stalker, he knew there master was behind the attack. As there master watched Gaia approach his domain with killing intent he sent soldier's after Gaia, Gaia slaughtered them all. When Gaia finally reached his master he charged him head on and got batted to the side. Gaia launched his sword from the ground but it didn't even pearce there master. Sword Stalker was called to finish the job, he grabbed Gaia and tossed him off of the 1,000 story building where my droid was waiting to save him. After I took a DNA sample I sent him to the next dimension.


Rude Kaiser

The Rude Kaiser mainly picked on women, doing as he pleased with them. He was under order's from his master to take over two towns but he'd rather party with women. He'd pay for his great fondness of women. He partied that night drinking daiquiris, hitting Capitol City, and he checked into a luxurious hotel with money meant for equipment provided by his master. His master observed him and laughed. Rude Kaiser was sent on a death-mission to Goku's house to obduct Chi-Chi. Upon arrival he asked Goku did he know of a women named Chi-Chi, Goku replied "yes". Goku pretended to cooperate and put his hand on Rude Kaiser's shoulder and tossed him in the air and shot him with a Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha. I sent a droid out to grab his limb for a DNA sample, then fed his limb to a huge fish in a nearby lake.


Divine Dragon

A long, long, time ago the Divine Dragon waged war on the humans for the planet, one day someone drove a mystical spear into his side killing him. His remains are in a museum where I got his DNA.


Black Luster Soldier

He is was an elite fighter, an elite fencer, but was not elite enough. The Black Luster Soldier had every thing going for him, he was personally trained by his master and Sword Stalker so he was deadly with the sword, but the sword stalker didn't know that his master's intention's were evil, being that he was observed and lied to. Well, lets start his story; One day the Black Luster Soldier was training in the mountains when he received a message from his master to take over the near by Pepper Town, little did he know Master Majin Buu was gurading the town. Upon arrival he spoke of defeating an called Majin Buu (of course Majin Buu is evil bt not on this rpg), with out hold up Majin Buu showed his face and exposed his the Black Soldier's master's true intention's, Black Luster Soldier set to combat his master. When Black Luster Soldier arrived he spoke to master about what he intented and challenged him. After about 3 hours of fighting Black Luster Soldier was getting the upper hand but his master teleported and did the Divine Dragon Cannon attack before The Black Soldier could react, killing him. I knew my droids couldn't penetrate the security so I went my self and K.O.ed there master and put what was left of the Soldier in a storage droid and got the DNA sample, since he was good I tried to revive him but his injuries were to critical.


All Monsters, Morphs on this page are courtesy of Yu-Gi-Oh King Of Games