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Mayson Maxus


Status Unknown


Birthday March 15

Place of Birth

Athens - Latverian Greece
Affiliations Guardians






180 lbs

Hair Color

Chestnut Brown, hints of blonde, long, tapers off at his jaw line, falls down the sides of his face, normally tied back

Eye Color

Emerald Green

Description: Paladin has what is often compared to the body of a god. Each feature seems to have been sculptured. His skin is an ivory, with the slightest hint of a tan. His face has an almost perfect balance between muscular features and boyish cute-ness to him. His frame shows strength, very athletic, wide shoulders, thick biceps, an etched set of abs, detailed muscular tone along the arms. His appearance is the cross between a male fashion model, and an Olympic gymnast. Paladin’s appearance is the main source of his fortune in the Mojo-verse.




Disorientation Field, Teleportation


Paladin’s Disorientation Field causes those within to undergo what can best be described as a severe case of Vertigo. The results of this can be accompanied with, but are not limited to: dizziness, disorientation, drunkenness, nausea, exaggerated reflexes, a general unsettled feeling, victim can no longer gauge time and space effectively. The effects on the victim disappear moments after being removed from the field. The field simultaneously attacks the sensual stimulation to the brain, the equilibrium, and inherent balance. Those with heightened senses are attacked at a higher degree. Paladin can teleport himself and up to two passengers up to his line of sight. Wherever Paladin teleports, he effectively switches places with whatever is there. This is normally just air. However, should he want to teleport exactly where a person is, he ends up where the target once was, and the target ends up where he originally was.


Any being touching Paladin while the field is activate becomes immune from the effects. The field has no effect outside of 50 yards. Has no affect on technology.  Can not teleport extra weight over 500lbs. If the two passengers or luggage exceed 500lbs, he can not effectively teleport them. Should he attempt to try such a teleportation, he will not teleport at all, or teleport to a totally random location. *L* If Paladin attempts to teleport into a solid object, he is knocked out from the teleportational slam at his original location. Paladin can only teleport within line of sight. Causes a rough gust of wind for every teleportation.


Can be killed as any normal human



Physical Skills

Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, experienced fighter



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