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Joining Midnight Star
So you wish to join? okay, I will explaine how to go about joining the Midnight Star clan. Please follow the steps posted below about joining. Once submiting the e-mail to Mysterious Dark Knight, you shall get a response within 24 hours. If you feel that we did not get your e-mail. Please re-fwd your e-mail of submiting your info that is required from your sent folder. Tho if we get your e-mail, we will send a confirm message within 24 hours and within that same 24 hours, you shall get a response back about joining.

Follow these steps below about joining and you shall be able to join. Please submit the info to the e-mail address given


Step One:

When submit an e-mail to Please use your main e-mail address this way when can add you to our recoreds just in case we need to infrom you of clan meetings and/or clan business on such of these lines.

Step Two:

Please make sure to fill in All info required in Step Four And also please submit all require Bio/Profile info.

Step Three:

You will need a Main Character Pic and a Thumbnail Pic of your Character. The Thumbnail pic of your character must have Character name or Character screen name on it. When submiting Both pics of your character along with the required info, please make sure thet are in the forms of .jpeg or in .jpg or in .gif format.

Step Four:

Here is your required infoyou are to fill out and e-mail to Along with the Two pictures required. If your not sure or wish to leave a space blank. Place a question mark (example: ?) in the following blank spaces you wish to leave as So.

1. Name

a) CF Screen Name
b) Character's full name
c) Any aliases you choose to mention
2. Physical Appearance

a) Gender
b) Race
c) Size (height and weight)
d) Body type (trim, medium build, well-muscled, fat)
e) Hair Color
f) Eye Color
g) Skin Color
h) Raiment (clothing, accessories like RP'ed items, etc.)
i) Etcetera (tattoos, piercings, jewelry... if it has 4 arms...)
3. Abilities/Advantages

a) Inherited Abilities (powers it was born with)
b) Learned Abilities (powers it acquired, i.e.. conjuring)
c) Useful Skills (ice. blacksmithing, woodcraft, knowledge of horses)
d) Trade (how it makes a living)
e) Other
4. Items

a) Armour
b) Weapons
c) Magical Items
d) Other
5. Disabilities/Disadvantages

a) Inherited Weaknesses
b) Drawbacks to your abilities (ice. a mage's exhaustion after strong spells)
c) Old Wounds (curses your character suffers, an old injury it favors, etc.)
d) Other
6. Associations

a) Family ties (NPC or PC)
b) Friends (NPC or PC)
c) Financial Affiliations (corporate ties, anyone it owes money to, etc.)
d) Enemies (NPC or PC)
e) Other

To give your character depth, you will probably want to have some kind of history set up for it. This does not have to be written down anywhere, or on a site, but should at least be kept in mind by you when playing your Character. The other Players do not have to be informed of your Characters history, and neither do their Characters if you do not wish. An air of mystery is often called for and that is up to your discretion. However, having a history will help you decide how the Character would act in situations, and also provide for topics for your Character to talk about with other Characters in social settings (example: sharing past war stories with other Knights). If you've already decided on how the Character will be in the present, then of course you will want to keep it's past in line with that. Also if your Character has abilities or special items, you could use the History to explain how it got them. When deciding on it's History, here are some things you might want to consider:

1. Associations (parents, siblings, family, friends) - who are they, does the Character know them, are they alive etc.

2. Abilities (i.e., magic, supernatural, knowledge, etc.) - was the Character born with them or did they learn/acquire them, and how

3. Items (i.e., money, weapons, magical and other artifacts etc.) - how did the Character obtain them

4. Major experiences - anything else not mentioned in the above that you want to establish for the Character

And of course, add in anything that might be relevant for the Character. Include everything up to the point where the Character starts being played by you. At that point you and those you interact with, will begin making the Characters history as you play.

Midnight Star Links
Midnight Star Blog | Help Page | Home | Message Board | Joining (The MS Clan) | Clan Members | Those we Protect | Laws of the Realm & Clan | Rules of the Realm & Clan | Alliences | Server Bans & ISP Bans | MS RPG Music Webby IRC |

Game & MS Realm Links
Pre-Made Characters | MSS Ops | About Midnight Star Realm & Game | How to Join! (Realm & Game)

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