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MS Community

How to join the Realm & Game

Do you want to join? do you have a character you would like to have part of the game? Would you like to have a clan of yours to be part of the realm and help the realm and game to grow? If thats the case, E-mail for more info about going about joining the realm & game or go about adding a clan or kingdom to the game.

New Players Added

None as of yet.

Midnight Star Links
Midnight Star Blog | Help Page | Home | Message Board | Joining (The MS Clan) | Clan Members | Those we Protect | Laws of the Realm & Clan | Rules of the Realm & Clan | Alliences | Server Bans & ISP Bans | MS RPG Music Webby IRC |

Game & MS Realm Links
Pre-Made Characters | MSS Ops | About Midnight Star Realm & Game | How to Join! (Realm & Game)

Those we Support

New Experience Welcomes Better Interactive Enjoyment for Stories.