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B. Zephyr Munroe



B. Zephyr Munroe


Status Student


Birthday November 22

Place of Birth

Atlanta, GA
Affiliations Nexxus Academy






160 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Zeph is a typical African girl, with her braided hair, thick lips, and her dark brooding eyes you’d think nothing over her on the streets of Mombassa, but here in the states she’s a striking beauty just beginning to bloom. She isn’t stunning or even typically beautiful, but her honey colored skin stands out in a crowd, and when she begins to move with a grace that should not be hers at this age, she turns heads. The only thing that betrays her youth is her childish rounded face, but given time even that will melt away, leaving only the lovely woman underneath.




Wind Manipulation


Able to create and control wind allowing her to propel things, lift things, deflect things, cushion things, and create small whirlwinds. This is gross motor control of wind, in that she can tousle someone’s hair, but not braid it using wind that she has created


Maximum number of whirlwinds at the same time - 3 Maximum amount of weight which can be lifted by these whirlwinds - 150 pounds Maximum amount of weight which can be deflected by these whirlwinds - 150 pounds, as long as the speed of the object being deflected does not exceed roughly 60 miles per hour (no deflecting bullets) Maximum range of influence - 50 yards Limited to Line of Sight


Same as any normal human being.



Physical Skills

Having been born and raised in Kenya, she can speak English (fluently, with a slight English accent) and Swahili (fluently). She is an adept swimmer (as expert as a 14 year old can be).



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