Crash Mans Bomb Base
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Past Events
Well I started my first site back in 2001,I used Homestead for awhile,
mainly because at the time I had no programing skills.Then they started
making you pay.So then I went to Tripod,with still no HTML skills.Thats
when I first used the name Crash Mans Bomb Base.Towards the end of that site,
I started to learn alittle HTML.I started a new site at Geocities after
learning a basic part of HTML.I didn't use anyones site builder after I finished
my site on Tripod.I kept that site for awhile,then I just switched it over to
Angelfire for a number of reasons.After that I tried to make it with
both Frames and Non-Frames.It didn't last too long though.Then I took a
small break(1 or 2 months).I learned more HTML and JavaScript and this
site is the result.

Whats Next?
I plan on buying some PHP4 books which I will use what I've learned to
make the site better.

All pages are Copyright 2001-2002 by Kevin Kolcheck,a.k.a MegaManUltama
or KevinTheGreat. Mega Man,Proto Man,Roll,Rush,were made by Capcom.