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MS Community

Rules of Midnight Star

These are the Rules of the realm and taken strongly within the realm and within the Castle of #Midnight_Star

1. The Castle is a Safe Haven. This means No fighting is ALLOWED unless an MSS (Midnight Star Staff / Service) allows fighting to happen with a vailed reason. if Reason should be granted. its the choice of 332 speed fighting or basic Turn base fighting After, its must be choosen if its going to be a 24 hour kill to the realm and castle or a official DM. No return. IF a royal or an MSS is not prsent at the moment, Fighting is NOT Allowed.

2. Disrespect the Midnight Star Clan/ Family or an MSS, you shall be Kicked and Banned from the channel for 24 hours. Keep up and it will cause you to be akicked. (expection for AOL users. If one should be akicked. it will only last for a while. Sorry to those that are on AOL and effected by another AOL users mistakes. )

3. Don't like these rules? Don't Come.

4. No Stupid Nicks/ Screen names are NOT ALLOWED. If an MSS says for you to change it and you don't. you will be banned for 24 hours with an AKICK. We do not tolrate this AT ALL. Thats if an MSS or a Royal judges so.

5. Please try to Keep OOC to Whisper and Try to Rp seriously in Main. No OOC in main, some is allowed. If it goes for too long, you will be asked to take it to whisper, refuse or disrespect an MSS or royal in anyway or form and the royal or an MSS feels they are disrespect by giving a prob to take OOC to whisper, you will be removed from the channel ASAP.

6. If you are a guest and don't have a registered Character within MS, You can not fight within MS, No matter what YOUR CHARACTER IS, you are given human status, meaning you have no special powers or special moves till you register a Profile with MS. Please see the Join Link for the required info for a Bio/Profile and the requirements. Joining means your not joining the clan... just joining the realm. being a registered Rp'er within the realm.



Midnight Star Links
Midnight Star Blog | Help Page | Home | Message Board | Joining (The MS Clan) | Clan Members | Those we Protect | Laws of the Realm & Clan | Rules of the Realm & Clan | Alliences | Server Bans & ISP Bans | MS RPG Music Webby IRC |

Game & MS Realm Links
Pre-Made Characters | MSS Ops | About Midnight Star Realm & Game | How to Join! (Realm & Game)

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