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Holding : Vulcanian Hammer (molten) (left hand) and Vulcanian Hammer
          (molten) (right hand).
Wearing : a Ring of Power, a Gnomishly Weightless Badge of Might, a
          Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Gauntlets of War, a White Greaves, a
          White Robe of the Soul, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Blood
          Kilt, a Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Emerald Earring, a
          Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Sinqvar Belt, a Ultimately
          Gnomishly Insulated Sapphire Bracers, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated
          Swan Cloak, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Gnomish Lab Safety
          Goggles, a Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Coral Ring, a
          Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Elite Helmet, a Ultimately
          Gnomishly Insulated Necklace of horns, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated
          Pyronic Shirt, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated SpellBreaker, a
          Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Storm Dragoness Armour, a
          Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Gnomish Steel Toed Safety Boots and a
          Gnomishly Weightless Sitharian Amulet.
Carrying: Blue Healing Potion.
          Bag of Unlimited Spell Components (opened).
          Leather satchel.
          Two Powderpuffs.
          Herbal Pouch.
          Gate Key.
          Gnomishly Weightless Coral Ring.
          Two Ambers.
          Four Wooden buckets.
          Many Pinches of Diamond Dust.
          Three Storm Dragoness Bags.
          Two Elven Travel Bags.
You have 239 items in your inventory.
Your purse contains only moths.
> tell eskil ready
You tell Eskil: "ready"
{Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Someone.
> You finish your spell causing the earth to rise up and engulf the feet of Someone.
You beat Someone to a bloody mess.

An image of Someone disappears as it is hit!

An image of Someone disappears as it is hit!

Eskil leaps from the shadows!
Hp: 8840(8840) Gp: 2810(3320) Xp: 4300(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
Eskil struggles helplessly within the mound of clay.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Water Mephit protects you.

Water Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [ 10 ]  ** 10 ** Gp: 2485(3320) Xp: 4480(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
Eskil struggles helplessly within the mound of clay.
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 15 remain.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Earth Mephit protects you.

Earth Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [ 10 ]  ** 10 ** Gp: 2160(3320) Xp: 4660(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
Earth Mephit valiantly protects you.

Eskil pummels Earth Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Earth Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil snaps Earth Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.
Eskil launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Your attack glances off Eskil.
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 14 remain.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 13 remain.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 12 remain.
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 11 remain.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Earth Mephit.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit

You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

That was Eskil's last Duplicate.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Earth Mephit protects you.

Earth Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [ 10 ]  **  9 ** Gp: 1835(3320) Xp: 4996(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@ 
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> w
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
> You are hunting Eskil
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Earth Mephit, Water Mephit and Eskil are here.
Corpse of Earth Mephit.
Feet of Clay engulfing Someone.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Water Mephit protects you.

Water Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [  3 ]  **  8 ** Gp: 1535(3320) Xp: 5445(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@ 
Water Mephit valiantly protects you.

Eskil pummels Water Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil pummels Water Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil snaps Water Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.

Multiple images of Eskil suddenly appear.

Eskil dodges Water Mephit's attack.

Eskil dodges Earth Mephit's attack.
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
> n
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Air Mephit protects you.

Air Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [  3 ]  **  8 ** Gp: 1210(3320) Xp: 5625(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@ 

Earth Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil pummels Earth Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on Earth Mephit.
Eskil launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Your storm wall flashes with energy as Eskil hits you.
The Storm Wall surrounding you dissipates.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 10 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 9 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 8 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 7 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 6 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 5 remain.
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
> s
You are hunting Eskil
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Air Mephit, Two Water Mephits and Eskil are here.
Two Corpses of Earth Mephits.
Feet of Clay engulfing Someone.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
> Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 4 remain.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You set Eskil on fire.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Water Mephit protects you.

Water Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [  3 ]  **  7 ** Gp: 910(3320) Xp: 6036(16400000)    (--)  @@@@ 

Water Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil pummels Water Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil snaps Water Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.
Eskil launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 3 remain.
dispel skin
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 2 remain.
**********STONESKIN LOW*************
dispel skin
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 1 remains.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 0 remain.
dispel skin
Your skin returns to normal!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil snaps your head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood and teeth.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Water Mephit.
> What?
> You draw the component from the bag.
{Cast} Stoneskin
> Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
> You are hunting Eskil
Some diamond dust is consumed!
You cast Stoneskin.
Hits: 16
Your skin becomes stonelike!
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit, Air Mephit and Eskil are here.
Two Corpses of Water Mephits.
Two Corpses of Earth Mephits.
Feet of Clay engulfing Someone.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You cremate Eskil.
You are too weak to finish your casting.
Hp: 8443(8840) [  0 ]  **  6 ** Gp: 75(3320) Xp: 7703(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
take mana potion from bags
drink mana potion
put mana potion in bags

Eskil dispels his Duplicate.

Eskil begins to concentrate.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 15 remain.

Eskil swings at Air Mephit and hits it square in the jaw.

Eskil pummels Air Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on Air Mephit.
Eskil launches with lightning speed an elbow at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 14 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 13 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 12 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 11 remain.

Multiple images of Eskil suddenly appear.

Eskil dodges Air Mephit's attack.
You take a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You take a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
> You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a
gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your
brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
> You cannot put a Mana Potion in Bag of Unlimited Spell Components (opened).
You put a Mana Potion in Storm Dragoness Bag
Nothing to put in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Nothing to put in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
> k
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Fire Mephit protects you.

Fire Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8449(8840) [  1 ]  **  5 ** Gp: 2970(3320) Xp: 8037(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@ 

Water Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil pummels Water Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil snaps Water Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Water Mephit.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Fire Mephit protects you.

Fire Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8455(8840) [ 10 ]  **  5 ** Gp: 2645(3320) Xp: 8217(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@ 
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 10 remain.

Air Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil pummels Air Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on Air Mephit.
Eskil launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 9 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 8 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 7 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 6 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 5 remain.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Air Mephit.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Water Mephit protects you.

Water Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8461(8840) [ 10 ]  **  5 ** Gp: 2320(3320) Xp: 8397(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@ 

Eskil pummels Fire Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil swings at Fire Mephit and hits it square in the jaw.

Bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on Fire Mephit.

Eskil rips an invisible rift in space and leaps through it!

The clay slowly recedes back into the ground.
You can't seem to find your target.
> You are hunting Eskil
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> e
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Two Fire Mephits are here.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
Three Corpses of Water Mephits.
Two Corpses of Earth Mephits.
> Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Two Fire Mephits are here.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
Three Corpses of Water Mephits.
Two Corpses of Earth Mephits.
> sw
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> w
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
> Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
> k
dispel skins
You can't seem to find your target.
You dispel your Stone Skin
> n
You draw the component from the bag.
{Cast} Stoneskin
> Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
> k
Some diamond dust is consumed!
You cast Stoneskin.
Hits: 16
Your skin becomes stonelike!
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
> e
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> What?
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Two Fire Mephits are here.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
Three Corpses of Water Mephits.
Corpse of Earth Mephit.
Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
You can't seem to find your target.
> sw
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> ne
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Two Fire Mephits are here.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
Five Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> sw
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
> What?
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
Eskil is here.
Hp: 8605(8840) **  7 ** Gp: 2270(3320) Xp: 9697(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
You are hunting Eskil
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
Eskil is here.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
Eskil is here.
> {Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
{Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
Your target steps past the hands of clay, unhindered.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 8635(8840) **  7 ** Gp: 1885(3320) Xp: 10697(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> You are hunting Eskil
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
Eskil is here.
> {Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> se
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
Corpse of Fire Mephit.
Four Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
Two Decayed remains of Earth Mephits.
> k
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
> The swirling leaves around you suddenly begin to slow, and fall to the ground.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Eskil is here.
Hp: 8671(8840) **  7 ** Gp: 2035(3320) Xp: 11197(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
{Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> You are hunting Eskil
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Hp: 8683(8840) **  7 ** Gp: 2085(3320) Xp: 11697(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
> {Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> ne
You are hunting Eskil
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
Corpse of Fire Mephit.
Decayed remains of Air Mephit.
Three Decayed remains of Water Mephits.
Two Decayed remains of Earth Mephits.
You can't seem to find your target.
[Sithari] Lucious \|Dances with Blades|/: "wooha, 8w
 sithari on"
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> sw
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
> s
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
> What?
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
Hp: 8737(8840) **  7 ** Gp: 2310(3320) Xp: 12197(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
{Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].

> w
You are hunting Eskil
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
Decayed remains of Air Mephit.
Three Decayed remains of Water Mephits.
Decayed remains of Earth Mephit.
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
You can't seem to find your target.
> se
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
You can't seem to find your target.
> Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 15 remain.
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
Eskil is here.
> {Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> k

> Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
Eskil is here.
> {Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 14 remain.
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
You can't seem to find your target.
> Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> ne
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
You can't seem to find your target.
> Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> w
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
Eskil is here.
> {Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
Eskil is here.
> Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
Hp: 8840(8840) **  7 ** Gp: 2985(3320) Xp: 14197(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 13 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
You are hunting Eskil
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
> What?
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 12 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Hp: 8840(8840) **  8 ** Gp: 3110(3320) Xp: 14197(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@ 
Eskil launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 11 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 10 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 9 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 8 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 7 remain.
{Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
You finish your spell causing the earth to rise up and engulf the feet of Eskil.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 8840(8840) **  8 ** Gp: 2625(3320) Xp: 14697(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@ 
Eskil launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 6 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 5 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 4 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 3 remain.
dispel skin
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 2 remain.
**********STONESKIN LOW*************
dispel skin
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 1 remains.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 0 remain.
dispel skin
Your skin returns to normal!
> What?
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
> You draw the component from the bag.
{Cast} Stoneskin
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Fire Mephit protects you.

Fire Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Some diamond dust is consumed!
You cast Stoneskin.
Hits: 15
Your skin becomes stonelike!
Hp: 8840(8840) [ 10 ]  **  7 ** Gp: 1650(3320) Xp: 16333(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
Fire Mephit valiantly protects you.

Eskil pummels Fire Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil pummels Fire Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on Fire Mephit.
Eskil launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 14 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 13 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 12 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 11 remain.
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You are hunting Eskil
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
Fire Mephit and Eskil are here.
Feet of Clay engulfing Eskil.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You cremate Eskil.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

That was Eskil's last Duplicate.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Earth Mephit protects you.

Earth Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [  1 ]  **  7 ** Gp: 1350(3320) Xp: 16678(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@ 
Earth Mephit valiantly protects you.

Earth Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil pummels Earth Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil snaps Earth Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.

Eskil begins to concentrate.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 10 remain.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pulverize Eskil with your vicious arcane assault.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You mash Eskil up viciously.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You mash Eskil up viciously.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Air Mephit protects you.

Air Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [  1 ]  **  5 ** Gp: 1025(3320) Xp: 17324(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@ 

Fire Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil pummels Fire Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on Fire Mephit.
Eskil launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 9 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 8 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 7 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 6 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 5 remain.

Multiple images of Eskil suddenly appear.

Eskil dodges Earth Mephit's attack.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Fire Mephit.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Fire Mephit protects you.

Fire Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [ 10 ]  **  4 ** Gp: 700(3320) Xp: 17670(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@ 
take mana potion from bags
drink mana potion
put mana potion in bags

Earth Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Earth Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil snaps Earth Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.
Eskil launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 4 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 3 remain.
dispel skin
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 2 remain.
**********STONESKIN LOW*************
dispel skin
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 1 remains.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 0 remain.
dispel skin
Your skin returns to normal!
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on you.
You feel groggy.
Eskil moves with the speed of lightning and hits you with several powerful attacks.  The
world starts spinning before your eyes, and soon you are in a state of confusion.

Eskil dodges Air Mephit's attack.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Earth Mephit.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil boots you viciously.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil viciously kicks you in the stomach.
You take a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You take a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
> You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a
gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your
brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
> You cannot put a Mana Potion in Bag of Unlimited Spell Components (opened).
You put a Mana Potion in Storm Dragoness Bag
Nothing to put in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Nothing to put in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
> What?
> You draw the component from the bag.
You can't do anything while you are in a such a confused state.
> Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You are hunting Eskil
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
Fire Mephit and Eskil are here.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
Corpse of Earth Mephit.
Corpse of Fire Mephit.
Feet of Clay engulfing Eskil.
You can't perform commands while you are in a such a confused state!
{Cast} Summon Mephit
[Sithari] Eskil : {Da Onion/Turbolöken}  :  BUGG
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil kicks you in the head.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil boots you viciously.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Fire Mephit protects you.

Fire Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8002(8840) [ 10 ]  **  4 ** Gp: 3230(3320) Xp: 17850(16400000)    (--) 
Fire Mephit valiantly protects you.

Eskil pummels Fire Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil pummels Fire Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on Fire Mephit.
Eskil launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You reel back in pain as Eskil deals you a powerful uppercut.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil pummels you relentlessly with his fists.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil snaps your head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood and teeth.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil pummels you relentlessly with his fists.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Eskil pummels you relentlessly with his fists.
You can't do anything while you are in a such a confused state.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
You can't do anything while you are in a such a confused state.
> Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You are hunting Eskil
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
> skin
You draw the component from the bag.
You can't do anything while you are in a such a confused state.
[Sithari] Eskil : {Da Onion/Turbolöken}  :  KO???
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
> skin
You draw the component from the bag.
You can't do anything while you are in a such a confused state.
[Sithari] Eskil : {Da Onion/Turbolöken}  :  crappy mud
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
> The horizon begins to lighten as the day approaches.
You draw the component from the bag.
{Cast} Stoneskin
> Some diamond dust is consumed!
You cast Stoneskin.
Hits: 15
Your skin becomes stonelike!
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
Fire Mephit is here.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
Corpse of Earth Mephit.
Two Corpses of Fire Mephits.
> You can't do anything while you are in a such a confused state.
You can't perform commands while you are in a such a confused state!
You can't do anything while you are in a such a confused state.
> e
> s
You can't perform commands while you are in a such a confused state!
You can't seem to find your target.
> Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
> You can't perform commands while you are in a such a confused state!
You can't seem to find your target.
> sw
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't perform commands while you are in a such a confused state!
You can't do anything while you are in a such a confused state.
> w
Your head clears.
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
> Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
> What?
> se
> e
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
The magic fades from your eyes.
cast true sight
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> {Cast} True Sight
> n
As you finish your casting, the veils of deception are lifted.
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> nw
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
> k
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
Eskil is here.
Corpse of Fire Mephit.
Four Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
> {Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin!
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 14 remain.
You finish your spell causing the earth to rise up and engulf the feet of Eskil.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 6376(8840) **  5 ** Gp: 2135(3320) Xp: 20650(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
Eskil launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 13 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 12 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 11 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 10 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 9 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 8 remain.

Eskil struggles helplessly within the mound of clay.
You take a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
Eskil struggles helplessly within the mound of clay.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Water Mephit protects you.

Water Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [ 10 ]  **  5 ** Gp: 1810(3320) Xp: 20830(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
Water Mephit valiantly protects you.

Water Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil pummels Water Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil snaps Water Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Water Mephit.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
Eskil changes his stance.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Air Mephit protects you.

Air Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [ 10 ]  **  4 ** Gp: 1485(3320) Xp: 21167(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
Air Mephit valiantly protects you.

Eskil swings at Air Mephit and hits it square in the jaw.

Eskil pummels Air Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on Air Mephit.

Eskil gets a Cyan Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Eskil gets a Cyan Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Air Mephit protects you.

Air Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8840(8840) [  2 ]  **  4 ** Gp: 1160(3320) Xp: 21347(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 

Eskil rips an invisible rift in space and leaps through it!

[Chade enters the Realms of the Dragon]
You can't seem to find your target.
> You are hunting Eskil
It is warm with clear skies.  A slight misty rain is falling.
It is night, and Eos is in its quarter moon stage, covering the land with an eerie light.
This is the northeastern part of the Sithari Arena.  You look at the floor, well, branches that make
up the floor, and make it a point to be careful when moving around.  The walls are leaves packed
together to form quite the opaque canopy.  The air is somewhat humid and thick, likely from the
combat that constantly takes place.

There are three obvious exits: south, southwest and west.
Two Air Mephits are here.
Corpse of Water Mephit.
Feet of Clay engulfing Eskil.
Corpse of Fire Mephit.
Four Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> k

The strong smell of the unburied corpse might attract scavengers.
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
The strong smell of the unburied corpse might attract scavengers.
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> k

The strong smell of the unburied corpse might attract scavengers.
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> org almost

[Sithari] Kyovaer : almost
The strong smell of the unburied corpse might attract scavengers.

The clay slowly recedes back into the ground.
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
> Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
Two Air Mephits are here.
Two Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
Decayed remains of Air Mephit.
Decayed remains of Earth Mephit.
Two Decayed remains of Fire Mephits.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e

[Maven enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
Two Air Mephits are here.
Two Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
Decayed remains of Fire Mephit.
Decayed remains of Air Mephit.
The unburied corpse of an Air Mephit has decomposed into dust.
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
The unburied corpse of a Fire Mephit has decomposed into dust.
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> org eskil come back

[Sithari] Kyovaer : eskil come back
[Kaneko left the Realms of the Dragon]
> s
org #lag

[Sithari] Eskil : {Da Onion/Turbolöken}  :  I am here
Your barkskin armour flakes off and falls to the ground, crumbling into dust.

[Rorfin has lost his link]

[Rorfin left the Realms of the Dragon]
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
[Sithari] Kyovaer waves his hands in the air leaping about in slow motion shouting
Hp: 8840(8840) **  5 ** Gp: 2335(3320) Xp: 21347(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@ 
Eskil launches with lightning speed a dim mak strike kata at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 7 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 6 remain.
> What?
Hp: 8840(8840) **  5 ** Gp: 2360(3320) Xp: 21347(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
> What?
> What?
> n
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
> What?
> What?
> n
You are hunting Eskil
> What?
> What?
> What?
> k
Hp: 8840(8840) **  6 ** Gp: 2410(3320) Xp: 21347(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@ 
{Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> k
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
[Elf] Telepati : it didnt go so well alerion?

> You are hunting Eskil
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
Sithari Arena - Southwest Branch [n,ne,e].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
> Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
[Elf] Alerion : /\Smelly Wolf Warrior/\ ran outta potions
You can't seem to find your target.
> k
You can't seem to find your target.
> Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 5 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 4 remain.
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
dispel skins
You can't seem to find your target.
You dispel your Stone Skin
> You draw the component from the bag.
{Cast} Stoneskin
> k
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on you.
Your Holy Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your bones crunch as Eskil lands a devastating front-kick on you.
{Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
Some diamond dust is consumed!
You cast Stoneskin.
Hits: 11
Your skin becomes stonelike!
Your target steps past the hands of clay, unhindered.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pulverize Eskil with your vicious arcane assault.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You mash Eskil up viciously.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 8192(8840) **  4 ** Gp: 1450(3320) Xp: 24061(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@ 
Eskil launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 10 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 9 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 8 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 7 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 6 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 5 remain.
> You are hunting Eskil
You can't seem to find your target.
> Sithari Arena - Center Branch [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
Sithari Arena - West Branch [n,ne,e,se,s].
> dispel skins
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
You dispel your Stone Skin
> w
> What?
> You draw the component from the bag.
{Cast} Stoneskin
> What?
> Some diamond dust is consumed!
You cast Stoneskin.
Hits: 16
Your skin becomes stonelike!
Sithari Arena - Northwest Branch [e,se,s].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - North Branch [e,se,s,sw,w].
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Northeast Branch [s,sw,w].
Air Mephit is here.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
You can't seem to find your target.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
Eskil is here.
> {Cast} Engulf
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
> Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 15 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 14 remain.
You finish your spell causing the earth to rise up and engulf the feet of Eskil.
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!
Hp: 8240(8840) **  5 ** Gp: 490(3320) Xp: 25861(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
take mana potion from bags
drink mana potion
put mana potion in bags
Eskil launches with lightning speed a roundhouse kick at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 13 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 12 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 11 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 10 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 9 remain.

[Parar left the Realms of the Dragon]
You take a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You take a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
> You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a
gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your
brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
> You cannot put a Mana Potion in Bag of Unlimited Spell Components (opened).
You put a Mana Potion in Storm Dragoness Bag
Nothing to put in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Nothing to put in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
> What?
Hp: 8246(8840) **  5 ** Gp: 3320(3320) Xp: 25861(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
Eskil launches with lightning speed a roundhouse kick at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 8 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 7 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 6 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 5 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 4 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 3 remain.
dispel skin
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 2 remain.
**********STONESKIN LOW*************
dispel skin
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You dispel your Stone Skin
> What?
You can't seem to find your target.
> You draw the component from the bag.
{Cast} Stoneskin
> You are hunting Eskil
Some diamond dust is consumed!
You cast Stoneskin.
Hits: 16
Your skin becomes stonelike!
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
Eskil is here.
Feet of Clay engulfing Eskil.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You cremate Eskil.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You cremate Eskil.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Air Mephit protects you.

Air Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8264(8840) [ 10 ]  **  2 ** Gp: 2370(3320) Xp: 27941(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
Air Mephit valiantly protects you.

Air Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil pummels Air Mephit relentlessly with his fists.

Eskil snaps Air Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.

Multiple images of Eskil suddenly appear.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Air Mephit.

Eskil gets a Cyan Potion from Elven Travel Bag.

Eskil gets a Cyan Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 15 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 14 remain.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pulverize Eskil with your vicious arcane assault.

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

An image of Eskil disappears as it is hit!

That was Eskil's last Duplicate.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Eskil severely with your arcane assault.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Earth Mephit protects you.

Earth Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Hp: 8270(8840) [ 10 ]  **  2 ** Gp: 2045(3320) Xp: 28315(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
Earth Mephit valiantly protects you.

Earth Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Earth Mephit reels back as Eskil deals them a powerful uppercut.

Eskil snaps Earth Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.
Eskil launches with lightning speed an elbow at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 13 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 12 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 11 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 10 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 9 remain.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Earth Mephit.
You draw your weapon back and prepare to maul Eskil.
{Cast} Summon Mephit
You beat Eskil to a bloody mess.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
A pool of blood splatters to the ground as you pulverize Eskil.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil is driven to the ground as you crush him.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Eskil screams in agony as you incinerate his entire body.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You pulverize Eskil with your vicious arcane assault.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You mash Eskil up viciously.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You mash Eskil up viciously.

Eskil's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You cremate Eskil.
You cast Summon Mephit on Eskil.
Water Mephit protects you.

Water Mephit growls menacingly at Eskil.
Your glow disappears.
cast armour
Hp: 8276(8840) [ 10 ]  **  0 ** Gp: 1720(3320) Xp: 29525(16400000)    (--)  @@@@@@@@@ 
Water Mephit valiantly protects you.

Eskil deals a brutal blow to Water Mephit using both fists.

Eskil deals a brutal blow to Water Mephit using both fists.

Eskil snaps Water Mephit's head back with a spinning heel, spraying blood.
Eskil launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 8 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 7 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 6 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 5 remain.
Eskil's attack is deflected by your stoneskin! 4 remain.
You have defeated Eskil.  Well done.
You have defeated Eskil.  Well done.
You have defeated Eskil.  Well done.
You have defeated Eskil.  Well done.
You have defeated Eskil.  Well done.

Eskil dealt the death blow to Water Mephit.
Your target is already protected by the spell.
> Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
> s
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
Corpse of Water Mephit.
Corpse of Earth Mephit.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
You can't seem to find your target.
[Sithari] Eskil : {Da Onion/Turbolöken}  :  ugh
It is warm with clear skies.
It is night, and Eos is in its quarter moon stage, covering the land with an eerie light.
You stand on the southeastern most part of the Sithari Arena.  Several vines hang down from the top
of the small dome, obscuring your vision and robbing you of some light.  The floor, if you can call
it that, is merely a jumble of large branches, making the footing that much more difficult to deal
with.  If it were not for the vines, you would be able to see the entire arena from here, but you
are instead treated to only the things that are five or six feet in front of you.

There are three obvious exits: north, west and northwest.
Corpse of Water Mephit.
Corpse of Earth Mephit.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
> w
Sithari Arena - Southern Branch [n,ne,e,w,nw].
You can't seem to find your target.
> n
Sithari Arena - Southeast Branch [n,w,nw].
Corpse of Water Mephit.
Corpse of Earth Mephit.
Corpse of Air Mephit.
> Sithari Arena - East Branch [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Water Mephit and Fire Mephit are here.
[Sithari] Eskil : {Da Onion/Turbolöken}  :  well done

A rainbow portal appears!
The Fire Mephit returns to the Elemental Lords through it.

A rainbow portal appears!
The Water Mephit returns to the Elemental Lords through it.
tell eskil got ya?
You tell Eskil: "got ya?"