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MS Community

Help Page

This page will help you look throught he site, expalining a bit of what each page is.

Home: This page is the main Page of Midnight Star RPG. Keep your eye on this page as alot of updates and changes from within Midnight Star and are posted here.

Message Board: Ah, the Message Board. A way to talk about topics and also a great way to get questions asked & answered. The Following topics can be talked about on the message board; About Midnight Star, About the Updates of MS, Questions about MS - IC or OOC, Concerns to updates & changes, Members play or plan SL's here, Etc. You get the idea.

Joining: Ah, This is Required and the root to Midnight Star RPG. The join form is to become a Rp'er within the realm of Midnight Star RPG or to become a member part of the clan.

Members: This page gives the Bio/Profiles of the newly and upcomming members of the Midnight Star Clan or becoming part of the Midnight Star RPG Realm/Game.

Those we protect: this page tells what locations or people or clans or families we protect or guard.

Laws: The Laws of Midnight Star RPG Realm and for Rp'ers of the realm to follow by and those of members of Midnight Star Clan should read as well. These are important to read befor becoming an RP'er of the realm or joining the Midnight Star Clan.

Rules: This is Another Important page to read befor becoming an Rp'er of the realm or befor becoming part of the Midnight Star Clan.

Alliences: This page tells who Midnight Star Clan and Realm is allied with and this is good to read for that and also to learn how to become &/or to form an allience with Midnight Star.

Server Bans & ISP BANS: This page is for if you want to find out WHY if your ISP is banned or to find out if the Server that you are on is banned from the Channels of Midnight Star. This is worth looking at as well.

MS RPG Music Webby IRC: This is for WEBtv Users only, UNLESS you have a WebTV Viewer that allows you to use IRC's for Webbies and etc.



Midnight Star Links
Midnight Star Blog | Help Page | Home | Message Board | Joining (The MS Clan) | Clan Members | Those we Protect | Laws of the Realm & Clan | Rules of the Realm & Clan | Alliences | Server Bans & ISP Bans | MS RPG Music Webby IRC |

Game & MS Realm Links
Pre-Made Characters | MSS Ops | About Midnight Star Realm & Game | How to Join! (Realm & Game)

Those we Support

New Experience Welcomes Better Interactive Enjoyment for Stories.