Here is list of all the weapons, what they do, how much they cost etc.
Brute Ray gun: gives 20,000 PL to any body you shoots it at for one battle then that person goes into the rejuvenator for 5 days-3,000$
Solar Ray Cannon: It does 7,000 D to the opponent and it melts all scouters except red visor scouters and purple visor scouters-2,900$
Stalling Buster: When it is shot at the opponent it gives you one extra attack for the rest of the battle however it can only be used 1 time in a battle-2,500$
Genka Dama charger (spirit bomb charger): it shoots a huge, strong genka dama at opponent does 10,000 damage can only be used one time a fight and then cant be used for three battles after that one-$4,500
Z-Dagger: A dagger that does 300d-$200
Zet Sword: A strong sword that does 700d-$1,500
Bright Sword: When used it does 1,000d and the opponent looses one turn and can only be used once a fight-$2,000
Multi Slash Sword: A sword that has 5 blades and each blades do 4,000d each so its does 20,000-$25,000
Zet Sword Upgrade: Adds an extra 300d to the regular zet sword- $1,000
Sword of Fire: Does 2,000 damage and burns opponent so he/she loses 500 PL every turn-$1,500
Flame Thrower: Does 1,500 damage can be done only once a battle and melts one item of choice but not over $4,000-$5,500
Kitana: Very powerful sword with six blades that do 200d a piece total D=1,200-$700
Shiny Sword: Reflects light into opponents eye causing them to lose one turn (only used 2 times a battle) and does D-1,500=$900
Arm Blaster (the guns that are on the weak dude's arms): It shoots out mini weak ki blast but with incredible force, shoots one blast per turn D=1,000-$750
Light Saber: Does 3,000 damage, gives u an upsurge of 2,000 PL for that battle. Can only be used once per battle-$3,000
Ocarina: When used your opponent may go to sleep only if his PL is under 6,000 but if it is not the opponent gets SO drowsy and he can only use 4 moves for 5 turns-$1,500
Tapions Sword: Since Tapion was "Demonized" (meaning he had a demon in him) when you are sliced from this demonic sword it does 2000D and the demons power makes the wielder of this sword get an upsurge of 3000 PL for that fight only, once per fight-$2,500
Upgrade for Arm Blaster: Does an extra 1,000d is in all the Arm Blaster does 2,000d but its so strong the recoil does 500 d to the shooter-$500
Grenades: Can only use 3 per fight and they do 700 damage each, you only get one-$300
Belt of Grenades: Same as Grenades only you get 4-$1,000
Tormentor Sword: This sword initially does 2000D and then does 500D for the remeaining of the battle -$5,000