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Background: This is the unupgraded, original Weltall Cyber. The upgraded one is called the TrueWeltall. Built by the Wolf Pack at the request of one Grahf, the Weltall is his personal Cyber for use in combat. The technology used in the Weltall has been adapted from multiple timestreams and alternate universe, drawing in from the best, and making them better; such is the Wolf Pack philosophy.

The Weltall is a formidable opponent; filled to the brim with the latest in micro-missile technology, and using such destructive combat weapons as the terrible Heat Rod and the still experimental "Street Sweeper" cannon, Weltall is liken to a juggernaut, crushing everything in its path. It stands taller than the average Cyber, and weighs nearly half again as much as the Ronin. From the point of view of an enemy, the Weltall appears as a berzerk warrior, ready to tear apart even warships to get to his target. And that analogy is very nearly correct; though the final destination and fate of the Weltall has been shrouded in secrecy since its delivery to its owner, evidence suggest that it HAS torn apart warships. One Cyber, against a warship; thanks to the Wolf Pack technology, it is quite possible.

Type: Custom Cyber, "Weltall"

Crew: One; room for two, if second person sits in the pilot's lap.

MDC by Location:

Shoulder Guard (2): 350
Upper Torso Launcher (left, 1 of 4): 300
Upper Torso Launcher (right, 2 of 4): 300
Shoulder Thruster (2, rear): 200
Sensor Head*: 250
Lower Torso Launcher (left, 3 of 4): 300
Lower Torso Launcher (right, 4 of 4): 300
Upper Arm (2): 250
ForeArm weapons pod(Left): 400
Main Body**: 1100
Forearm Weapons pod/shield (Right): 800
Hands (2): 200
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment**: 500
"Street Sweeper": 300
Central Back Thruster Assembly: 400
Upper Leg (2): 500
Lower Leg (2): 700

*Destruction of the head disables the majority of targetting systems. Minus -3 to strike for pilot after destruction.
**Destruction of the RCC can only be achieved after the Main Body MDC is depleted, or at a -10 to strike. If the RCC is destroyed, the suit explodes outward in a fireball. Damage from the fireball is equivalent to how much MDC remained on the Main Body. 3D6 X10 per 100 MDC remaining.
Destruction of the rear thrusters (shoulders and back) reduces air speed by 50%, and disables trans-atmospheric flight. (cannot achieve escape velocity.) There are thrusters in the feet, but to destroy them, the lower leg must be destroyed.

14 meters
Weight: 28 tons
Width: 6 meters, shoulder to shoulder.
Speed: Flight: Transatmospheric. Cruising is Mach 2 or 3. Top speed is Mach 10, but only outside the atmosphere.
Running: 110 kmph. ( a bit slow, but it's a big Cyber)
Jumping: With thrusters: nearly a mile.
Without: 300 meters. (strong myomers in the legs).
Cargo space: Nearly none; room for a first aid kit and a few personal items. Cockpit can hold two if second person sits on pilots lap. (I recommend that they are really friendly for this.)

Weapons Systems:

1.) MMMS System (upper and lower left and right torsos, 4)
· The Multiple Micro-Missile System has been adapted over the years, and redapted to conform with new technologies. Originally designed as the Multiple Missile System (MMS) for the Robotech Era's Legioss and Tread mecha (Alpha and Beta respectively), the MMMS has been upgraded from that primitive system to use advanced targetting techniques and the new micro-missiles, which are half the size of regular missiles. The advantages of the new system is that volleys of missiles can be directed at individual targets, unlike the Legioss/Tread's "fire all at one target" targetting system. For each target selected, an attack must be sacrificed. The total number of targets is defined by the number of attacks the pilot has, minus one for the firing. Firing takes the final attack in the melee, if all other attacks are used up.

Primary Purpose: Anti-mecha/ Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-missile/Defense
Range: Standard for Short Range (refer to Robotech RPG for ranges): Choose type:
Mega-Damage: Varies per micro-missile type (for simplicity, just use the short range missiles, and call them Micro-missiles. It's all the same.) ___D____X_____MD
Missiles per launcher:
Upper torso launchers: 20 per upper torso launcher, Reload: 80 missiles
Lower torso launchers: 10 per lower torso launcher, Reload: 30 missiles
Rate of Fire: Just so that you can't unload ALL missiles from all launchers at once, as some people are wont to do, the designers included a maximum firing of half missiles per launcher. Out of 60 primed missiles, you can only fire 30 at a time. The other thirty wait in the launchers for their chance. As stated before, firing a volley from the multiple launchers is only one attack, plus the number of attacks to target. Each target acquired is one attack.
Payload: 20 for the uppers, with 80 missiles in addition to the initial twenty. 10 for the lowers, with an additional 30 to the initial 10. Grand total of ....280. That may seem a bit much, but this is meant to be a one-man-army machine, as most Wolf Pack designs are.

2.) Heat "Rod" Whip (left arm weapons mount) · The origins of this strange, powerful physical combat weapon date back to the After Colony Era, around the year 195 AC. It was first used by the Gundam Epyon, a machine who's unique weapons combat system remains a mystery, even centuries later. Whatever the ZERO combat system was, it appears to have been finally destroyed when Epyon was destroyed, and when Wing ZERO finally shut down. The Heat Rod was used by the Epyon to not only capture, detain, or pin opponents, but in heating to incredible temperatures, melt armour on opponents. A heated lash from the Heat Rod is more effective than a naval-class particle cannon on full blast.

Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Close combat
Range: For arguements sake, about 40 meters.
------Realistically, it's a close in weapon, so use your best judgement. Refer to the scene in GW:EW when Tallgeese III use its Heat Rod to snag a Serpent's leg from a distance.
--------Unheated: Whip Lash: 4D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
------------------Grappling hook stab: 2D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
----------------Squeeze (after entwine): 1D6 X 10 MD
--------Heated: Whip Lash: 4D10 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
----------------Grappling hook stab: 2D10 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
----------------Squeeze (after entwine): 3D6 X 10 MD, + an additional 2D6 X 10 MD per melee the Heat Rod is wrapped around opponent part/limb, whatever.
Rate of Attack: Each attack is well, . . . one attack. Heating the weapon takes NO time at all. The only difference between the two kinds of attacks is if you don't want to severely injure the target, you don't heat. Heating is able to melt through armour in an instant. Note: The Heat Rod is also able to entangle, or entwine a limb, immobilizing it, while the Weltall brings its other weapons around.

3.) "Street Sweeper" High-speed Rail Gun (right arm weapons mount)

· The "Street Sweeper" is a strange weapon, with no official name. It is nicknamed "Street Sweeper", because the sheer power exerted by the device is capable of 'cleaning a street of enemies'. It behaves like a machinegun or autocannon, but is a form of gauss cannon, utilizing electromagnetic Rail gun technology to accelerate MULTIPLE nickel-ferrous slugs to multi-Mach speeds. A single ten second barrage from this weapon left a M.A.C. III with only a tenth of its armour. It is tenitavely given the designation of an Urban Assault weapon, due to its rather short range.

Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-mecha/Anit-missile/Anti-everything.
Range: 3 kilometers
Mega-Damage:Burst: 3D6 X 30 MD
-------------------Long Burst: 5D6 X 30 MD
-------------------Melee Burst (15 second burst/clip): 5D6 X 60 MD
Rate of Fire: Burst takes one attack and one "ammo". Long Burst takes two attacks, and two "ammo". Melee Burst takes a full melee's attacks, and 8 "ammo".
Payload: Per Clip: 48 "ammo".Carries 5 extra clips.

4.) Lower leg laser arrays (10 per leg, 20 total. Left and right lower legs, inside and outside calfs)

· A battery of ten lasers per leg (five inside calf, five outside calf) were installed when they proved effective in a stand up fight against other mecha. Foreward facing, they provide a staggering amount of firepower for their small size. In space tests, the lasers proved even better. An enemy trying to weave through their fields of fire was ineveitably struck, or was blown apart by a missile volley accurately targetted through the empty space between laser beams.

Primary Purpose: Anti-missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-mecha/Space combat/Urban warfare
Range: 4 kilometers
Mega-Damage: Per laser: 3D6 X 10 MD MD
---------------One side single leg volley: 3D6 X 50 MD
---------------Both side single leg volley: 3D6 X 100 MD
---------------Both side dual leg volley: 3D6 X 200 MD
Rate of Fire: No matter how many lasers you put in a volley, or what combination the volley is, it will always be one attack to fire. Opponents who attempt to dodge must roll for each individual laser dodged, not for the entire volley.

5.) High-density Arm shield (Left arm weapons pod; Heat rod retracts into it.)

· The left forearm weapons pod is in truth a shield made from hi-density alloys, capable of surviving even the strongest of mecha/Cyber/MS weaponry. The design was taken from what was known of the Epyon Gundam, and the Tallgeese III Mobile Suit, both of which had similar shields, and the Heat Rods therein.

Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Protection of the Heat Rod weapons unit.

6.) Physical attack:
· Now, Palladium had decided that physical combat between mecha was rather useless, and downplayed all damages. (think of a massive, building-sized machine throwing a multi-tonne punch, but only able to ding the paint in another mecha. Rather pathetic.) MY damage system is MUCH more realistic. Punches and kicks actually have the capability of crushing parts of other mecha in one move (much as you would see in any anime flick), or at least inflicting a decent amount of damage. So, in short, the damage I put is rather outrageous. Another thing is, I noticed that anime mecha pilots tend to add their own strength to that of the mecha they pilot, doing more damage than the machine normally is capable of. I took this into account in designing the physical attacks (as well as the Heat Rod attacks).

--------Punch: 2D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
--------Power Punch: 4D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
--------Knee: 1D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
--------Kick: 2D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
--------Roundhouse Kick: 4D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD.
--------Leap kick: 3D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
--------*Stomp: 1D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD
--------**Death From Above: 4D6 X (Pilot's Strength) MD, in two locations on upper body.

* Stomp is only effective on things under a quarter of the Cyber's height.
** Death From Above can only be done from in the air, and is two attacks. It involves the Cyber being above the target, and simply cutting thrust, or jumping down in a two-footed stomp on TWO locations on the target.

Pilot Stats: The numbers in brackets "( )" are the bonuses gained from piloting the Weltall. Those bonuses, added to the pilot's own skill (fill in the blanks), equals the total for any rolls undertaken by that pilot in theWeltall during combat.

# of Attacks:_____(+ 3)
Initiative (if applicable):____(+ 0)
To Strike:____(+4)
To Parry:____(+3 for normal, +5 with shield)
To Roll:____(+2)
To Dodge:_____(+4)(+6 for high speed aerial dodge; 75% + of top speed)
To Critical:____(+1)
To Auto-Dodge (if applicable):____(+0)

(I have the sneaky suspicion that there's a few other battle-related things I'm forgetting. Better check the Palladium Robotech RPG books just in case.)

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