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PC Engine Review: Ai Cho Aniki
Publisher: Masaya
Genre: Shooter
Game Type: PCE Super CD

Ai Cho Aniki. The cover looks like some sort of odd wrestling game, doesn't it? Well, appearances can be decieving. The back cover of the game gives more of an idea of its true content. Ai Cho Aniki is a shooter from Masaya (Makers of all things Langrisser, and many other gaming greats!). But, in every way there is, it is not your typical shooter.

I had only heard rumors about this game until I played it, and the rumors were a bit disquieting. If you've heard them, you'll know what I mean. If not, well, maybe you can figure it out from the back cover. Either way, the designers of Ai Cho Aniki may have had some issues. I didn't understand the plot, as the cinemas were not very clear. The game is a straighforward side scrolling shooter that's VERY well done graphically and very unique.

Your character is a rather heavily muscled man in a thong. The first hint of what is to come is when you fire for the first time....he flexes his arms and shoots arcing balls of sweat? at enemies from his armpits. I was a bit taken aback when I first saw that. Then I hit the other button. The man pirouhetted around the screen and sparkled, making himself temporarily invulnerable to bullets. "Strange" I thought. And then I saw the enemies. Butts with legs squirting bullets, strange unearthly heads spewing fluids.....things beyond description. The whole scene was unabashedly surreal.

When I reached the first boss, I really didn't know what to expect but I surely didn't expect what showed up. You know that rather famous little sketch by Michaelangelo on the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel? Well...I fought it! Man reaching out to God attacked me and I killed them both. How weird is that?

The music in the game is very good though. I rather enjoyed it, and the makers liked it so much that they even put a track list on the back of the game...or at least that's what it seems to be. It's an excellent soundtrack if nothing else. Odd but good.

On a technical scale the game impressed me, as it was fluid and well structured, and all the characters move well. From an artistic standpoint, I think it's just a bit beyond me. I'm so used to traditional shooters that this one stunned me. It's beautiful and amazing and weird and odd and a little creepy all at the same time. Looking at the gameplay, I'd say it's a solid and unique shooter, and that it's worth playing. But it definitely won't be for everyone.

Honestly, I'm not sure what else to say about this game. It's a good solid game, but definitely more than a bit out there. Try it if you dare.....

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