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GTA 3 Gangs


JUST AS A WARNING... there might be a few spoilers within!


Leader - Salvatore Leone

Car - Mafia Sentinel

Clothes - tuxedos, can have sunglasses

Weapons - Handgun or a Shotgun

Territory - Saint Mark's in Portland

This is the first gang you'll work for. They have a lot of control over Portland, but several rival gangs have recently begun to attack them and attempt to take more control of the area. They run the Red Light District too. They are dangerous when you anger them in the game. After they hate you, steer clear of Saint Mark's unless you have to. Shotguns blow up cars FAST.


Leader - El Burro

Car - Diablo Stallion

Clothes - Denim, red and blue bandanas, jeans

Weapons - Baseball Bat, Handgun

Territory - Hepburn Heights in Portland

These guys are small time. Their cars are really cool though, with those flames on the side. Most of their business involves the production of adult literature. Even after they dislike you, it's still no big deal to travel through their territory because all they have is bats. Occasionally one will pull a pistol though, but hardly at all.


Leader - ??? unknown... sorry. None is specified in the game that I know of. Car - Triad Fish Truck

Clothes - blue suits

Weapons - Baseball Bat, Handgun

Territory - Chinatown in Portland

They will be your biggest enemy in Portland. They just as harmless as the Diablos. Their vans aren't much of a big deal either. It's funny to walk through Chinatown and hear the stupid phrases they scream-

"Somebody call a medic!"

"I see pain in your future!"

"And the winner by knockout is..."

"Easy, dragon-breath!"


Leaders - Catalina, Miguel

Car - Cartel Cruiser

Clothes - Hawaiian shirts, jeans, leather boots, hats with crocidile teeth on them

Weapons - Uzi, AK47

Territory - Fort Staunton in Staunton Island, Cedar Grove in Shoreside Vale

These guys are your main enemy throughout the game. Nearly every gang in Liberty City hates them, except the Yardies. They produce a drug called SPANK, which is their main cash flow. Catalina, their leader, is the woman who shot you in the chest at the start of the game. You used to work for them until Catalina shot you.

Their weapons are formidable, and their Cruisers sound cool, though a pain to drive at some points. Most missions that involve them will usually be stopping SPANK distribution and sales.


Leaders - Asuka, Kenji

Car - Yakuza Stinger

Clothes - Business suits

Weapons - Handgun, Uzi

Territory - Torrington, in Staunton

These people will be the first gang you'll work for in Staunton Island, and you'll work for them for most of the rest of the game. Their cars are awesome. The Yakuza Stinger is really fast, yet still can absorb a good amount of damage. Their main source of income is Kenji's Casino. They hate the Cartel, and most of their missions involve stopping their drug operations. They also have a lot of crooked cops under their payroll in the police department so the cops will ignore them.


Leader - King Courtney

Car - Yardie Lobo

Clothes - tan pants and vest, black shirt, black hat.

Weapons - Baseball bat, Handgun

Territory - Newport in Staunton

You'll work for these guys somewhat in the game. They're just about the only gang in Liberty City that's openly on the side of the Cartel. Their business is selling the Cartel's SPANK for them. They're small time and aren't any big deal really.

The car is pretty cool, because you can mess with the hydraulics on them.


Leader - D-Ice

Car - Hoods Rumpo XL

Clothes - black baseball cap and pants, red shirt

Weapons - Handgun, Uzi

Territory - Wichita Gardens in Shoreside Vale

They are small time like all the other optional gangs, but I like working for these guys. Most of the vans in this game suck royally, but their vans are actually REALLY cool. The Hoods Rumpo XL drives real fast and is real tough.

They don't seem to have any kind of special business that supports them other than stealing valuables. They wish to get rid of the Purple Nines, who are moving in on their territory.


Leader - ???

Car - Hoods Rumpo XL

Clothes - black baseball cap and pants, purple shirt

Weapons - Handgun, Uzi

Territory - Wichita Gardens

These guys are the smallest gang in Liberty City. They are almost exactly like the Red Jacks in every way except for their purple shirts. They drive the same vehicles, they wear similar clothes, they just steal to support themselves, etc. The Red Jacks want these guys gone because they are invading their territory. After you complete the final mission for the Red Jacks, these guys will vanish completely.
