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Around Midnight Star

Message Board
Joining (The MS Clan)
Clan Members
Those we Protect
Laws of the Realm & Clan
Rules of the Realm & Clan
Server Bans & ISP Bans
MS RPG Music Webby IRC

MS Community
Pre-Made Characters
About Midnight Star Realm & Game
How to Join! (Realm & Game)

The Return of Midnight Star...

Yes, the Return of Midnight Star is at Hand. The group and clan lead by Mysterious_Dark_Knight. MS is returning with the Support of Crystal Promise and becoming part of the Ayenee Realm to use to their advantage, their highly advanced weapons.

Midnight Star (MS) is currently recruiting for members and if members wish to join, they should talk with Mysterious_Dark_Knight, leader and Ruler of Midnight Star


The midnight star clan is returning, the whole site its self, page by page is being worked on and given a new look. the main page new look is not done yet... still being determed and choosen on first. Stay close and MS shall be back entirely soon.