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Midnight Star Community

Welcome to the Midnight Star Realm Community (or Town in simple words). here. you can find out location info and found ut who lives where and learn where everything is.
Below, is a page(s) to the different locations of the Midnight Star Realm;


#Tavern has been added. More to come.

Midnight Star Links
Midnight Star Blog | Help Page | Home | Message Board | Joining (The MS Clan) | Clan Members | Those we Protect | Laws of the Realm & Clan | Rules of the Realm & Clan | Alliences | Server Bans & ISP Bans | MS RPG Music Webby IRC |

Game & MS Realm Links
Pre-Made Characters | MSS Ops | About Midnight Star Realm & Game | How to Join! (Realm & Game)

Those we Support

New Experience Welcomes Better Interactive Enjoyment for Stories.