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MS Community


Want to make an allience with Midnight Star? (MS). If So, please contact MDK or e-mail him with an offering of an allencie and maybe one can be worked out. No hard feelins are given from MS if one is not worked out. it never hurts to ask or even try.
To contact MS, do so by e-mail MDK at:
Our Alliences

Crystal Promise (CP)

Midnight Star Links
Midnight Star Blog | Help Page | Home | Message Board | Joining (The MS Clan) | Clan Members | Those we Protect | Laws of the Realm & Clan | Rules of the Realm & Clan | Alliences | Server Bans & ISP Bans | MS RPG Music Webby IRC |

Game & MS Realm Links
Pre-Made Characters | MSS Ops | About Midnight Star Realm & Game | How to Join! (Realm & Game)

Those we Support

New Experience Welcomes Better Interactive Enjoyment for Stories.