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Max's Game Corner

PC Engine Review: Gotzendiener
Publisher: Gainax
Genre: Adventure
Game Type: PCE Super CD

Gotzendiener. It just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Well...not really. Actually, it's a long, Germanic name for a GREAT game! Gotzendiener is a game should have come to the US. Why it didn't, we can only guess, but it really is tragic, as it would have been listed with fond remembrance in the company of games such as Landstalker.

Gotzendiener is a great 3/4 perspective adventure game! Not only is it one of the earliest games to use that perspective, but it has a rather striking resemblance to Diablo for PC. The main character even sort of looks like the Amazon from Diablo II! But don't let the reference decieve you, Gotzendiener is nothing like Diablo in it's gameplay or story.

In Gotzendiener, you play a girl trying to escape from a dungeon. While I don't understand Japanese, the cinemas were clear enough that I understood what was happening. I'm not going to give anything away though, cause I really enjoyed the twist at the beginning of the game. The menus are simple enough that even a non-japanese speaker can use them easily. This was a pleasant change from having to struggle with a menu system.

Basically, the game is made up of a huge dungeon with many levels and sections. Your task is to escape and slaughter the guarding monsters as you go. The puzzles are very challenging and do tend to require some thought, which is a refreshing difference from games that require no thought. As you get further, the dungeons get more challenging and maze-like, and are quite varied. The enemies are also varied and some are quite brutal.

The controls are tight, but the gameplay is actually rather slow. As you are focused more on problem solving, the fighting and enemies are also a bit slower, relaxing the pace of the game. You can run, jump, climb, grab ledges, pick up objects, and even push things! The interactivity with your environment is really quite well done, and makes the game that much more enjoyable.

I really don't have much negative to say about Gotzendiener. I felt that it could have used just a tiny bit more speed to keep it slightly more exciting, but frankly it's very well done! The game does take a bit of time to load different sections, but it's a forgiveable offense considering the age of the system and the size of the game.

I'd have to say that Gotzendiener is one of the better games I've played for the PC Engine. I thought it was well-made and quality all the way through, and that the designers really went to a lot of effort. It's a fun game that will challenge you, and I'd highly recommend it!

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