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Temperal says: besides live and kill the other guy
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
say run in and out quickly
You say: run in and out quickly
Temperal nods.
say and replace imagese when low
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
You say: and replace imagese when low
Temperal nods.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Temperal dispels his Duplicate.

Temperal begins to concentrate.

Multiple images of Temperal suddenly appear.
say other than that hit and pray
You say: other than that hit and pray
> Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
say ready?
You ask: ready?
Temperal nods.
tz we are ready
You tell Temperal, Cellix and Cecil: we are ready
> Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
tz yep
You tell Temperal, Cellix and Cecil: yep
> dispel duplicates
You dispel your Duplicate
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.

Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 878(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
tell alianora yep

Temperal nods at Alianora.
You tell Alianora: yep

[Budoka] Elkanah (Stiny! Get me a danish!): night everyone
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

[Budoka] Lloberack :  laters elk

Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

[Budoka] Elkanah waves.


Cellix arrive from the east.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Someone begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Temperal follows you.
Temperal waves to Elkanah.
6 bb
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cellix arrive from the west.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Someone begins casting a spell

[Budoka] Xenobia {silencing machine}: and with that, i am gone as well
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You cannot find Bb.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at bb'.
drop juice
Cellix leave east.
pk aa
pk bb
You drop a Giggleberry Juice.
Cellix arrive from the east.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> 6 bb
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2045429(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You cannot find Bb.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at bb'.
drop juice
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Giggleberry Juice.
pk aa
pk bb
> You drop a Giggleberry Juice.
Cellix arrive from the east.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cellix's feet!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cellix.
You prepare to abduct Cellix!
> You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
Someone begins casting a spell

Large Bear suddenly appears!
You pound repeatedly into the sides of Large Bear, producing several bloody
holes and screams of pain.

An image of Large Bear disappears as it is hit!

An image of Large Bear disappears as it is hit!

An image of Large Bear disappears as it is hit!

An image of Large Bear disappears as it is hit!

An image of Large Bear disappears as it is hit!

With control worthy of a master, you launch a jumpkick, a jumpkick, a sidekick,
a backfist punch, a backfist punch, an elbow, a backfist punch, an axekick and
a roundhouse kick at Cellix.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a brutal blow to Cellix using both fists.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

That was Cellix's last Mirror Image.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.

Cellix appears dazed.
*************Cellix IS DAZED*************

With a skillfully placed combination of punches and kicks you hammer
Cellix into a state of confusion.
You leap at Cellix but quickly realize that you will fail and hold yourself
back before you are noticed!
Hp: 9230  Gp: 443  Xp: 2045808
Hp: 9230(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 443(903) Xp: 2045808(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil suddenly appears!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
Cellix raises a mass of vines from the ground to entangle you.
You are covered by a mass of entangling vines.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the
ground in their fury.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You fall back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear leave east.
> You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
> You feel too weak to use displace.
> w
You are far too exhausted!
> You are hunting Cellix
You are hunting Cecil
You are hunting Large Bear
pk aa
pk bb
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.

Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear arrive from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cellix's feet!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
> You have to regain your balance first!
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
> You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
> You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear leave west.
pk aa
pk bb
You are far too exhausted!
> The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> 6 bb
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You cannot find Bb.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at bb'.
drop juice
> You drop a Giggleberry Juice.
> Hp: 7342(9230) Gp: 90(903) Xp: 2045808(16400000)    (--) 
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
> The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are unable to move well enough to complete this difficult maneuver!
> You feel your stats returning to normal.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.

Cecil and Cellix arrive from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cellix begins to concentrate.

An image of Large Bear disappears as it is hit!

An image of Large Bear disappears as it is hit!

An image of Large Bear disappears as it is hit!

That was Large Bear's last Mirror Image.
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in stunned
Large Bear doubles over in pain as your poison takes its toll.
Hp: 7372  Gp: 873  Xp: 2045931
Hp: 7372(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 873(903) Xp: 2045931(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  9 
Hp: 7372(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 873(903) Xp: 2045931(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  9 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid dissolves your flesh.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil jolts you.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil chills you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You fall back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the
ground in their fury.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Hp: 4128(9230)  Gp: 0(903)  Xp: 2045931  Socp: 938(1126)
> You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
> You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
> w
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
> You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> pk aa
pk bb
> > > Your attack glances off Large Bear.
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in stunned
Large Bear vomits blood as your poison takes its toll.
You cremate Large Bear.
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in stunned
Large Bear doubles over in pain as your poison takes its toll.
You fry Large Bear to a crisp.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 785  Xp: 2046371
Hp: 9230(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 785(903) Xp: 2046371(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  6 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid dissolves your flesh.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil electrocutes you.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel a bit shakened, but otherwised unharm.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You fall back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > > > > > w
You are far too exhausted!
You are far too exhausted!
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You are far too exhausted!
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in stunned
Large Bear doubles over in pain as your poison takes its toll.
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in stunned
Large Bear's face turns green as your poison takes effect.
You fry Large Bear to a crisp.
Hp: 6257  Gp: 25  Xp: 2046658
Hp: 6257(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 25(903) Xp: 2046658(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  4 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel a bit shakened, but otherwised unharm.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil hits you with blast of pure energy.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
Cecil begins casting a spell
You are far too exhausted!
> You are far too exhausted!
> You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> > > pk aa
pk bb
> > > You become clumsy and drop Alerion's Blazing Metal Knuckle (Storm Bonded).
A silver globe appears around Cecil causing you to become clumsy and trip.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 9230(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 50(903) Xp: 2046658(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  4 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil shocks you severely.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil burns you severely.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil chills you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you horribly.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix nicks you.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.
6 bb

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives two Mana Potions to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > abduct me
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You are unable to move well enough to complete this difficult maneuver!
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cellix's feet!
You prepare to assault Cellix.
You are unable to move well enough to complete this difficult maneuver!
You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

You are unable to move well enough to complete this difficult maneuver!
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a sidekick, a knifehand strike, a
jumpkick, a roundhouse kick, a hook punch, an axekick, a sidekick, a roundhouse
kick and a hook punch at Cellix.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pummel Cellix relentlessly with your fists.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pummel Cellix relentlessly with your fists.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

That was Cellix's last Mirror Image.
Hp: 7729(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 794(903) Xp: 2046803(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  4 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you horribly.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid dissolves your flesh.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you horribly.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil burns you severely.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid dissolves your flesh.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You fall back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
Cellix gets a Cyan Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cellix gets a Cyan Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
[Elkanah left the Realms of the Dragon]
You pound repeatedly into the sides of Large Bear, producing several bloody
holes and screams of pain.
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in stunned
Large Bear vomits blood as your poison takes its toll.
You cremate Large Bear.
Hp: 4713  Gp: 288  Xp: 2047188
Hp: 4713(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 288(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  2 
Hp: 4713(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 288(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  2 

Cecil casts a spell on Cellix and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cellix appear!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil pierces you.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil strikes you with a burst of energy.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil jolts you slightly.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil electrocutes you.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
> > > > > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
Cecil begins casting a spell
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You throw the vial of Giggleberry Juice at Cecil.
You are far too exhausted!
You are far too exhausted!
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 785  Xp: 2047188
Hp: 9230(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 785(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  2 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil electrocutes you.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil shocks you severely.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!

Cellix begins to concentrate.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the
ground in their fury.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rattles your brain.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
You fall back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix tears you up.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
> > 
Cecil begins casting a spell
> s
abduct me
A silver globe appears around Cecil causing you to become clumsy and trip.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 5680  Gp: 25  Xp: 2047188
Hp: 5680(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 25(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  2 
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil impales you.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid dissolves your flesh.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil electrocutes you.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.

Cellix appears to be less confused.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > w
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding west.
6 bb
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
pk aa
pk bb
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
The Center of the Field
There are nine obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south,
southwest, west, northwest and portal.
Large Bear, Cellix and Cecil are here.
Vines entangling Alerion.
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You are unable to move well enough to complete this difficult maneuver!
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9230(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 685(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8 10  2 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid dissolves your flesh.

Cellix begins to concentrate.
You fall back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix disembowels you with his sharp claws.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the
ground in their fury.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix electrocutes you.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
pk aa
pk bb
Cellix shocks you severely.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix electrocutes you.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix jolts you slightly.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take ring of power from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding rub ring of power.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put ring of power in bucket 4.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
6 bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You tried to run away, but no matter how much you scrambled, you couldn't find
any exits.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You are intoxicated by the colorful magic.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You try to move around, but the vines prevent your escape.
abduct me
You tried to run away, but no matter how much you scrambled, you couldn't find
any exits.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 3940  Gp: 708  Xp: 2047188
Hp: 3940(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 708(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8  2 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil hits you with blast of pure energy.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid dissolves your flesh.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the
ground in their fury.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix shocks you severely.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take juice from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding uncork bottle.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding throw giggleberry juice at bb.
Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take red potion from bucket 2.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink red potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take blue healing potion from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink blue healing potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put blue healing potions in bucket 5.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding west.
> You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You throw the vial of Giggleberry Juice at Cecil.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cellix's feet!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 796  Xp: 2047188
Hp: 9230(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 796(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8  2 10 
Hp: 9230(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 796(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8  2 10 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel a bit shakened, but otherwised unharm.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!

Cellix gets a Cyan Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix gets a Cyan Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You fall back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix disembowels you with his sharp claws.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the
ground in their fury.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix electrocutes you.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix jolts you.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
The writhing vines dig into your flesh drawing blood.
You break free of the vines.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil begins to giggle uncontrollably.
********** Cecil is laughing ***********

The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
> > > 
Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Storm Dragoness Bag.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Hp: 4228  Gp: 23  Xp: 2047188
Hp: 4228(9230) Gp: 23(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) Fighting:  8  2 
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding ********** Cecil is laughing ***********.
> w
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take blue healing potion from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink blue healing potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put blue healing potions in bucket 5.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding west.
> You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are far too exhausted!
You are far too exhausted!
You are far too exhausted!
You are far too exhausted!
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are hunting Cellix
You are hunting Large Bear
> y
> dispel duplicates
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
Dispel what?
> You feel too weak to use displace.
> You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
> Hp: 4252(9230) Gp: 115(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--) 
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> dispel duplicates
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> Dispel what?
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 696(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear arrive from the north.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cecil begins casting a spell
dispel duplicates
pk aa
pk bb
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!
Cellix dodges your attack.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 696  Xp: 2047188
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 696(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ Fighting: 10  2 

Cecil's spell fails.

Cellix's spell fails.

Cellix's spell fails.

Cellix stops getting ready to hunt and just looks confused instead.
You dispel your Duplicate
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cellix's feet!

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You kick Cellix to the head.
You prepare to assault Cellix.
You prepare to abduct Cellix!
> You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear leave east.
You are hunting Cellix
pk aa
pk bb
You are hunting Large Bear
You are hunting Cecil
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 311(903) Xp: 2047188(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
> > > > You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Large Bear, Cecil and Cellix are here.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You burn Cellix.
Hp: 9230(9230) **  9 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2047200(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ Fighting:  9  2 10 

Cellix's spell fails.

Cellix's spell fails.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil begins casting a spell
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cellix's feet!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!
> > You pound repeatedly into the sides of Large Bear, producing several bloody
holes and screams of pain.
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in stunned
Large Bear vomits blood as your poison takes its toll.
Hp: 9230(9230) **  9 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2047501(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ Fighting:  9  0 10 
6 aa

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear leave east.
> You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You cannot find Aa.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at aa'.
drop juice
You are hunting Cellix
You are hunting Large Bear
You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb

[Budoka] Lloberack :  night xen
You drop a Giggleberry Juice.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w

Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear arrive from the east.
pk aa
pk bb

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.
6 aa
> > > 
Temperal leaps from the shadows!
Cellix dodges Temperal's attack.

Cellix dodges Temperal's attack.

Temperal launches with lightning speed a backfist punch at Cellix.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Temperal snaps Cellix's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Temperal deals a brutal blow to Cellix using both fists.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

That was Cellix's last Mirror Image.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Temperal snaps Cellix's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Temperal deals a powerful blow to the top of Cellix's head.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Cellix reels back as Temperal deals them a powerful uppercut.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Temperal snaps Cellix's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Temperal follows you.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You cannot find Aa.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at aa'.
drop juice
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 603(903) Xp: 2047501(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
pk aa
pk bb
You drop a Giggleberry Juice.
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Giggleberry Juice.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
Your Holy Armour dissipates.

pk aa
pk bb

Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear arrive from the north.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > You prepare to abduct Cecil!
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Giggleberry Juice.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You are too busy to use this ability right now.
Your target is no longer present.
pk aa
pk bb
6 aa

Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear arrive from the east.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You cannot find Aa.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at aa'.
drop juice
> w
pk aa
pk bb

Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear arrive from the west.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You drop a Giggleberry Juice.
> South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Temperal is here.
Giggleberry Juice.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cellix, Cecil and Large Bear arrive from the east.

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.
pk aa
pk bb
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cellix's feet!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!
You sweep Cellix's legs, interrupting his concentration.
You prepare to assault Cellix.
You prepare to abduct Cellix!
> You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
Animal valiantly protects Cellix.

Temperal repeatedly pounds into the sides of Large Bear, producing several
bleeding holes and screams of pain.

Temperal connects with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in
stunned anguish.

Large Bear vomits blood as Temperal's poison takes its toll.

Temperal cremates Large Bear.

Temperal's attack glances off of Large Bear.

Temperal connects with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in
stunned anguish.

Large Bear doubles over in pain.

Temperal burns Large Bear severely.
You pound repeatedly into the sides of Large Bear, producing several bloody
holes and screams of pain.
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Large Bear backwards in stunned
Large Bear vomits blood as your poison takes its toll.
You cremate Large Bear.

With control worthy of a master, you launch an elbow, a back kick, a sidekick,
a ridgehand strike, a hook punch, a sidekick, a jumpkick, a sidekick and a hook
punch at Cellix.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
With a spinning heel you snap Cellix's head back, spraying blood and teeth.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a powerful hammer-like blow to the top of Cellix's head.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!
You are far too exhausted!
Hp: 9230  Gp: 258  Xp: 2048294
Hp: 9230(9230) **  4 ** Gp: 258(903) Xp: 2048294(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ Fighting:  4  0 10 
Hp: 9230(9230) **  4 ** Gp: 258(903) Xp: 2048294(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ Fighting:  4  0 10 

Temperal dodges Cellix's attack.

Temperal dodges Cellix's attack.

Cellix's attack glances off of Temperal.

An eerie quiet comes over the area as a huge black cloud forms overhead.
Suddenly a sheet of brilliant light flashes down with an earth shaking crash
blinding you with its fury.

Cellix's attack glances off of Temperal.

An image of Temperal disappears as it is hit!

An image of Temperal disappears as it is hit!

An image of Temperal disappears as it is hit!

An image of Temperal disappears as it is hit!

Temperal falls back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
pk aa
pk bb

Temperal's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Cellix rips through Temperal's guts.

Temperal's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.

Cellix rips through Temperal's guts.

An image of Temperal disappears as it is hit!

An image of Temperal disappears as it is hit!

An image of Temperal disappears as it is hit!

Temperal dealt the death blow to Large Bear.

Cellix and Cecil leave east.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Temperal, Cecil and Cellix are here.
Giggleberry Juice.
> > > w
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2048294(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
> > > You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You are hunting Cellix
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> s
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> se
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2048294(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
[Xenobia left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk aa
pk bb
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w
pk aa
pk bb
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Cecil, Cellix and Temperal are here.
Storm Dragoness Armour.
Eight Blue Healing Potions.
Vines entangling Temperal.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cellix's feet!
You prepare to assault Cellix.
You prepare to abduct Cellix!
> You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
> pk aa
pk bb

Cecil is protected by a blue globe.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Temperal's attack glances off of Cecil.

Cecil is protected by a blue globe.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Temperal's attack glances off of Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a jumpkick, a hook punch, a
sidekick, a roundhouse kick, a hook punch, a back kick, a sidekick, a
roundhouse kick and a roundhouse kick at Cellix.

An image of Cellix disappears as it is hit!

That was Cellix's last Mirror Image.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a brutal blow to Cellix using both fists.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
With a spinning heel you snap Cellix's head back, spraying blood and teeth.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a powerful hammer-like blow to the top of Cellix's head.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.
You leap forth and grasp Cellix and drag him through a rift in space!
6 Cellix
Hp: 9230  Gp: 443  Xp: 2049581
Hp: 9230(9230) **  4 ** Gp: 443(903) Xp: 2049581(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cellix begins to concentrate.

Cellix begins to concentrate.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the
ground in their fury.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You fall back before the onslaught of Cellix's hunt.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cellix rips through your guts.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
Cellix hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
pk aa
pk bb

Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cellix.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You are kinda busy right now.

You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
> You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You throw the vial of Giggleberry Juice at Cellix.
> You have to regain your balance first!
> > 6 aa

With control worthy of a master, you launch a ridgehand strike, a sidekick, a
back kick, an elbow, a hook punch, a jumpkick, a knifehand strike, an elbow and
a ridgehand strike at Cellix.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a brutal blow to Cellix using both fists.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a powerful hammer-like blow to the top of Cellix's head.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.
pk aa
pk bb

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
With a spinning heel you snap Cellix's head back, spraying blood and teeth.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You punch Cellix so hard in the face that you immediately see blood.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.

Cellix's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.
Hp: 8085  Gp: 308  Xp: 2051031
Hp: 8085(9230) **  0 ** Gp: 308(903) Xp: 2051031(16400000)    (--)  @@@ 
Hp: 8085(9230) **  0 ** Gp: 308(903) Xp: 2051031(16400000)    (--)  @@@ 
You killed Cellix.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Falconer's Jacket.

Cellix suddenly shrugs and thick flakes of chitin fall to the ground.

Cellix stops glowing.

Cellix's Force Shield dissipates.

Cellix stops glowing.

Cellix shudders briefly as the holy armour dissipates from him.

Cellix's bark-like armour flakes off and falls to the ground, crumbling into
> > > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding get coins,gems from corpses.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put coins,gems in bucket 4.
> pk aa
pk bb

You hear pops and cracks!
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You throw the vial of Giggleberry Juice at Cellix.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
Ghost of Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
> > pk aa
pk bb
> > pk aa
pk bb

You feel the area collapsing around you!
********OUT OF THE VOID********
You sense that your pocket in space has expired.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell

Temperal struggles in vain within the vines.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding ********OUT OF THE VOID********.
> pk aa
pk bb

Cecil is surrounded by a pink globe which confuses Temperal.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil is surrounded by a purple globe which electrifies the Blazing Metal
Knuckle (Storm Bonded) upon contact with it.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil is surrounded by a purple globe which electrifies the Blazing Metal
Knuckle (Storm Bonded) upon contact with it.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil parries Temperal's attack.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
Ghost of Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
You have to regain your balance first!

With control worthy of a master, you launch a jumpkick, a back kick, a
knifehand strike, a sidekick, an axekick, a sidekick, a ridgehand strike, an
axekick and a jumpkick at Cecil.
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Temperal follows you.
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 8103  Gp: 443  Xp: 2051031
Hp: 8103(9230) Gp: 443(903) Xp: 2051031(16400000)    (--)  @@ 
pk aa
pk bb
> > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
pk aa
pk bb
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
Hp: 8115(9230) Gp: 493(903) Xp: 2051031(16400000)    (--)  @@ 
dispel duplicates
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > > You do not see your target.
You dispel your Duplicate
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> w
pk aa
pk bb
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
> Your attack glances off Cecil.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

With control worthy of a master, you launch an axekick, a ridgehand strike, a
ridgehand strike, an axekick, a jumpkick, a ridgehand strike, a backfist punch,
a back kick and a hook punch at Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's skin returns to normal!
You leap at Cecil but fail miserably!
Hp: 8145  Gp: 48  Xp: 2051031
Hp: 8145(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 48(903) Xp: 2051031(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
Hp: 8145(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 48(903) Xp: 2051031(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil rolls on the floor laughing.

Ghost of Cellix arrive from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Cecil begins casting a spell
You have to regain your balance first!
> > 
Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You connect with a vicious punch, knocking Cecil backwards in stunned anguish.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.
Hp: 8151(9230) **  9 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2051182(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and his skin becomes stonelike.

Cecil's skin becomes stonelike!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel a bit shakened, but otherwised unharm.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
pk aa
pk bb
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
Your attack glances off Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

With control worthy of a master, you launch a ridgehand strike, a backfist
punch, an elbow, a sidekick, a ridgehand strike, a hook punch, an axekick, an
elbow and a knifehand strike at Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's skin returns to normal!

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cecil coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cecil reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a brutal blow to Cecil using both fists.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
With a spinning heel you snap Cecil's head back, spraying blood and teeth.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a brutal blow to Cecil using both fists.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You beat Cecil extremely brutally about the head and shoulders.
You are far too exhausted!
Hp: 8157(9230) **  0 ** Gp: 271(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@ 

Cecil laughs politely.

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cecil appear!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
pk aa
pk bb
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil gets a Potion of True Cure Water from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > > 
Ghost of Cellix and Cecil leave west.
> You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb
> > With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
> Hp: 6187(9230) Gp: 851(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
> s

Ghost of Cellix arrive from the south.
> You do not see your target.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk aa
pk bb
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w
pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> s
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> s
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil leaves south.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the south.
Your eyes darken as you touch the black globe protecting Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Contact with the orange globe causes it to pulse and settle around Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You are intoxicated by the colorful magic.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil rolls on the floor laughing.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil electrocutes you.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives two Mana Potions to Elven Travel Bag.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
Cecil begins casting a spell
You take a Red Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel the intoxication leaving your body.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> > > Your attack glances off Cecil.
pk aa
pk bb
A violet globe aruond Cecil absorbs the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Your Alerion's Blazing Metal Knuckle (Storm Bonded) glows as it strikes through
the purple globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Hp: 9061  Gp: 25  Xp: 2052183
Hp: 9061(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 25(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > > 6 aa
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You have to regain your balance first!
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9067(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 796(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 

Cecil begins casting a spell
Cecil leaves south.
pk aa
pk bb
> > > You are hunting Cecil

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
6 bb

Cecil leaves west.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You cannot find Aa.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at aa'.
drop juice
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9079(9230) Gp: 744(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > 
Cecil leaves south.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > 
Cecil leaves west.
pk aa
pk bb
You cannot find Bb.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at bb'.
drop juice
You drop a Giggleberry Juice.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep aa.
pk aa
pk bb
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You drop a Giggleberry Juice.
> West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Cecil is here.
> > > 
An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Two Giggleberry Juices.
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Ghost of Cellix arrive from the north.
> > 
Cecil leaves south.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
Ghost of Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You have to regain your balance first!
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
pk aa
pk bb
You do not see your target.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
dispel duplicates
Hp: 9109(9230) Gp: 857(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil jabs you.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
Dispel what?
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
Cecil leaves east.
You have already begun to focus your Chi into images.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Cecil is here.
Cecil leaves west.
You are hunting Cecil
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> w
pk aa
pk bb
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Ghost of Cellix and Cecil are here.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
You can't seem to find your target.
You are far too exhausted!
Cecil begins casting a spell
You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You are far too exhausted!
> You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> pk aa
pk bb
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

With control worthy of a master, you launch a sidekick, an axekick, a back
kick, a hook punch, a ridgehand strike, an axekick, a backfist punch, an
axekick and an axekick at Cecil.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Hp: 8409  Gp: 62  Xp: 2052183
Hp: 8409(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 62(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
Cecil begins casting a spell
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> pk aa
pk bb
> > > Hp: 8415(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 881(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--)  @@@ 

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cecil appear!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > > > > You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
You feel too weak to use displace.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Decayed remains of creature.
You are hunting Cecil
Hp: 7187(9230) Gp: 25(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--) 
> e
> cyan
> abduct me
> > Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You prepare to rift yourself away!
You rip an invisible rift in space and leap through it!

You hear pops and cracks!
Hp: 7217(9230) Gp: 678(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--) 

You feel disoriented in this prismatic void!
count blue potions
You have a total of 0 blue potions in your direct inventory.
   6 blue potions held inside of your wooden bucket.  (bucket 5)
       6 Blue Healing Potion

For a total of 6 blue potions in your inventory.
A violent pressure surrounds your head!
Hp: 7247(9230) Gp: 803(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--) 

You feel disoriented in this prismatic void!
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Ok, You sneak leave.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Ghost of Cellix and Cecil are here.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
Ghost of Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
> You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

With control worthy of a master, you launch a ridgehand strike, a backfist
punch, a sidekick, a knifehand strike, a hook punch, a back kick, a ridgehand
strike, an axekick and a knifehand strike at Cecil.
A violet globe aruond Cecil absorbs the impact of your blow.
A violet globe aruond Cecil absorbs the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A silver globe appears around Cecil causing you to become clumsy and trip.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You leap at Cecil but realize that you will fail and hold yourself back.
Hp: 6897  Gp: 449  Xp: 2052183
Hp: 6897(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 449(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--) 
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You have to regain your balance first!
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
> You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
> You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
> pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Your target is no longer present.
> w
pk aa
pk bb
> > > > Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Ghost of Temperal is here.
Corpse of Temperal.
Two Blazing Metal Knuckles.
Corpse of Cellix.
Pair of Mithril Boots.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Helm.
Ring of Power.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Gauntlets.
Two Storm Dragoness Bags.
Silver Torc.
Five Leather satchels.
Two Storm Dragoness Armours.
Eight Blue Healing Potions.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 199(903) Xp: 2052183(16400000)    (--) 
pk aa
pk bb
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > e
pk aa
pk bb
> > > You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
pk aa
pk bb
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
pk aa
pk bb
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> s
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil and Ghost of Cellix arrive from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil and Ghost of Cellix leave south.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Ghost of Cellix and Cecil are here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
> You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Cecil dispels his Mirror Image.

Cecil begins casting a spell

With control worthy of a master, you launch a sidekick, a backfist punch, a
knifehand strike, a back kick, an elbow, an axekick, a back kick, a hook punch
and a ridgehand strike at Cecil.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
pk aa
pk bb
Cecil electrocutes you.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's skin returns to normal!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Bones crunch as you land a devastating front-kick on Cecil.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pummel Cecil relentlessly with your fists.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You swing at Cecil and hit him square in the jaw.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
With a spinning heel you snap Cecil's head back, spraying blood and teeth.
You leap forth and grasp Cecil and drag him through a rift in space!
6 Cecil
Hp: 9018  Gp: 494  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 9018(9230) **  7 ** Gp: 494(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9018(9230) **  7 ** Gp: 494(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil impales you.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cecil appear!

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil gets a Potion of True Cure Water from Elven Travel Bag.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
> You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You throw the vial of Giggleberry Juice at Cecil.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 6942  Gp: 25  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 6942(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 25(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and his skin becomes stonelike.

Cecil's skin becomes stonelike!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil stabs you.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
pk aa
pk bb
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil electrocutes you.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Storm Dragoness Bag.
> > w
> > > > > 
Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
> You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a knifehand strike, a sidekick, a
roundhouse kick, a back kick, a hook punch, an axekick, an elbow, a jumpkick
and a hook punch at Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Hp: 9230  Gp: 594  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 594(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--) 
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil, who is enveloped in a Prismatic Sphere.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > Your attack glances off Cecil.
A silver globe appears around Cecil causing you to become clumsy and trip.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's skin returns to normal!
Hp: 6887  Gp: 25  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 6887(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 25(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil impales you.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
pk aa
pk bb

You feel the area collapsing around you!
********OUT OF THE VOID********
You sense that your pocket in space has expired.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil leave west.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding ********OUT OF THE VOID********.
> pk aa
pk bb
You do not see your target.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Cecil is here.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 738(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--) 

A sudden flash catches your eye!
You sense that your pocket in space has expired.
> > pk aa
pk bb

Ghost of Temperal arrives from the west.
pk aa
pk bb
You are hunting Cecil
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 763(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--) 
> > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
Ghost of Temperal leaves north.
pk aa
pk bb
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > > e
pk aa
pk bb
> dispel duplicates
> > 
Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > e
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Cecil is here.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
Dispel what?
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
You become clumsy and drop Alerion's Blazing Metal Knuckle (Storm Bonded).
A silver globe appears around Cecil causing you to become clumsy and trip.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch an axekick, a jumpkick, a hook
punch, a jumpkick, an elbow, a ridgehand strike, a sidekick, an axekick and an
axekick at Cecil.
A violet globe aruond Cecil absorbs the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

The blessing leaves you.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your target is no longer present.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
8 images of yourself are created.
Hp: 8882  Gp: 409  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 8882(9230) Gp: 409(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
> w
pk aa
pk bb
You are hunting Cecil
> > > cyan
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Hp: 8894(9230) Gp: 459(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> pk aa
pk bb
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Ghost of Cellix is here.
Corpse of Temperal.
Two Blazing Metal Knuckles.
Corpse of Cellix.
Pair of Mithril Boots.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Helm.
Ring of Power.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Gauntlets.
Two Storm Dragoness Bags.
Silver Torc.
Five Leather satchels.
Two Storm Dragoness Armours.
Eight Blue Healing Potions.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
Ghost of Cellix coughs up blood as you land a brutal side-kick to his chest.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > e
pk aa
pk bb
> > > You cannot abduct a ghost.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!

With control worthy of a master, you launch a knifehand strike, a sidekick, a
roundhouse kick, a knifehand strike, a ridgehand strike, a hook punch, a hook
punch, a knifehand strike and a back kick at Cecil.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Ghost of Cellix is here.
Corpse of Temperal.
Two Blazing Metal Knuckles.
Corpse of Cellix.
Pair of Mithril Boots.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Helm.
Ring of Power.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Gauntlets.
Two Storm Dragoness Bags.
Silver Torc.
Five Leather satchels.
Two Storm Dragoness Armours.
Eight Blue Healing Potions.
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 8906  Gp: 494  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 8906(9230) Gp: 494(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil leaves east.
6 aa
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
> > 
Cecil arrives from the east.
> Hp: 8912(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 509(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 

Cecil laughs like a duck.

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cecil appear!

Cecil's spell fails.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
pk aa
pk bb
6 bb

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Storm Dragoness Bag.
> > > 
Cecil leaves east.
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Giggleberry Juice from wooden bucket.
You remove the cork from the vial of Giggleberry Juice, and a soft pink mist
rises from the mouth of the bottle.
You throw the vial of Giggleberry Juice at Cellix.
You have to regain your balance first!
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Nothing to take.
The cork has already been removed.
You don't have Giggleberry Juice to throw!
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at bb'.
drop juice
You are hunting Cecil

Ghost of Temperal arrives from the east.
pk aa
pk bb
> 6 bb
> > > Hp: 8924(9230) Gp: 559(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
Cannot find juice to drop.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Nothing to take.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at bb'.
drop juice
Cannot find juice to drop.
pk aa
pk bb
> You cannot Sweep aa.
pk aa
pk bb
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Ghost of Cellix is here.
Giggleberry Juice.
Corpse of Temperal.
Two Blazing Metal Knuckles.
Corpse of Cellix.
Pair of Mithril Boots.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Helm.
Ring of Power.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Gauntlets.
Two Storm Dragoness Bags.
Silver Torc.
Five Leather satchels.
Two Storm Dragoness Armours.
Eight Blue Healing Potions.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Ghost of Cellix's feet!
This person is a ghost... You cannot attack them.
You can't seem to find your target.
You cannot abduct a ghost.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Cecil leaves east.
pk aa
pk bb
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
pk aa
pk bb
Your target is no longer present.

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
Your attack glances off Cecil.
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
> North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
> pk aa
pk bb
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 8954(9230) Gp: 64(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil leaves west.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> e
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Cecil arrives from the west.
> Hp: 8960  Gp: 777  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 8960(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 777(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.

[Nomos enters the Realms of the Dragon]

Cecil begins casting a spell
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> n
You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
Cecil leaves south.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 8574  Gp: 50  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 8574(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 50(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @ 
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
Your attack glances off Cecil.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 8580(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @ 
dispel duplicates
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You dispel your Duplicate
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
7 images of yourself are created.
Hp: 8586(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 828(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@ 
Hp: 8586(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 828(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
pk aa
pk bb
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.

Cecil begins casting a spell
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> w
You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
> You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
> You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
Ghost of Temperal leaves west.

Cecil leaves east.

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Ghost of Temperal and Ghost of Cellix are here.
Corpse of Temperal.
Two Blazing Metal Knuckles.
Corpse of Cellix.
Pair of Mithril Boots.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Helm.
Ring of Power.
Temperal's Superior Mithril Gauntlets.
Two Storm Dragoness Bags.
Silver Torc.
Five Leather satchels.
Two Storm Dragoness Armours.
Eight Blue Healing Potions.
> e
pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil leaves west.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk aa
pk bb
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
Cecil leaves east.

Ghost of Temperal leaves east.

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.
dispel duplicates
Hp: 8060  Gp: 105  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 8060(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 105(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@ 
Hp: 8060(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 105(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> Dispel what?
> You feel too weak to use displace.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
> > 
Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Hp: 6635  Gp: 903  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 6635(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--) 
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.

Cecil shudders briefly as the holy armour dissipates from him.
pk aa
pk bb
> > > > > > > 
Cecil begins casting a spell
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
8 images of yourself are created.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 728  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 728(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
pk aa
pk bb
> > 
Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal is here.
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your attack glances off Cecil.

Ghost of Temperal leaves south.
pk aa
pk bb
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Ghost of Temperal is here.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.

Ghost of Temperal leaves south.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 801(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
> > > 
Ghost of Temperal arrives from the west.
pk aa
pk bb
You do not see your target.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a ridgehand strike, an elbow, a
sidekick, a roundhouse kick, a ridgehand strike, a jumpkick, a hook punch, a
back kick and a knifehand strike at Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You leap at Cecil but fail miserably!
Hp: 9230  Gp: 356  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 356(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 

Cecil giggles enthusiastically.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > > n
pk aa
pk bb
You are hunting Cecil
> > > 
Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil leaves north.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a knifehand strike, a jumpkick, an
elbow, an axekick, a jumpkick, a ridgehand strike, a roundhouse kick, an elbow
and a sidekick at Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You leap at Cecil but fail miserably!
Hp: 9230  Gp: 443  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 443(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
6 bb

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil, who is enveloped in a Prismatic Sphere.
pk aa
pk bb
Cecil begins casting a spell
> > Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 468(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil leaves south.
> s
> pk aa
pk bb
Nothing to take.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at bb'.
drop juice
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You are hunting Cecil
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 493(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Cecil is here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
Cecil leaves south.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > > pk aa
pk bb
> > n
pk aa
pk bb
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cannot find juice to drop.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> e
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
> w
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
> You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 308(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
Ghost of Temperal follows you.
Ghost of Temperal leaves west.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb

With control worthy of a master, you launch an axekick, an elbow, a backfist
punch, a knifehand strike, a back kick, an axekick, a backfist punch, a
ridgehand strike and a ridgehand strike at Cecil.
Your eyes darken as you touch the black globe protecting Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You are intoxicated by the colorful magic.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 443  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 443(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> pk aa
pk bb
You take a Red Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel the intoxication leaving your body.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
> You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb
You do not see your target.

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You stop hunting Cecil.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w

Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil laughs sardonically.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
pk aa
pk bb
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You are hunting Cecil
Hp: 7981(9230) Gp: 721(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @ 
dispel duplicates
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> You dispel your Duplicate
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You sweep Cecil's legs, interrupting his concentration.
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
With control worthy of a master, you launch a back kick, a jumpkick, an
axekick, a hook punch, an axekick, an axekick, an axekick, a hook punch and a
back kick at Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
You leap at Cecil but quickly realize that you will fail and hold yourself back
before you are noticed!
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> w
pk aa
pk bb
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
[Draenor has lost his link]

[Draenor left the Realms of the Dragon]

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Hp: 8005  Gp: 164  Xp: 2052506
Hp: 8005(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 164(903) Xp: 2052506(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
pk aa
pk bb
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Cecil begins casting a spell
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A silver globe appears around Cecil causing you to become clumsy and trip.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a back kick, a backfist punch, a
jumpkick, a backfist punch, a sidekick, a jumpkick, a hook punch, an axekick
and a hook punch at Cecil.
You are intoxicated by the colorful magic.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Contact with the orange globe causes it to pulse and settle around Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Contact with the orange globe causes it to pulse and settle around Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's skin returns to normal!

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
With a spinning heel you snap Cecil's head back, spraying blood and teeth.
You leap at Cecil but quickly realize that you will fail and hold yourself back
before you are noticed!
Hp: 7591  Gp: 294  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 7591(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 294(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 
Hp: 7591(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 294(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cecil appear!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
pk aa
pk bb
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Cecil begins casting a spell
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
Cecil gets a Potion of True Cure Water from Elven Travel Bag.
> > > > > > > 
Cecil leaves south.
> > You are hunting Cecil
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding south.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> You do not see your target.
You take a Red Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel the intoxication leaving your body.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> pk aa
pk bb
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 6624  Gp: 903  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 6624(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
> > 
Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Storm Dragoness Bag.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put blue healing potions in bucket 5.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding displace.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
Cecil begins casting a spell
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > Hp: 4214(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
> e
> > You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You take a Blue Healing Potion from wooden bucket.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > 
Cecil leaves south.
> dispel duplicates

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > n
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
Dispel what?
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
> > > > 
Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > abduct me
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are hunting Cecil
Hp: 8976(9230) Gp: 23(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 
> > > > > > e
> > y
> You are far too exhausted!
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> > y

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
Your attack glances off Cecil.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9000  Gp: 826  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 9000(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 826(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil impales you.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > > Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 7869  Gp: 849  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 7869(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 849(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 7869(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 849(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your face turns green as Cecil's poison takes effect.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.

Cecil begins casting a spell
abduct me
> > With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
6 images of yourself are created.
Hp: 6262  Gp: 903  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 6262(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
> > > You are hunting Cecil
> > > > You prepare to rift yourself away!
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
Nothing to take.
You cannot find a blue healing potion to drink.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You rip an invisible rift in space and leap through it!
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
> > > y
You feel disoriented in this prismatic void!
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9135(9230) Gp: 476(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> > You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
> > 
You feel disoriented in this prismatic void!
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 397(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> cleanse

You feel disoriented in this prismatic void!
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
> le
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 422(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Ok, You sneak leave.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w
pk aa
pk bb
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You feel your resistance to poison leave you.
pk aa
pk bb
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the northwest.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 487  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 487(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
pk aa
pk bb
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
[Dana has lost her link]

[Dana left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk aa
pk bb
You are hunting Cecil
You feel your resistance to charm leave you.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
6 bb

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> Nothing to take.
> pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the north.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 8144  Gp: 903  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 8144(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
Hp: 8144(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
pk aa
pk bb
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
> > 
Cecil begins casting a spell
> > s
pk aa
pk bb
> > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> What?
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at bb'.
drop juice
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You feel your resistance to death leave you.
Hp: 8150  Gp: 25  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 8150(9230) Gp: 25(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@ 
> > > > 
Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Hp: 8156(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 50(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
pk aa
pk bb
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding displace.
> e
pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
Cannot find juice to drop.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 6990  Gp: 903  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 6990(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
> > > > > > pk aa
pk bb

Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put ring of power in bucket 4.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take true cure water from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in bucket 3.
Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 4782  Gp: 426  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 4782(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 426(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
pk aa
pk bb
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take 2 true cure waters from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding north.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> w
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You sweep Cecil's legs, interrupting his concentration.
pk aa
pk bb
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Cecil is here.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a hook punch, a hook punch, a
backfist punch, a roundhouse kick, an axekick, a sidekick, a roundhouse kick,
an axekick and a backfist punch at Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
You are far too exhausted!
Hp: 1739  Gp: 297  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 1739(9230) Gp: 297(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 1739(9230) Gp: 297(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
You sense that your pocket in space has expired.
> > > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take 2 true cure waters from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> abduct me
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding west.
> You are hunting Cecil

Cecil arrives from the south.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding south.
> You prepare to abduct Cecil!
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You are far too exhausted!
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
> > > s
> y
> You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Cecil is here.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
Nothing to take.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.

Cecil leaves north.

Cecil arrives from the north.
abduct me

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > Your attack glances off Cecil.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 6664  Gp: 851  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 6664(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 851(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 6664(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 851(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
> > 
Cecil begins casting a spell
> You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
You prepare to rift yourself away!
You take a Potion of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You rip an invisible rift in space and leap through it!
Hp: 4536  Gp: 74  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 4536(9230) Gp: 74(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
abduct me
> > > > > > You are hunting Cecil
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take ring of power from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding rub ring of power.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put ring of power in bucket 4.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take ring of power from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding rub ring of power.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put ring of power in bucket 4.
> You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Potion of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.

A violent pressure surrounds your head!
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot abduct from the void!
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 826(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
You take a Ring of Power from wooden bucket.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge
of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel more
powerful. Wonder why?
You put a Ring of Power in wooden bucket
A violent pressure surrounds your head!

You hear pops and cracks!
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

You hear pops and cracks!
dispel duplicates
Dispel what?
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
10 images of yourself are created.
pk aa
pk bb
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Ok, You sneak leave.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Cecil is here.
> n
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil begins casting a spell
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> s
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 893(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  9 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil impales you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> s
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> n
You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> w
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the south.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 9174  Gp: 353  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 9174(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 353(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil impales you.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
dispel duplicates
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> > > You are hunting Cecil
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
9 images of yourself are created.

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> You dispel your Duplicate
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
9 images of yourself are created.
Hp: 7755(9230) Gp: 749(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> e
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the west.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> e
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w
pk aa
pk bb
You sense that your pocket in space has expired.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Cecil is here.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb

With control worthy of a master, you launch a hook punch, a backfist punch, an
axekick, a knifehand strike, a roundhouse kick, a jumpkick, a hook punch, a
knifehand strike and a jumpkick at Cecil.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You leap at Cecil but quickly realize that you will fail and hold yourself back
before you are noticed!
Hp: 7785  Gp: 399  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 7785(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 399(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
Hp: 7785(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 399(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
pk aa
pk bb
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> > > > cyan
pk aa
pk bb
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 7442  Gp: 711  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 7442(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 711(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil, who is enveloped in a Prismatic Sphere.
> > > 
Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in bucket 3.
> pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding displace.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a hook punch, a knifehand strike, a
ridgehand strike, a jumpkick, a jumpkick, a sidekick, a back kick, an elbow and
a knifehand strike at Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil burns you severely.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A violet globe aruond Cecil absorbs the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A violet globe aruond Cecil absorbs the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You leap at Cecil but quickly realize that you will fail and hold yourself back
before you are noticed!
Hp: 6002  Gp: 475  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 6002(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 475(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil burns you severely.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
pk aa
pk bb
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Hp: 3406  Gp: 498  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 3406(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 498(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cecil appear!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take 2 true cure waters from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You take a Potion of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
Hp: 4728  Gp: 23  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 4728(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 23(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You vomit blood as Cecil's poison reeks havok with your system.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
pk aa
pk bb
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Your attack glances off Cecil.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 1982  Gp: 46  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 1982(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 46(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 1982(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 46(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil runs you through.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil impales you.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
pk aa
pk bb
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!

Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take 2 true cure waters from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take 2 true cure waters from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> e
You are far too exhausted!
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Potion of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 5068(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 611(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
> > > > > 
Cecil begins casting a spell
> pk aa
pk bb
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 3065  Gp: 23  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 3065(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 23(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You vomit blood as Cecil's poison reeks havok with your system.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil stabs you.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You vomit blood as Cecil's poison reeks havok with your system.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding west.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take 2 true cure waters from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> e
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding east.
> You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
pk aa
pk bb
> > > pk aa
pk bb
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
Helps if you sneak in a direction that exists.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Cecil is here.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a jumpkick, a ridgehand strike, a
knifehand strike, a knifehand strike, a sidekick, a ridgehand strike, an
axekick, a back kick and an elbow at Cecil.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 8480  Gp: 532  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 8480(9230) Gp: 532(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 8480(9230) Gp: 532(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 
> > > pk aa
pk bb
You are hunting Cecil
> > > 
Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
pk aa
pk bb
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You sweep Cecil's legs, interrupting his concentration.
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are kinda busy right now.

You are too busy to use this ability right now.
You have to regain your balance first!
You are kinda busy right now.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a hook punch, a jumpkick, an
axekick, an elbow, a backfist punch, an elbow, a ridgehand strike, an axekick
and a jumpkick at Cecil.
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You leap forth and grasp Cecil and drag him through a rift in space!
6 Cecil
> > 
Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > Your attack glances off Cecil.
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 8498  Gp: 471  Xp: 2052661
Hp: 8498(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 471(903) Xp: 2052661(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid dissolves your flesh.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil, who is enveloped in a Prismatic Sphere.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
Cecil dispels his Stone Skin.

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You tried to run away, but no matter how much you scrambled, you couldn't find
any exits.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.
You sweep Cecil's legs, interrupting his concentration.
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You do not have the energy to attempt this complicated manuever again so soon.
Nothing to take.
Cannot find 'giggleberry juice at Cecil'.
drop juice
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a backfist punch, a hook punch, a
jumpkick, a ridgehand strike, a knifehand strike, a ridgehand strike, an
axekick, a hook punch and a back kick at Cecil.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cecil reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a brutal blow to Cecil using both fists.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
With a spinning heel you snap Cecil's head back, spraying blood and teeth.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Cecil reels back as you deal them a powerful uppercut.
You are intoxicated by the colorful magic.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pummel Cecil relentlessly with your fists.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You deal a brutal blow to Cecil using both fists.
You tried to run away, but no matter how much you scrambled, you couldn't find
any exits.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.

Cecil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pummel Cecil relentlessly with your fists.
Hp: 6124  Gp: 748  Xp: 2053549
Hp: 6124(9230) **  1 ** Gp: 748(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and his skin becomes stonelike.

Cecil's skin becomes stonelike!

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Potion of True Cure Water from Elven Travel Bag.
> > > > > > pk aa
pk bb

Violet sparks shoot past you!
Hp: 6136(9230) **  7 ** Gp: 751(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 6136(9230) **  7 ** Gp: 751(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cecil appear!
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take true cure water from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in bucket 3.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take true cure water from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in bucket 3.
> cyan
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You tried to run away, but no matter how much you scrambled, you couldn't find
any exits.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You cannot abduct from the void!
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Cannot find juice to drop.
You take a Red Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel the intoxication leaving your body.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a knifehand strike, a knifehand
strike, a hook punch, a knifehand strike, a knifehand strike, an axekick, a
knifehand strike, a hook punch and a backfist punch at Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil pulverizes you with a vicious arcane assault.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You tried to run away, but no matter how much you scrambled, you couldn't find
any exits.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 5575  Gp: 748  Xp: 2053549
Hp: 5575(9230) **  7 ** Gp: 748(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil gets a Potion of True Cure Water from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil impales you.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil burns you severely.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You vomit blood as Cecil's poison reeks havok with your system.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You vomit blood as Cecil's poison reeks havok with your system.

You feel the area collapsing around you!
********OUT OF THE VOID********
You sense that your pocket in space has expired.
> > > > Hp: 3399  Gp: 23  Xp: 2053549
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 3399(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 23(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 
Cecil begins casting a spell
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take 2 true cure waters from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cleanse.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding east.
> e
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Potion of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Hp: 9230(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 36(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel a bit shakened, but otherwised unharm.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 7367(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 23(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you with a burst of pure energy.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil, who is enveloped in a Prismatic Sphere.
> > e
> > 
Cecil dispels his Mirror Image.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil begins casting a spell
abduct me
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding east.
> Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Hp: 4615(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 4615(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 
> cyan
abduct me
> > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct me.
> You are hunting Cecil
You take a Potion of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You prepare to rift yourself away!
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You rip an invisible rift in space and leap through it!
dispel duplicates
> > You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
count potions

A violent pressure surrounds your head!
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--) 
> Dispel what?
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
You have a total of 0 potions in your direct inventory.
   30 potions held inside of your wooden bucket.  (bucket 1)
       9 Pink Potion
      21 Orange Potion
   14 potions held inside of your wooden bucket.  (bucket 2)
      14 Red Potion
   3 potions held inside of your wooden bucket.  (bucket 3)
       3 Potion of True Cure Water
   33 potions held inside of your wooden bucket.  (bucket 4)
      33 Cyan Potion

For a total of 80 potions in your inventory.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
9 images of yourself are created.
dispel duplicates
You dispel your Duplicate
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
9 images of yourself are created.
pk aa
pk bb

You feel disoriented in this prismatic void!
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Ok, You sneak leave.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> n
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil leaves west.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 808(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
pk aa
pk bb
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> s
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Cecil is here.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Cecil leaves north.
pk aa
pk bb
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Your target is no longer present.

Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
> s
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a knifehand strike, a sidekick, a
knifehand strike, a backfist punch, a jumpkick, a back kick, a backfist punch,
a roundhouse kick and a ridgehand strike at Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You are intoxicated by the colorful magic.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 112  Xp: 2053549
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 112(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> n
You take a Red Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel the intoxication leaving your body.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> pk aa
pk bb
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
> > > > You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Hp: 9230(9230) Gp: 846(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Cecil leaves east.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Cecil arrives from the east.
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a roundhouse kick, a roundhouse
kick, a sidekick, a back kick, a back kick, a hook punch, a hook punch, a
knifehand strike and a knifehand strike at Cecil.
You are intoxicated by the colorful magic.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A violet globe aruond Cecil absorbs the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Cecil fries your entire nervous system.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your target is no longer present.
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 8642  Gp: 448  Xp: 2053549
Hp: 8642(9230) Gp: 448(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
> > > > > Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Red Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel the intoxication leaving your body.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
The North East Corner of the Field
There are three obvious exits: south, southwest and west.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Hp: 8648  Gp: 903  Xp: 2053549
Hp: 8648(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
pk aa
pk bb
> > > You are hunting Cecil
> Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
pk aa
pk bb
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
> Hp: 8666(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
> w
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the south.
> > > 
Cecil leaves west.
You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a knifehand strike, a hook punch,
an elbow, an axekick, an elbow, an elbow, a sidekick, a backfist punch and a
knifehand strike at Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You leap at Cecil but quickly realize that you will fail and hold yourself back
before you are noticed!
Hp: 8672  Gp: 448  Xp: 2053549
Hp: 8672(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 448(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil leaves east.
pk aa
pk bb
You are hunting Cecil
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> pk aa
pk bb
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You are intoxicated by the colorful magic.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.
Cecil leaves west.
> w
pk aa
pk bb
> cyan
> > > 
Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Red Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel the intoxication leaving your body.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are kinda busy right now.

You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Your target is no longer present.

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 8702  Gp: 626  Xp: 2053549
Hp: 8702(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 626(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
Hp: 8702(9230) ** 10 ** Gp: 626(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You sense that your pocket in space has expired.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > cyan
pk aa
pk bb
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You have to regain your balance first!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a roundhouse kick, a roundhouse
kick, a hook punch, a jumpkick, an axekick, a back kick, a sidekick, a back
kick and a backfist punch at Cecil.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 8250  Gp: 385  Xp: 2053549
Hp: 8250(9230) Gp: 385(903) Xp: 2053549(16400000)    (--)  @@ 
> > > > > You are hunting Cecil
Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.

With control worthy of a master, you launch a sidekick, an axekick, a
roundhouse kick, a sidekick, a sidekick, a jumpkick, a backfist punch, a
backfist punch and a backfist punch at Cecil.
You stop hunting Cecil.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
With a spinning heel you snap Cecil's head back, spraying blood and teeth.
Your target is no longer present.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 8262(9230) Gp: 461(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--)  @@ 
You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb
> > > > Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Hp: 8274(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--)  @@ 
dispel duplicates

Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You dispel your Duplicate
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
9 images of yourself are created.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> w
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> e
pk aa
pk bb
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Cecil is here.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
You are unharmed by Cecil's attack.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> w

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb
Your attack glances off Cecil.

With control worthy of a master, you launch an elbow, a knifehand strike, a
roundhouse kick, a ridgehand strike, a jumpkick, a ridgehand strike, an elbow,
an elbow and a roundhouse kick at Cecil.
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are shocked by the mystical globe surrounding Cecil.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 8304  Gp: 448  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 8304(9230) Gp: 448(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
Hp: 8304(9230) Gp: 448(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> e
pk aa
pk bb
You are hunting Cecil
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> e
> w
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the east.
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 8328  Gp: 903  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 8328(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  1 duplicate remains.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  0 duplicates remain.
That was your LAST Duplicate.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> You feel too weak to use displace.
> You are hunting Cecil
Hp: 8334(9230) Gp: 23(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--) 
Temperal stops following you.
pk aa
pk bb
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
Cecil is here.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
> You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
> You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
> > > > > 
Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
Hp: 8340  Gp: 634  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 8340(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 634(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts your psyche.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You vomit blood as Cecil's poison reeks havok with your system.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
pk aa
pk bb

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> pk aa
pk bb
> With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
You flee from the scene.
You are filled with terror as you strike Cecil.
You sweep Cecil's legs, interrupting his concentration.
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
pk aa
pk bb
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > > > > > 
Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
pk aa
pk bb
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You are far too exhausted!
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

An image of Cecil disappears as it is hit!

That was Cecil's last Mirror Image.
You prepare to assault Cecil.
You prepare to abduct Cecil!
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Your target is no longer present.
Hp: 3885  Gp: 401  Xp: 2053714
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 3885(9230) Gp: 401(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--) 
> > 
Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> > > n
> Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 3891  Gp: 424  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 3891(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 424(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 3891(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 424(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (--) 

Cecil casts a spell on Cecil and several duplicate images appear.
8 of Cecil appear!

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
pk aa
pk bb
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
Cecil leaves east.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take 2 true cure waters from buckets.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink true cure water.
pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put true cure waters in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding east.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
You do not see your target.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
You take two Potions of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
Hp: 2153  Gp: 23  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 2153(9230) Gp: 23(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 
> pk aa
pk bb
> > > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> You are hunting Cecil
pk aa
pk bb
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep aa.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault aa with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding take cyan potion from bucket 4.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding drink cyan potion.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding put cyan potions in buckets.
> You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
You take a Potion of True Cure Water from wooden bucket.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
Nothing to take.
You drink the True Cure Water.
You feel GREAT.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
pk bb
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 9230  Gp: 92  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 9230(9230) **  8 ** Gp: 92(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil fries you to a crisp.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You vomit blood as Cecil's poison reeks havok with your system.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel a bit shakened, but otherwised unharm.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
> > > > > 
Cecil begins casting a spell

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You execute a perfect leg sweep at Cecil's feet!
A blue globe cushions Cecil from the impact of your blow.

The colors surrounding Cecil fade away.

Cecil's Stoneskin deflects the attack!
You prepare to assault Cecil.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You are kinda busy right now.

You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You are kinda busy right now.

You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Hp: 7623  Gp: 903  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 7623(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 
pk aa
pk bb
Hp: 7623(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 
> cyan
pk aa
pk bb
> > > > > > > Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct aa.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding sweep bb.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding assault bb with combos.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding abduct bb.
> You are hunting Cecil
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You have already begun to concentrate on cleansing yourself.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
pk aa
pk bb
> > > With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You cannot Sweep bb.
You can't seem to find your target.
abduct me
You do not see your target.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You prepare to rift yourself away!
> You rip an invisible rift in space and leap through it!
Hp: 7653(9230) Gp: 603(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 

You hear pops and cracks!

You hear pops and cracks!
Hp: 7683(9230) Gp: 718(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 
count potions
You have a total of 0 potions in your direct inventory.
   30 potions held inside of your wooden bucket.  (bucket 1)
       9 Pink Potion
      21 Orange Potion
   11 potions held inside of your wooden bucket.  (bucket 2)
      11 Red Potion
   14 potions held inside of your wooden bucket.  (bucket 4)
      14 Cyan Potion

For a total of 55 potions in your inventory.
A violent pressure surrounds your head!

You hear pops and cracks!
pk aa
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Ok, You sneak leave.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> Hp: 7713(9230) Gp: 823(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 

Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa

Cecil leaves east.
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil arrives from the east.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Cecil arrives from the east.
pk aa

Cecil begins casting a spell
You feel your resistance to pierce leave you.
Hp: 7725  Gp: 903  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 7725(9230) **  9 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil runs you through.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> dispel duplicates
Dispel what?
> With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
> You are hunting Cecil
You feel your resistance to blunt leave you.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
9 images of yourself are created.

Cecil arrives from the west.

Cecil begins casting a spell
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
pk aa
> cyan
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> e

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
pk aa
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> w
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You feel your resistance to sharp leave you.
Hp: 5108(9230) Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-)  @@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil arrives from the west.
pk aa

Cecil begins casting a spell
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Nothing to take.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.
pk aa

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> cyan
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
Cecil begins casting a spell
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> w
pk aa
Hp: 5120  Gp: 903  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 5120(9230) **  9 ** Gp: 903(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-)  @@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Cecil fries your entire nervous system.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  4 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  3 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  2 duplicates remain.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> Nothing to take.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
> e
pk aa
You are hunting Cecil
> > > 
Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> w
pk aa
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
With intense concentration you begin to focus inward.
You feel a rush of warmth as you cleanse yourself of impurities.
dispel duplicates
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Cecil is here.
Cecil begins casting a spell
You cannot Sweep aa.
You can't seem to find your target.
> > 
Cecil leaves east.
> > Hp: 4166(9230) Gp: 849(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-)  @@ 
> > You do not see your target.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You dispel your Duplicate
With intense concentration you begin to focus your Chi.
Nothing to take.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You focus your Chi, projecting it into the surrounding area.
9 images of yourself are created.
You sense that your pocket in space has expired.

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell

Cecil leaves east.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Cecil is here.
> Hp: 4178  Gp: 849  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 4178(9230) **  9 ** Gp: 849(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-)  @@@@@@@@@ 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  8 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a White ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  7 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  6 duplicates remain.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
pk aa
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Cecil hits one of your images, destroying it!  5 duplicates remain.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.

Cecil gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.

Cecil gives a Mana Potion to Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to take.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,portal].
> You are too exhausted to sweep anything
You are too fatigued to channel your chi.
> s
You are hunting Cecil
dispel duplicates

Cecil arrives from the north.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> w
> > > > > > > abduct me
You do not see your target.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
You dispel your Duplicate
You feel too weak to use displace.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
You are far too exhausted!
> n

Cecil arrives from the east.

Cecil begins casting a spell
Your attack glances off Cecil.
Hp: 3899  Gp: 69  Xp: 2053714
Hp: 3899(9230) **  9 ** Gp: 69(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 
Hp: 3899(9230) **  9 ** Gp: 69(903) Xp: 2053714(16400000)    (-) 

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You vomit blood as Cecil's poison reeks havok with your system.
You are hit with a Green ray of energy!
You feel weakened by the ray!
You are hit with a Indigo ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil skewers you.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Frost covers your entire body as Cecil deep freeze you.
You are hit with a Azure ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil's acid burns you beyond recognition.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Nothing to take.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
> You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
> > > n
> abduct me
> You are hunting Cecil
Cecil arrives from the south.

Cecil begins casting a spell
> e
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to take.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
You cannot find a true cure water to drink.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
Nothing to put in wooden bucket.
You take a Cyan Potion from wooden bucket.

You feel mentally refreshed.

Cecil casts a spell and a rainbow of colors spring forth from his hands.
You are hit with a Purple ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You double over in pain as toxins rip through your veins.
You are hit with a Violet ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Pink ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil freezes you down to your bones.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Cecil fries your entire nervous system.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil ravages your psyche.
You are hit with a Blue ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil rattles your entire skeleton.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Yellow ray of energy!
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's psychic assault.
You are hit with a Lavender ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Cecil's arcane assault.
You are hit with a Red ray of energy!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Cecil sets you on fire.
Cecil deals you the final blow, and the world fades...
 A rider wearing a black hooded robe gallops in on a pale horse carrying a
large Scythe.
I am Death, one of the Four Horsemen. You have summoned me here through bad
judgement or ill fate, in either case .... your soul now belongs to me!

The robed figure tosses his head back and cackles evilly.
Your glow disappears.
Your glowing armour disappears.
The greyish brown haze disappears.
Hp: 0(7040) **  9 ** Gp: 0(903) Xp: 0(16400000)    () 
> > > 
Cecil leaves east.
Cannot find buckets to put anything in.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
You are far too exhausted!
You feel too weak to use spiritual cleansing.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
As a ghost, you cannot pick anything up.
You cannot drink while you are dead.
You cannot drink while you are dead.
Cannot find buckets to put anything in.
As a ghost, you cannot pick anything up.
You cannot drink while you are dead.
Cannot find buckets to put anything in.
tz ran outta heals...
You tell Temperal, Cellix and Cecil: ran outta
> who
----------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======---------------------
                            Thu Jun  6 22:51:03 2002                           
----------------------------------] Players [----------------------------------
Aeria              Endless            Kassandra          Qiara
Alianora           Gabriel            Katalyna           Raine
Aphrodite          Ghost of Alerion   Kazenokami         Sorbitol
Araethus           Gigas              Krouthu            Temperal
Backu              Gork               Lerris             Triptych
Briand             Gouki              Lloberack          Velmin
Cecil              Grahf              Madness            Vrool
Cecilia            Grifter            Minion             Zeiber
Celeborn           Grumgar            Nomos              Zibo
Cellix             Halcyon            Overlord           Zress
Drogmar            Kalith             Pipa               
-----------> There are forty five players in the Realms right now. <-----------