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As the one and only child of Goten and Bra, Goshin grew up training hard under all of his familily members. From his Grandfather Vegeta to his Uncle Gohan. Dispite his young age he is very mature and has a very unmeasurable control on his power. He has on many acounts gone out and explored the vast regions of space on his own. Most of the time he came home to a weeks grounding. His is the first person to visit the Kai planet and train there since Goku last had his tail pulled back out by Ryo Kaioshin.

Name: Goshin
Race: 50% Human 50% Saiya-jin (has tail)
PL: 1,200,000
Attacks: Punch, Kick, Hammer, Kikou ha, Multi Kick, Multi Punch, Ki Kick, Ki Punch, Kamehameha, Sou Ki Dan, Omega Beam, Chou Kamehameha, Power Ball, Eye Beams (Oozaru only), Breath Beam (Oozaru only), Renzokou Energy Dan, Finger Blast
Finisher: Burning Flash Attack
Oozaru: 3,600,000
Golden Oozaru:
SSJ: 24,000,000(Can't transform yet)
Xtreme Saiya-jin (XSJ):
Items: Weighted Clothing, Capsule Corp Ship, Weights(4 2 ton each), Senzu Bean Bags(10), Saiyan Healing Chamber, Driver's license, Hover Bike, Trunks Sword
Money: $15,100
Status: Alive
Strikes: 0
Xx BMonkey xX