Minóna nos Turucáno mas Rása.
Born in the House of Turgon by the Sea.
Yondo Nolofinwë Tararan Noldorinwa mi Hísilómë.
Descendent of Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor in Hithlum.
Varyanyë Mithlond ar túrina Fortënillë. I métima tarheru Noldorinwa mi Lindónë.
I protect the Grey Havens and I wield the Northern Star. The Last High Lord of the Noldor in Lindon.
He is approximately 6'6" and 195 lbs.
He has midnight black hair and fierce blue-grey eyes that shine with intensity.
Voroturiön is clad in a cream colored shirt underneath a dark blue tunic and black trousers.
He is lightly armoured with a hauberk made of Telerin silver.
He wears high black riding boots.
Upon his forearms are dark blue leather bracers inlaid with the crest of his House.
Upon his strong shoulders resides his blue-grey cloak of the Noldor.
On his waist is a black leather belt clapsed by a silver buckle. Set into his belt are many throwing knives - sharp and at the ready. Upon his back he bares Fortënillë - the Northern Star: a High Elven War Blade blessed by Aulë.
Voroturiön was born during the First Age of Middle Earth into the court of Turgon. By trade he learned the art of blacksmithing and weapon work from his father Vorimaiön, of the House of the Hammer of Wrath. He wields Fortënillë, the Northern Star: a High Elven War Blade blessed by Aulë. His father was slain in the sack of the city, defending his King. Voroturiön was too young to take up arms, but his mother escaped with him and they journeyed the long way to Lindon.
Voroturiön spent his manhood in House of Gil-galad, faithfully serving the Last High Elven King. He fought beside his brethren in the Last Alliance. He saw Gil-galad fall and his cry at that moment ever lingers on the Battle Plain of Dagorlad. After the fall of his King he wondered aimlessly writing songs of lamentation and ultimately returned to his homeland of Forlindon. Voroturiön has a wise and fierce temperament, but has a kind heart. He is a protector of the Grey Havens and his people.
Do Not Repost without Permission.
This writing is the intellectual property of the author.
All writing is by Voroturiön.