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To the Tavern within the realm of Midnight Star. The tavern currently holds every type of drink from every single realm. Currently up to date drinks and maintining the oldest of drinks within its celler. it also has a table within the tavern, filled with food, different types and all types possabl to have for those that come and vist within or live within the realm of MS.

This was once the home to Chaotic_Sinister. a Mosthated person yet, most feared by many. The most deadly killer once lived here. having killed many and killed a few here, having taking the lives within the Tavern its self. Ages Later. the Tavern was haded down from a close brother of Chaotics to the Midnight Star realm when MS was at one time known as the MSRPGC (Midnight Star RPG Community). As time passed and that Old Hisotry has passed. it has now become currently active within the realm of MS and being used now. Not too lively but its getting there.

As you enter the tavern, to your left, there is three wooden oak tables matching the wooden oaked floor. Each table holds four chairs. Towars the wall, is the fire place, well lited with a read carpet befor its harth, just for those of animals that wonder in and wish to lay by it. Towards your right is another set of three wooden oak tables and four chairs at each table. Tho on the end of this wall is a glass window over seeing the lake on the outside of the tavern. As along the entrace wall of the tavern, is one window on each side. If you look stright ahead is the bar. behind it is fullys tocked with all kinds of drinks and glasses behind and under the wooden oak counter. Towars the left side of the bar from the entrance (if you where behind the bar, it be on your right but with facing it, its on your left) Is a Hall way, holding the gust rooms that are currently open tho these rooms can be changed into resident rooms as well. On on the left side of the hall, is three doors, on the right, is another set of three doors. They are marked as following numbers:

Room Number-Location-Taken by whom

Room 1-Right Side -Not Taken
Room 2-Left Side- Not Taken
Room 3-Right Side-Not Taken
Room 4-Left Side-Not Taken
Room 5-Right Side-Not Taken
Room 6-Left Side-Not Taken

All the rooms are something like small homes. They have everything of all the basics. (You as the player choose how the room looks)

Current Status

Residents: 0
Rooms Open: 6 out of 6
Bar Tender: ::Open::
Bar Tender: ::Open::
Waiter or Waitress: ::Open::
Waiter or Waitress: ::Open::
Bouncer: ::Open::
Bouncer: ::Open::

Current Active MSS Op
OpStaff MDK

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