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MS Community

Our Laws

We believe in doing many things a certain way and we are not reckless and for laws to excist, we enforce our laws at all times of the realm and those we are allienced with or part of.

1. Midnight Star and those part of Midnight Star, Believe that if people will fight, that both oppents must agree to a set of rules and must agree to the reason for the fight. If this can not be done, the fight is nulled within our realm. Also within Free Form RPG rooms, we enforce our own Law and Rules onto our selves as a group and Clan of Midnight Star.

2. All members must obtain clearence from the Royals.. if they are going to do anything involving the Tags of Midnight Star (MS) and they wish to take some sort of action useing the tags, they chance or task must be cleared with Mysterious Dark Knight. If this is not cleared, the following member will be punished by a Royal based on what was done, depends on what was done.

3. All members and friends of midnight Star must show respect to the those that enter as guest to our home. If disrespect is shown and a Royal is there to see it. all depending on what it is, it can be punishable or not tolrated. MS members should know best and show respect all times, friends or foe. Since the home is a Safe Haven.

4. members of Midnight Star and Guest to Midnight Star must follow what an MSS (Midnight Star staff/ Service) says. They are our Law enforces of the realm. If you do not agree to an MSS jusgment. Please contact Mysterious Dark Knight ASAP with Time Stamped logs if possable. If not, give a full detail explaining what happened. E-mail it to

5. All clan probs and things that need to be talked about, a meeting will be held and added to the agneda for every weekly meeting. If you wish for something to be added, Ask MDK and you will get it added or not, depending on what it is.

6. if ANY member of Midnight Star has a prob with another member. bring it to Mysterious Dark Knight. DO NOT take it in your hands or you shall and can be removed from the MS if you do. Explaine what is going on and MDK will look into the matter asap. If MDK is not present at the time. Report to an MSS and they will judge what to do in their best ways. For a temp fix. All MSS will report to MDK asap if anything goes wrong within MS. If you are unsure MDK got it, ask.

7. All MSS and members must follow excatly what Mysteriouys Dark Knight Says or ChaosDeathWarrior. If you should fail to do so, you wil be asked to leave or given a warning or be thrown out. Zero tolrance is shown.

8. All guest and Members and MSS must follow the Laws of Midnight Star and follow the Rules at all times. If you fail or should fail to do so, you shall be removed from midnight Star (if your a memeber) or you shall be removed from the realm or the castle (if your a guest)

9. SAFE HAVEN LAW. At all times, when a place or a location is under safe haven law. It is enforced no matter what. meaning, another character (rp'er) has the right to ignore and null out another characters (rp'er) action(s) of that character (or rp'er). If you can not follow this law in other rooms that is protected by safe haven law. Within either our Channels or those we protect, you are placing your self at YOUR OWN risk of kick and ban.


Nine. Safe Haven Law Just added.

Midnight Star Links
Midnight Star Blog | Help Page | Home | Message Board | Joining (The MS Clan) | Clan Members | Those we Protect | Laws of the Realm & Clan | Rules of the Realm & Clan | Alliences | Server Bans & ISP Bans | MS RPG Music Webby IRC |

Game & MS Realm Links
Pre-Made Characters | MSS Ops | About Midnight Star Realm & Game | How to Join! (Realm & Game)

Those we Support

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