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PC Engine Review: Genocide
Genocide is a side scrolling platform action game. In it, you control a rather large robot, and fight other robots. Not very promising so far right? Well, what if it was really fast? And had no slowdown? Would that make it better? Good...cause it is and it does. There is no slowdown in the game, and all the enemies are VERY fast. The combat system is decent, and your hits actually connect fairly easily. In fact, the enemies are so fast, they can hit you twice before you hit them! Good thing you have a long life bar!
As for your weapons, well at least you have one. But it may not be what you expect. What's that you say? Robots without guns? Has the world gone mad? All you get for a weapon is a plasma sabre. Apparently, giant robots have been reduced to stealing weapons from the middle ages, unless they're enemy robots...which get chain guns and claws and all sorts of weapons. Kind of unfair, yes, but it is rather gratifying to slash all the enemies to little bits.
Your buttons are simple. Button II is slash, and Button I is jump. You may have only a sword, but you're one nimble giant robot, as you can do front flips and jump all over the place! Your life bar is long and enemies do low damage to it individually. You can also block their shots with a slash from your nifty saber. But watch out, cause often the enemies swarm you in seconds!
There was one problem I had with the game (Isn't there always?). The difficulty is VERY high as you get further. To remedy this, the makers gave you infinite continues. I have always felt that it's kind of cruel to give infinite continues rather than just knocking the difficulty down a bit. Other than that, everything is great about the game...smooth graphics, no slowdown, and plenty of action!
All in all, Genocide is a solid platformer, that, while not a shining star, most certainly is a very stable and well designed game. It's worth playing, and turned out to be rather fun. I really got into Genocide during my short time playing it!
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