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Kaitlyn Destiny Lensherr


Status Neutral


Birthday January 15

Place of Birth

Salem Center, NY
Affiliation Hellfire Club






123 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Description: Kaitlyn is the spitting image of her mother, with her father’s coloring. Feminine and curvaceous, she has a slender waist, with gently flaring hips and generous breasts. Her figure is well-toned, and has the markings of an athlete, though more subtle than most. Her face shape is vaguely triangular, with a broad forehead, and a slightly angular chin. Defined bones enhance the shape of her cheeks and bring out a faint hint of dimples when she smiles. Her eyes being her best facial feature, they are large, and vaguely almond shaped, framed by thick silver lashes, with thin, defined brows, which give her an aristocratic air. Her peaches and cream complexion keeps her from looking “washed out” and pale, and a wide mouth which smiles easily makes her a far less intimidating version of her father.




Void Zone


The ability to create a sphere of influence, or target a specific individual, and make it impossible to use or extend a mutant ability. Essentially, she is a living RNA inhibitor, removing the mutant’s ability to use their powers, or effect her with them within a sphere of influence. Basically, she can’t be harmed by mutant abilities, and can remove the mutant’s powers temporarily 


She can extend a general sphere of influence in a 50 foot radius, in which no one can use their mutant ability, and into which powers cannot extend. OR She can target specific individuals. This is limited to line of sight, which increases her range of effectiveness, but she can only effect 5 people at the same time and she loses the immunity to mutant powers.


She is as susceptible to common, mundane attacks as any normal human. Even with her mutant power active, she can still be shot by a gun and attacked physically.



Physical Skills

A Phenomenal Martial Artist



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