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Walkthrough Gothic 2

         Click on the text in blue under this line and it will take you to the desired part. (note : city of khorinis is NOT a quicklink)

       The start

           City of Khorinis

         The 5 masters

           Thieves Guild

           Thieves Quest(1)

           Thieves Quest(2)




WARNING : this walkthrough contains SPOILERS!!!!!

 You have been warned


The start


After talking to Xardass, go through his tower.

Read all books! These books give experience that you will need, alot. Go up the tower.

Theres a key on the table, take it. Check the books and the chest (you will need the key on the table to open it).

Go all the way down the tower. Loot the place (chest, torches, bottles ect.). Go into the boxes/cages area, there are some coins on the floor.


Getting outside, pick up everything you can get, most of it can be sold.

Draw your weapon and go left of the skelton against the barrel towards the lake and waterfall. You値l encounter a goblin. Leave the heavy branches (they池e not worth alot). Go futher left there, side the lake, through the bushes/trees. Theres a skeleton, with scroll, a shortbow and arrows and a potion or 2. Arm yourself with the bow and a scroll just in case.

Go back to the road and follow it futher down. Use the bow on the young wolf, saves you hitpoints (one arrow should kill the beast IF you hit it).

When you walk on, you値l encounter 2 goblins, again, use the bow. Go right where you encountered the goblins. Theres some boxes on your left and a skeleton against the tree. Look behind the boxes. Theres a leather satchel + a scroll. Go back to the main road, pickup the rusty axe and loot the chest.

When you follow the road on, you値l run into a bandit. Theres multiple ways to deal with this. I値l let you deceide what to do. Best to save before the bandit.

Go on, you値l run into a young wolf, use the bow.

At the shrine of Innos go directly right and avoid the young bloodflies. You meet Maleth. Talk with him. He値l tell you to goto Lobart.

Goto Lobart, talk to him and do his quests (help him, his wife). You can help Vino (on the field) bit its only good for xp and not for the gold. If you feel immortal, go back to the bandit and kill them all (dont hesitate to use the scrolls you found).

If you killed all the bandits talk to Maleth about the bandits and tell him you killed them (also inside that cave).

Talk to Lobart about the clothes. Buy them for discount.

You can also goto that cheap ass merchant (Lobarts wife quest) and buy the pass. I dont trust him though.

Now go into the city, try to avoid killing the young wolfs on the way, just yet.

Talk to the guard with what Maleth told you to say, if you took the clothes (the clothes give some protection).

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City of Khorinis

The 5 masters

Lord Lothar the paladin will approach you when you enter. Talk to him.

Then talk to the merchant outside. This is essential.

Go on, on the right walk into the hunters house (Bosper). He値l ask you to become his apprentice. Work for him.

You cannot become an apprentice anywhere unless you have approval of 4 out of 5 masters.

You need to become apprentice in order to gain access to the upper part of the town.

Go outside and talk to Thorben. He値l ask you to get some blessings, before he gives you his approval. I値l tell about the blessings futher on.

Now head to the smith, he値l give you the most difficult task, getting an orc weapon. Orcs are way to powerfull to solo.

Now go back to the first house on the left and talk to Matteo (the merchant inside). He値l ask you about getting money from Gritta, Thorbens niece. Talk to Gritta (Thorbens house) and get the money (multiple way possible). Bring it to Matteo once you have it.

Now go outside the city again, kill the young wolves (Bospers quest).

Now go all the way back to the starting point, kill any monsters on the way. When you reach the lake with the waterfall, theres a small cave entrance. Go inside, kill the goblin. You can choose to go left or right. Go left, but beware 3 goblins, this is hard. Loot the place. Now go back and take the right. You値l end up in another space where you can go right or straight ahead. Go straight ahead, quick. There might be a field raider following you, try to avoid that. Now you致e come into a valley. LOOK AROUND GOOD. Theres some very good stuff lying around here (herbs, scrolls, potions ect.) In the valley, you値l see a fire burning, walk to it (beware of young wolves and other critters). You値l meet Lester, a character you met in Gothic (part 1). Talk with him. Purge the valley of critters and take the herbs you find.

Now go all the way back to the city again. Walk towards the Temple district.

You値l find Bartok, Bospers old apprentice. If you have enough gold, ask to him to go hunting with you. He値l kill all the critters, a shadowbeast AND an orc. Take the orcs weapon. Bring it to Harad the smith.

Now goto Vatrass, the priest of Abanos. Tell him the truth about you (even if Xardass told you not to tell anyone about him). He値l give you his blessing. There are 2 ways to get the blessing from a priest of Innos. One is the expensive way, but a bit more safer. The other way is a bit dangerous, but will cost you no money and will give more experience, since you have to kill some critters on the way. The pricy way is to get the blessing from a fire mage/priest in the merchant square. The other way is to walk towards the tavern. Once you get at the tavern, take the road to the monastary. On the road to it, you'll find a large shrine of Innos on your left with a priest of Innos praying there, he will give you a free blessing. Report back to Thorben.

Constantino, the alchemist, will give you his approval anyway, unless you want to join him. If you want to join constantino, he will give you a list with herbs to find. Like most experienced players, I will advice you not to take up apprentice ship with constantino, because you will need all the rare herbs to make permanent potions later in the game. A list of where herbs can be found will be made soon.


NOTE : an apprentice ship will not give you extra abilities or whatsoever. It basically makes you a citizen of the town, so you can access the upper quarter and it gives you the oppurtunity to generate money in a fast way. Best apprentice ship is with Bosper the bowmaker. The choice of your apprentice ship doesnt affect your the choice to become a mercenary, militia or novice.


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Thieves Guild



To find the thieves guild, you will need to do 3 quests, with each having another way to accomplish them. First, you need to talk to Jora the merchant. He will tell you he was robed by a guy called Rengaru. This guy hangs out near the merchants. When you talk to him, he'll run away from you. Follow him and talk to him. He'll beg you to leave him alone ect. Ask him the money he stole and you can optional report him to militia (the reporting is recommend if you want to join militia or if you are the militia). Then, you go outside the city and walk towards Akils farm. Theres some small stairs with a goblin. Go up there and go left. Be very carefull here, if you walk to far now, you will run into some strong enemies. On the left, in the mountain cliff, theres a cave. Kill the bandits inside and loot the place. You will find a fish, the description will tell you it looks weird. Open the fish (using control button on it in inventory) and it will reveal a "stinky note". Go back to the city and talk to Halvor (fish seller) in the docks district. You can make a deal with Halvor or report him (again reporting is recommended when playing militia or becoming militia). Now goto the tavern "peg leg" in the docks district. The bouncer will try to sqeeuze money out of you, simply refuse and when you cant beat him alone, run into town to a militia guard. Let moe (the bouncer) hit you once and the city guard will attack him ( keep in mind to not draw weapons at that time). The city guard will slice him up. Go into the tavern and talk to the owner (Kardiff). Ask him for tips (you have to pay gold for those) until you get to the part for a special job. NOTE : DO NOT wear militia armor when doing this quest. He'll tell you to talk with Nagur, the dark fella that sits all day in the tavern. He'll tell you he killed the messenger from  Baltram (a merchant in the merchant square  of town). He asks you to talk to Baltram to be his messenger and pick up the package. Agree with him ect.. Now if your militia or want to be militia, talk to Lord Andre about this, he will arrest Nagur. You can still do the package run for Baltram. If your not militia or dont wanna become one, you can talk to Baltram, then get the package he asks for at Akil and take the package to Nagur. Wait till you get the profit from it with Nagur. Once that is done, Orlan will tell you that a fellow was looking for you and wants to meet you behind Halvors house/fishstand. Theres a fellow waiting for you called Atilla. If you reported all the crimes, he'll attack you. If you just carried out all the missions, he will give you a rusty key and leave. Once you have this key, jump into the ocean (from the docks) and swim to the right. You'll find a torch lit entrance. Go in there and you will meet the thieves eventually.



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Thieves Quest (1)



Once you met with the thieves boss in the sewers (Cassia), you'll get the simple assignment to steal a ring from constantino. Make sure you have a dexterity over 30 to avoid any problems (how higher your dexterity, the better you can picklock, pickpocket and sneak. Talk to one of the thieves you've met before, that tells you to goto Cassia, and learn sneaking. Also learn picklocking, from the other thief (Ramirus? (sorry, cant remember name)). Now, its not in my game manual, so Ill put it here, to sneak press X. Goto Constantino, best while hes asleep, but it also works when hes working. Sneak in, picklock the chest. Once you have the ring, bring it directly to Cassia. DO NOT WAIT TO LONG!! (less then 2 days).



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Thieves Quest (2)



[Coming soon]