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Ty-Phillipe Boudreaux



Ty-Philippe Boudreaux


Status Ally


Birthday July 4

Place of Birth

New Orleans, LA
Affiliation Nexxus Academy






212 lbs

Hair Color

Dark Brown

Eye Color


Description: Ty is in excellent physical condition. He has a strong, sturdy build, trained for heavy endurance and stamina. Facially, Ty is handsome, though rugged. He has a strong chin and high cheek bones that seem to emphasize his smile and narrow his eyes. Normally, shaving isn’t a priority for him and he can often be found with a two or three day scruff, but never a beard. He often let’s his hair fall evenly on both sides of his face. He can usually be found with a good natured grin on his face.




Blast Spheres


Ty’s mutant gift allows him to absorb ambient fields of EM energy (ie. radio waves, microwaves, non-lethal radiation, electrical fields) and generate glowing spheres of energy that can be either concussive or incendiary in nature. The destructive force of these ‘bombs’ is dependent upon their size. These bombs can also be designated to detonate upon impact, under pressure, or under a specific period of time. Ty is immune to the initial blast of his ‘bombs.’


For any consecutive eight hours of use, Ty must rest and not use his ability for 16 hours to fully recharge. Under moderate usage, Ty can conserve his abilities and use them over 16 hours. Ty’s mutant gift is dependent upon outside energies. While this is not a problem in our environment, rustic areas place a slow drain on Ty’s ability to ‘recharge.’ In an unpopulated location, it takes double the time for Ty to recharge his gift. While Ty is immune to the initial explosion his bombs create, any side effects of such explosions: shrapnel, fuel explosions, structure collapses; Ty is unprotected against. Ty can create a bomb big enough to hide himself in, but the expense of energy would cause him severe hemorrhaging for his internal organs and leave him unconscious. Bombs left untriggered for over three hours simply dissipate without explosion. The larger the bombs he creates, the more his power is drained


Can be killed like any normal human. Susceptible to all attacks any normal human would be.



Physical Skills

Ty has a high reaction speed and an impressive dexterity, both within human limits. He has been trained to use a number of weapons by the Assassin’s Guild, and has been instructed in a fighting style the Guild has developed for over two hundred years. He’s a good swimmer, marksman, and archer. Can also walk tight and loose ropes.



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