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The Fat Chocobo review

Somebody once asked me to sum final fantasy 7 up in 1 word (mainly because I was giving my usual half-hour long description of the amazing graphics and enthralling story line). What did I say? Incredible. That s about it. I don't really need to write a review. But I will.

A few years back, I was walking around town with my mom, helping her with the bags, as you do. Then I noticed something. This game, Final Fantasy 7 (god knows why it's called 7, I idly thought) that I'd heard so much about was only £20! I decided that I had to try it out, never having played another RPG except for Zelda on the snes (I didn't even know what RPG stood for, I thought it had something to do with the fact that all RPG's where top-down...). I took it home and put it in my playstation and watched the quite impressive intro, then sniggered at the deformed characters. Then I got sucked into a gaming world that far exceeded my expectations. It was amazing! From the second I'd bombed my first reactor I was hooked. I played it all the way through many times (8 to date, but I'm starting a new game soon) and every time for the first four games I found something new. I never used a cheat book or cheat cartridge, I just played through. After I'd played it 7 times (coincidence?) I decided to resort to a tips book (NOT a cheat book, I don't agree with cheats) to find out anything I'd missed. Not much, I only missed out 1 summon. I still enjoy playing this game now, and that has to mean something for someone who has played the same game 8 times (724 hours of game-play gone into those 8 files. Damned proud of that I am.).

So, if you haven't guessed yet, this is one amazing game. This is the height of squaresoft's masterpieces. Upon its release in Japan it sold aprox. 2 million copies. When it was released in Western Europe, the sales continued to rise, exceeding even squaresoft's expectations. It was both visually and musically spectacular and the size of it wowed even veterans of the series in Japan and America. But enough of the statistics, you want to know about the game, right?

Final Fantasy 7 follows the adventures of an ex-SOLDIER and mercenary for hire, Cloud strife (The games get better, the names get worse) as he joins a group of Eco-warriors/terrorists AVALANCHE. Cloud joins AVALANCHE in the beginning just for the money, seeing it as an easy way to earn a buck, but quickly gets pulled in to a huge and dramatic struggle to stop the evil company Shinra inc. from draining all of the planets natural resources. Soon, he finds himself fighting against a more threatening enemy. Yes, it's Sephiroth. I won't say any more, because if you've got the game, you'll know what happen, but if you haven't (WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST 6 YEARS!!!???) you should go out and get it and find out for yourself. It really is an amazing game, and worth the original £40 asking price even now, so many years after its release. In my eyes the best on the playstation. Buy it.



An amazing game. If you haven't got it, or at least played it, you shouldn't be here.

Nor should you be alive, but that's just a technicality.


Now for the stuff...