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Druscilla Rose Thorne


Status Hostile


Birthday December 21

Place of Birth

Lac Dunnough, Ireland (Latverian Empire)
Affiliation Acolyte






145 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color

Dark Blue (nearly violet)

Description:  At barely seventeen, she is already showing a stunning beauty that draws stares and fuels fantasies for most men, and a figure most women wished for.  Full breasted, narrow of hips, long in the legs and short in the torso, Dru is a beautiful girl. Her triangular face, with her high cheekbones, delicate brows, and wide mouth with their full lips, was framed by a mass of straight red hair that falls below her hips when left unbound, but which she keeps tightly bound in either a braid or a bun. Stunning, depthless, dark blue eyes look out at the world from behind thick, dark lashes, and her complexion is a clear peach and cream, without any of the freckles that so many other redheads are blessed with. And the small dimple in her chin only adds a touch of charm to her appearance which, when combined with a shy smile, is bewitching.  




Her hair is incredibly sharp, to the point of being able to etch adamantium.  She also has superior strength and durability


She can cut through just about every known substance, has a strength of nearly 5 tons, and can sustain only minimal bruising from a regular calibre .45


Limited to touch (hair to substance) and 5 tons.


Susceptible to mental attacks, poison, acids, and high impact concussive forces



Physical Skills

She has rudimentary training in Karate, but is not a very formidable combatant.  Her main strength lies in her mutant ability, which makes touching her at extremely dangerous.



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