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“Emerald” Cyber

Class: Custom Cyber “Emerald” Class
Crew: One

M.D.C. per location:

Shoulder Plasma Cannon(Right, rear):______/300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shoulder Plasma Cannon(Left, rear):_____/300
Micro Missile Launcher(Right):______/250-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Micro Missile Launcher (Left):______/250
*Shoulder(Right):______/200----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Shoulder (Left):______/200
*Thruster package (Right):______/200-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Thruster package (Left):______/200
Upper Arm (Right):_______/300------------------------------------*Sensor Head:______/200 ------------------------------------Upper Arm (Left):______/300
Forearm Arm (Right):______/300---------------------------------------------------**Main Body:______/650-------------------------------------------------------------Forearm Arm (Left):______/300
Chest Ion Cannon (Right):______/200-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chest Ion Cannon (Left):______/200
Sword sheath/shield(Right):_______/300---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sword sheath/shield(Left):_______/300
Right Hand:_______/150----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Left Hand:______150

Right Upper Leg:_______/300------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Left Upper Leg:_______/300
Right Lower Leg:_______/400---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Left Lower Leg:_______/400

Exhangable Weapons: (Choose depending on your weapon proficiency)

Buster Rifle:_______/250
#Liquid Metal Sword (left):_______/350 #Sword handle (left):_______/200
#Liquid Metal Sword (right):________/350 #Sword handle (right):_______/200

---* The Shoulders contain hidden missile launchers in the rear. If Shoulder MDC is depleted, the shoulder is rendered a mass of blackened, burnt metal, but the arm is still intact and functional. The launchers can be destroyed with the shoulder (1-50% chance)
---Destruction of the sensor head impares pilot targetting. -3 to strike, parry and dodge. If there are any hidden weapons on the head, thy too, are destroyed.
---Thruster packages are recessed into the rear torso until used. Cannot be seen or hit until they reveal themselves.
---** Depleting the M.D.C. of the R.C.C. and the Main body will destroy the Cyber. R.C.C can not be hit unless exposed (Main Body is depleted.)
---# Sword handles can only be hit when they are in the sword sheathes. If the swords are in use, the handles are hidden in the hands, so use the ‘Liquid Metal Sword’ MDC for attacks. Remember, Liquid Metal sword blades can regenerate three times after having been destroyed, but the fourth time, there is not enough LM to form the blade.

Speed:Running: 120 mph maximum; cruising speed about 70 mph.
Leaping: 200 meters without, no need for jumping with thrusters(flight).
Flying: Mach 8, Flight ceiling indefinite (Orbital).
Height: 36.3 feet (12m), give or take.
Width: 25.9 feet (7.9m), from broad shoulder to broad shoulder. Torso seems broad, but is only 3meters at widest point(where shoulder joins torso. Shoulders make up majority of width.
Weight: 14 tons fully loaded.
Cargo: None. Not even enough room for a copilot (not that one’s needed)

Weapons Systems: 1. Chest Ion Cannons (2, Chest, flanking cockpit module)

Ø Originally designed for Wing Clan MAs, these impressive cannons were adopted by the other humanoid clans for their usage, each one modifying it to suit their type. The cannons, from their position on either side of the cockpit module have an outward arc of some 45 degrees, an inward arc of 20 degrees, and an upward and downward arc of 20 degrees. Can be fired simultaneously or individually, at individual targets, or at one target.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Anti-Aircraft
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Range: miles ( km)
Mega-Damage: 2D6 X5 Per volley(individual)
Rate of Fire: As many as pilot. Note: both can be fired simultaneously at two different individual targets at one time for only one attack. Sim and individual volleys are one attack depending on which one you use. Firing one, and then another is considered two attacks, but firing both sim is considered one.
Ammo payload: None.

2. Micro Missile System (Shoulders, rear)

Ø The MM System is mounted beneath armoured panels on the back of the shoulder units. The launchers themselves, when they are fired at once, deliver a staggering level of damage. Micro missiles are a third the size of regular missiles, twice the size of Mini-missiles, and are as powerful of either type. The launchers in one of shoulders can be fired in one attack at multiple targets, as can both launchers from both shoulders. In the case of multiple targets (not body targets), for every five targets acquired, one attack is expended. Once all targets are acquired, the launching is one attack, no matter how many launchers. G-Bomb Gravity-based missiles are available. Short range class missiles.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Anti-aircraft
Range: Varies
Mega Damage: D X M.D Per missile.
Rate of Fire: Can fire up to max number of missiles per launcher, per set, in one shot. 20 Micros per launcher, 40 total, with 8 reloads each before finally running out. A frugal pilot can survive for days in a heated battle with this kind of ammo. All missiles in a launcher must be fired before reload occurs
Ammo: Left: /20 Left Reload: /8 Right: /20 Right Reload: /8

Hand Weapons

3. Forearm Liquid Metal Swords (one per forearm, appear as handle in unused mode)

Ø Liquid Metal is a strange substance, super-compressable, but also able to assume solid physical form. The sword handles have enough compressed Liquid Metal in them to regenerate each sword about 4 times. Each regeneration of MDC costs points from the reserve Liquid Metal. For each point of MDC regenerated, one point is subtracted from the reserves. Regeneration costs only one attack.
Primary Purpose: Close combat/Assault
Secondary Purpose: Close-in defense
Range: Immediate(sword length is maximum 12 meters. SandRock Gundam GWEW length swords)
Mega Damage: 4D4 X Pilot Strength MD. per sword slash. Jab is 3D4 X Pilot Strength MD.
Rate of Fire: Each attack is one attack, but for added strength in a slash ( +2D6 X 5 MD), it costs one more attack, for a total of two. Those pilots using the Drive are no exception, even though with their added strength they automatically get the bonus. They can get the above added strength bonus for the same cost, in addition to their other bonus.
Ammo: Left Reload: /1400 Right Reload: /1400

4. Buster Cannon (One, either right hand, or right shoulder)

Ø An innovative design in combat weapons. It can either fire a short burst to stun, or a melee long blast to annihillate. Designed around the Gundam Buster Rifle, its outward design suggests a lower powered energy rifle with Grenade Launcher attachement. The enemy gets a rude surprise when the low-power energy rifle emits the annihilation beam that they didn’t think was coming.
Primary Purpose: Assault, close and long range
Secondary Purpose: Anti-mecha
Range: 3.5 miles
Mega Damage: 3D4 X 10M.D. Single shot/burst
3D4 X 20M.D. Focussed beam (Gundam beam cannon style)

Rate of Fire: Burst can be fired at least three times a melee. Rate doubles for those using Drive. Beam can only be fired once per 2 melee, even with the Drive. Such is the nature of the Buster Cannon.
Ammo: Three energy clips in storage, one in gun, 120 ammo points each. Burst/Single shot takes one ammo, Beam takes 4.
Active clip: /120
Reloads: /3

4. Hand to Hand Combat:

Punch: 2D6 X Pilots PS + 2D6 M.D. (Powerful arms)
Stomp: 1D4 X Pilot’s PS M.D. (Powerful legs)
Kick: 2D6 X Pilot’s PS MD. (Powerful legs)
Body Block/Tackle: 3D6 X Pilot’s PS MD. (1 attack to use, but sacrifices next attack; can only defend) Any aerial physical attack does double the damage of its ground based counterpart.

Pilot Skills: Emerald
Strike: +
Parry: +
Dodge: +
Roll: +
Init: +
Crit: +
Special Note about the Drive: Those pilots who have the Drive drug system online enjoy a doubling of their attacks, a +3 to all combat attributes (dodge, strike, roll, parry, init, crit), and an additional 3D6 X 3 physical damage.
There is a drawback to the system. It can only be used sparingly, and only for 2 minutes (8 melees) at any time. After a usage, the pilot must wait for 10 minutes (40 melees) before attempting, or risk personal injury and mental impairment (-10 HP, -4 IQ). The drugs are hyper-stimulants, and if used for too long, or too soon, can burn a person out and destroy them.