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Trinity Natasia Thompson




Birthday May 15

Place of Birth

Hollywood, CA






105 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Slender and athletic, she has an oval shaped face and a wealth of wavy black hair that falls to just above her shoulders.  With a smile that lights up her face and eyes, and an unusual amount of confidence for one so young, she has an understated beauty that doesn't truly make itself known on first glance.  When given a choice, she habitually wears dresses instead of jeans or pants, preferring lightweight cotton prints and gauzy flowered patterns with hemlines that ride a little bit above the mid-thigh level.  Very feminine, she LIKES being a girl, and takes pride in being a very GIRLY girl.




Soul Bonding


Can "bind" two souls together, be they human or animal, forming a telepathic and empathic link between the two souls. 


She can bond any two souls within her "sphere of influence" (approximately 5 miles).  The results of bonding depends entirely upon the strength of the bond formed or nurtured.  On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the weakest strength possible, and 5 being the strongest:  1) A General Awareness of the bond-mate, location, and general physical state. Telepathic communication is possible, but requires concentration and effort.  2) In addition to level 1 competencies, telepathic and empathic communications are easily achieved, as well as a more detailed understanding of their bond-mate's physical well-being.  3) Through meditation and concentration in quiet, undisturbed surroundings, it is possible for the Bond-Mates to see through each other's eyes, however it is only possible to see what the Bond-Mate is looking at directly.  4) The Bond-Mates can see through each other's eyes with ease, and are capable of looking at anything within their Bond-Mate's field of vision.  It is also possible for them to hear using each other's ears.  With effort, it is possible to begin detecting their Bond-mates use of their other senses. 5) Full telepathic and empathic communications, extremely detailed knowledge of the physical condition, and the ability to "use" all five senses of their bond-mate, making it possible to see, hear, taste, feel, and smell whatever their bond-mate is.   With great effort, it is also possible for two mutant bond-mates to access and use their bond-mate's powers.

Time Limitations: The bond can be formed and unformed by Trinity at will.  After that, the 7th day is the key.  Prior to Day 7, as long as the bond is not actively nurtured by both bonded parties, the bond will not strengthen, and on Day 7, will dissolve without any lasting effects to either party.  Any use or nurturing of the bond will cause it to strengthen, but on the 7th day, if the two parties do not both desire the continuation of the bond, the bond will dissolve, leaving only a faint sense of "loss" or "loneliness" behind that will eventually fade.  After Day 7, however, if both parties are agreed to keeping the bond, the bond becomes permanent.  Trinity can still sever the bond, but should the bond be broken by anyone other than Trinity, or by the death of one of the bond-mates, the severing of the bond will cause severe mental trauma.  This trauma could best be described as having one's mind sawed in half with a dull tree-saw without the benefit of anesthesia.  Should the Bond-mates survive the breaking of the bond (it is possible for the mental trauma to cause the body to go into shock, suffer a heart attack, and subsequently die), a sense of loss would remain for the rest of their lives (or until the bond is reinstated).  *** In the case of Human-to-Animal bonds, the desire to keep the bond is only necessary on the part of the human.


Trinity is subject to the same weaknesses as any normal human, but has a resistance to psychic attacks.



Physical Skills

Normal human female who works out on a regular basis






Trinity is spoiled, demanding, and arrogant.  She likes getting her own way, and will pull any strings she deems necessary to achieve her goals.  She would be thoroughly unlikable if it were not for some odd traits, like a strong work ethic, loyalty, and a devotion to family second to none. She does not trust people easily, though.  This tendency, born of numerous "friends" who were only after her money or her contacts or the prestige associated with the family, has kept Trinity's circle of friends small.  She is lavish with her friends, and thinks nothing of giving them anything they ask for, not because she is trying to "buy" them, but because "it's only money".  For their part, her true friends rarely ask for anything.  Perhaps because Trinity buys it before they can ask, but mostly because they really are her friends.  



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