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Dillon Drake



Dillon Gregory Drake


Status Ally


Birthday May 15

Place of Birth

Greenwich, CT
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






185 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color

Pale Blue

Description: Bearing solid, straight facial features, and eyes of a piercing pale blue, Dillon is a handsome man, though he appears to be a little more serious than he actually is. Keeping his blonde hair cut short, his traits follow true to an ideal Nordic-German appearance of light skin and a tall, athletically muscled body. His penchant for wearing business suits at the academy, and gravball armor during his famed media exposure, makes him appear bulkier than he is underneath.




Gravity Manipulation


By tapping into the Earth’s own gravitational force, Dillon can alter fields of gravity affecting any area, or any object within a specific area. He can strengthen the pull that gravity has upon an area/object (effectively raising an object’s weight), or weaken the pull (allow an object to become less effected by the Earth’s gravity and float). He also has the ability to isolate fields of gravitational force. Utilizing this talent, Dillon can create mini-blackholes. While far less weaker and insignificant to those generated by the collapsing gravitation field of stars, they still pack a punch.


Dillon’s powers can only operate within a 50-yard radius of his body. The further from him his target is, the weaker the amount of influence he can have upon that target. While he can affect something as small as a marble, the maximum weight of an object he can affect is no more than 25 tons.  Since Dillon is not immune to the effects of his powers, the maximum strength of any black hole he creates is dependent on how much of its pull he can resist. Dillon’s power can only function in areas directly effected by the Earth’s gravitational pull. Areas with less affected by that pull, ie. the Moon, Outer Space, have little or no energy for Dillon to control. While he could control the gravity on other planets, it would take him from 3 days to a week to tune it to the new field.


Can be killed like any normal human. Susceptible to all attacks any normal human would be



Physical Skills

A normal male that exercises and weight trains regularly. Until a year previous, he was a world class champion level Gravball forward. Though retired from the sport, he still has much of the strength, endurance, and agility the sport physically demands. Though he possesses no true skills in the martial arts, he became a respectable scrapper due to Gravball’s player versus player fights.



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